Right well I believe the Block-Of-Doom is located at 194,427,69 so bookmark it so you know what to avoid. I was standing at 195,427,68
I think the danger zone is about 160m around that location, though I'm not sure as that implies one online player loads a LOT of chunks?
The big orange thing is a fluid pipe from Engineer's Toolbox. Now I have nothing against the rest of that mod but the fluid pipe appears to cause a crash if it connects to fluiducts, and possibly other mod's pipes too (unproven).
I'm also expecting trouble if the ET energy pipe is allowed to connect directly to conduit.
You should be fine if you connect it to items that have a defined direction, in or out, but as its distribution strategy is a bit rubbish I wouldn't bother.
Also there's supposed to be an admin trick for removing problem blocks.