The Crystal Spawn - [-4310, 71, 2082]
Welcome to Hotmage's Crystal Spawn Official Forum Thread.
Theme :
Mystical yet modern is the theme of my spawn entry.
Plot size :
[11x11] - Small
[17x11] - Medium
[23x11] - Large
Free-build area outside of 200 block of spawn point.
Area of spawn
- North
- Transportation Area [Portal, Railwaystation] [WIP]
- South
- Public Farm [Wheat Farm, Melon & Pumpkin Farm, Reed Farm, Mushroom Farm & Tree Farm] [Tree Farm WIP]
- Residential Area
Why This Spawn ?
- Enchanted scenery
- Natural scenery - Lava fall with lake and nearly flat land.
- Sunset can be easily viewed at Moutain Resort.
- Floating pylons - crystal that make this land magical.
- Well organized plot & road system.
- Road is well lid up.
- People do not claim overly large land.
- Public farm that provide enough food for players.
- Info signs are within the spawn building so new player do not need to search for it.
- A mountain resort is provided for people who do not like to build in spawn but like to stay.
- Plains - Flat land where the current spawn is.
- For people who like to build in normal weather.
- Swampland - Located at West of spawn
- For people who like to build in swampy and rain forest type of biome.
- Taiga [Pine Forest] - Located at East of spawn.
- For people who like snowy weather.
- Wolves hotsot is located in the forest.
- Ocean - Located at North of spawn.
- For people who like to build ship and underwater buildings.
You can visit my spawn at [-4310,71,2082] or /warp hotspawn . Thank you.