Our server doesn't work like that.
The mods and admins are here to enforce server rules, settle disputes and protect our community from those who would seek to ruin it.
We are not in the business of abusing our powers to imbalance play and destroy the survival game mechanic. It's one of the things that makes the CFUK server so great!
yeah ._. but its freaky hard to find them! i never find one on that server!
and is it true that wolfies dissapear?
I've found wolves to be very buggy at the moment; they disappear even though they are supposed to sit and wait for you if you log off; you can't teleport to /spawn with them (they completely disappear from the server); and, if you make them sit and wander off too far, sometimes they despawn while you are gone (i suspect if you leave the 124 block radius mob limit for 5 minutes or more), despite you not having logged off at all.
Finding wolves is tricky, they are rarer than regular animals. You can search for several MC day/night cycles and find nothing, then suddenly, you will find more than you think you will ever need.
To find wolves you need to be in a "forest biome" according to the programmer that coded them. Also, they spawn in the day.... not sure if that means the light level or the actual time of MC day, though. A forest biome is a naturally occurring forest, not a man-made grassland with a bunch of planted trees. Also there are reports of them spawning in winter biomes. I've personally seen them spawn on sandy beaches. There is no fool-proof method for finding them other than getting to a forest biome in the morning, turn on F3, run around a bit, then run around a bit more, then a bit more. Rinse/repeat till you find them.