This thread will contain all Information of the new minecraft updates, whether it may be New added biomes, new mobs, Fixed bugs and glitches ,this Thread will be shure to include it.
if you have any news on future updates then please feel free to post in the comment section and I'll add it as soon as possible

NOTE: The front page will be continualy updated along with update news!
Redstones circuits are more consistent and pistons should be more stable
Added the Redstone Comparator block (this replaces the Capacitor we talked about at Minecon)
Added the Daylight Detector block
Added a Hopper block (still work in progress)
Added a chest that activates redstone
Added weighted pressure plates that detect item stacks
Added Block of Redstone block (works as a pushable redstone torch)
Added a new ore to the Nether
Added a Nether Brick item for crafting Nether Brick blocks
A whole bunch of other stuff… Try for instance double-clicking items, or drag-placing them, in the inventory
Minecraft Snapshot 12w47a for 1.5
■Added fireworks (sound effects will come soon)
■Added enchanted books for enchanting items
■Plenty of bugs addressed!
lol didnt notice this thread, good job Droid
loaded ur only gonna write 1 novel. in the library that size ur gonna need more then that...
writable will be coming apparently but whether in the next update is unknown
EPIC droid, your doing a damn fine show with this thread, are these new ocelot's tameable like wolves?
Yes they Like wolves and can be tamed and are as rare as wolves aswell
Other features to 1.2
New added fire charges, which are the same as ghast balls which can be fireed from dispensors
to craft you use blaze powder. coal and gunpowder
Skeletons also have a better AI as they now will not chase you into the sunlight. It is not comfired but the intelligence for other Hostile mobs might increase also apparently
New posion, Bottle of Encahnting wihci will drop Experience points apon smash
So far this posion can only be obtained in creative mode
me gusta ocelot, i want to tame one
when jungles come out im claiming one and making a jungle fort
Also, i think the new AI for skeletons make them favor stone slabs and wolves and "cats" spin on stone slabs.
^wonders where on earth msski got that idea from^
*cough* called *cough* sarcasm *cough*
do you guys want any meltus for that cough you have
umm... this is a Update thread not a Coughing thread lol, get back on track
New Features with personal input
As of 12w05a :
New mob behaviors. Creepers run away from cats. (Am I the only one who thinks this s messed up? xD)
Cats can be told to sit.
Mobs no longer attempt to jump over nether brick fences.
Villagers will try to detect village houses and live in them. Roam around at day and stay inside at night.
Able to open and close doors.
Lava now has sounds. (uggh, hope its not annoying now)
Ocelots are easier to tame.
Updated language files, having 50% less profanities