Started off building this alone, then wjg kindly offered to help. We have used my design and both myself and wjg999 have worked on it. Thanks so much wjg for all the backbreaking, boring work you have done!
Co-ordinates are :- x: 3742.64, y:66.62
Warp :- warp j
The spawn consists of...
The central dome which houses all the information a new player may need. (or will do if it is chosen)
The inner ring has 4 areas, 2 of which are taken up by the massive train station. The subway system has not been built yet, but will take players to all ends of the map N,S,E and W. There is a public farm (designed and built by wjg) in another quarter and in the last quarter you will find the crafting area. This includes a library for brewing and enchanting, a netherportal, incinerator and a chest where you can donate items to new players.
The outer area which is split into eighths has a public forest. Space reserved for residents houses. There is a path leading to the river and harbour (will need to be built up). Also in this area you will find a public mine and public ravine. One eighth of space is also reserved for the arena (not built) and another eighth for the graffiti and pixel art area.
Also there is plenty of land beyond to extend the spawn if needed.
Here are some snapshots...
1st is a map view.
2nd is the spawn point which is inside the fountain in the information dome.
3rd is a view of the glass information dome from the outside.
4th pic is a view from the top of the dome of the train station and the public forest behind it. It's not a brilliant pic and you can see what it looks like better if you go there.