Hi, I had an idea today. It's a bit stupid, but it might be fun!
Who's up for helping me recreate a traditional nativity scene within the Crazy Fools world?
I'm thinking we build a stable-type building, get some lowing cattle in there, a few sheep - you know what I mean. Then, we make ourselves some skins - Joseph, Mary, three wise men, three shepherds, an archangel Gabriel perhaps!
Then we'll all stand in the scene and take a screenshot for posterity.
Pointless? Yes.
Sacreligious? To some perhaps (although not the intention)
Fun? Well, let's see shall we?
Who want's to be in the scene? I'll sort everything except the skins - let me know which character you'd like to play below. Here's the twist though - you need to upload a screenie of your skin before your role will be confirmed. (PM if you don't want to spoil the surprise).
Love you all, bye
11 years ago
Sat Dec 08 2012, 02:50PM
thing one: some of us don't know what we could do.
thing two: some of us don't look on the forum every day.
thing three: for those who do, most don't comment.
thing four: some might not be on minecraft a lot thus think they can not help.
i myself would like to help but am not sure how as i am not much of a builder
I'll help and be a shepard
scrap being in it but i'll help build it and maybe acctually I willl be in it, in the background
Thanks guys, what I'm going to do is this - I will build the scene somewhere snowy and set it up. I'll also make a few skins and stuff - if you want to do your own skin then please do. We'll need a Joseph, a Mary, three wise men and three shepherds plus an Angel Gabriel. If you want to be a particular character, say so soon!
Mega, I have a plan for baby jesus but it may not work so you can be understudy.
Also Q - what nativity scene would be complete without a devil? Please do this!
Then we'll just pick a time when we're all on and take a screenshot - it'll definitely make a nice CFUK christmas card.
I will film da occasion if I'm not baba Jesus , but I have an idea of what I could be when ur online.
11 years ago
Wed Dec 12 2012, 12:35AM
I'll be a wise man.
just send me a skin for it though please.
I'd help out but I have a certain bias towards female characters and do not have a high opinion of Mary Doesn't leave much =) additionally I don't have much time to toy with skins
Will do Toa.
'Nana, I'd really like you to be the Angel Gabriel if you think you could pull it off?
Chista - I'm not averse to having a Wise Woman or a Shepherdess in there, I'll do you a skin if you're up for it.
I suppose a wise woman wont be too bad. Just gotta find a backup of my current skin to switch back after.
You can redownload ur skin off ur profile on mc.net me thinks.
I thought q was a chicken wing......chicken wings r nice (better than this matuka nonsense )
ok I made my wise man skin just look me up on minersneedcoolshoes
i guess i'll have to be mary then.
A Sunday evening would be a good time for the nativity, which leaves us the 16th or 23rd.
Let us know if those dates are any good - the 23rd will be probably be a busy time for everyone though.