11 years ago
Fri Jul 12 2013, 06:05PM
All my warps have vanished on previous vanilla world, I had loads and draze has said the same has happened to him, any chance to get them back? I had a number of large projects spread far apart I would like to get back too.
Yes, this thing about warps dissapearing is one of the only things ive not liked about multiplayer. Annoying to pay for a privlage, use it, then have it screw you over when your stuff is strung out.
Alternative would be if I could give you some xyz coords and you could create a few warps to at least get to some of our stuff and set our own warps when we reach there?
Yeah anything for mine would be under AC(warpname) at that point however ACportal has been wiped and i think that was the link to that secret base. i'd find it through the nether but the nether is deactivated on world_old_2
I cant tp to coords youll need to wait to see if Broonie can do anything :/