The long awaited sign finding challenge is finally OPEN!
The aim of this challenge is quite simple. There are 10 signs hidden around spawn with the words " Gotta Collect Em All!" and a number written on them.
** The numbered signs are the only legit ones there are fake/dud signs around spawn just to make things interesting **
All signs will be accessable by every member in public areas so no blocks need to be broken, enderpearls don't need to be used and no bypassing anything.
When you find a sign you can do one of several things.
You can:
- Take a screenshot of the sign.
- Set a warp by the sign (if you are able (and dont make to too obvious please))
- Or note down the location of it.
When you find a sign please dont tell anyone the location of it, as we want this to be a fair game.
Once you have found all 10 signs you are to get in contact with me and either:
- Show me screenshots of the signs
- Show me the locations of each sign
Once you have done so you will be given a prize.
1st person to find all the signs will get a nice prize of: 64 diamonds
2nd person to find them all will get a prize of: 32 diamonds
and the 3rd person will get a prize of 16 diamonds.
Good luck one and all, and have fun hunting!
On a side note this is the first challenge which is in the challenge tower. If people wish to add more challenges (with or without prizes it doesn't matter) please get in contact with me when ever you can. Either in game, via the forums or by my email which can be found on my profile.