10 years ago
Mon Feb 23 2015, 12:00AM
Hey all, just thought I'd start a thread with any issues with have with the DW20 mod pack itself to help others avoid the issues or reduce them atleast.
My 1st issue is Big Reactors, I've been running my reactor for a few days now, and fuel usage has not been an issue.... untill today when I logged on to find it all gone.... now someone could have stolen it but I have my doubts on that, my quick search via google showed other people finding their reactors eating fuel when they go offline.
So word of warning, if you plan to you a big reactor and I know its a pita but turn it off when you logoff, if you don't wanna risk it eating all your fuel (or just limit the fuel it can tap into).
My main problem with DW's is that I still cant log on an play. Seems preferable to losing all my reactor fuel though..
There are two versions if DW. Make sure you're running "DireWolf20 (v1.0.3) Minecraft Version 1.7.10"
If there are errors or specific repeatable problems, let me know and i'll do my best to help you out. If you have Steam, add me if you wish, may be able to help better with live chat.
Steam ID: draze1984
i did some late night testing off the server and killing the spawned mob "boulder fist" from blood magic will d/c you from the server, my guess is that the morph mod is unable to convert this mob and as such errors out.
Not the only problem caused by Morph, unfortunately. Squaffle and I have had some problems with morphing into particularly small creatures, where we end up displaced from our actual locations, usually suffocating in a wall while we think we're outside.
Also, morphing into a Thaumcraft Taint Swarm and back will leave the swarm effect where you were, including the sounds. So far as we can tell it's not possible to get rid of the false swarm, either.
I got mine working but just crashes when i log onto cfuk kekekkeke
@Mega, how much RAM do you have allocated to FTB?
Max 4Gb, dont go any higher or it starts causing issues.
i only have 4gb total on this laptop aha....
I know that some of the modpacks have problems when they only got 1gb assigned. My FTB DW20 pack normaly runs from 1.5 to 2.3 gb ussage, I know from personal experience that to low assigned RAM has crashed my FTB. GL Megs
10 years ago
Fri Feb 27 2015, 10:17AM
FWIW I think big reactors doesn't properly handle multiblocks that span chunk boundries, so the order the chunks load probably determines if the fuel is "remembered" or not. In Monster I'd aim to build a reactor and turbine in the same chunk, usually built directly adjacent to avoid the need for fluid transport.
In short I suggest making sure the reactor fits in one chunk.
I can always use my desktop but.... like so inconvenient let me be lazy ;')
Tried adding you to steam draze, but unfortunately it didnt seem to work.
hmm odd PM me your steam name and i'll see if i can do it from this side.
I just like to watch the friends list *makes some creepy leering sounds*
did u build any new "tech" in ur base or something that may be the cause?
Ive only built Tinkers Smelter and a nether portal ^_^ The only other thing is i followed a map that too k me like 80 blocks away to a Colossus and i took a block and crystal from hid head and caused him to collapse, other than that, its all been very very basic :/
I have also found it ALWAYS happens when i use the nether portal. When ever i land in the other world (nether or normal) I instantly dc with that error :/
Are you near the colossus that collapsed? And did the DC start after that? There have been reports that people haven't been able to take them down and if you stand on it that maybe a cause. I have allso noticed that if you stand in a not normal angle (happened to yoshi with the conveior belts) that can DC you too, he logged in 5 times and got insta kicked before i moved the parts under him and al worked fine). So if you stand on the colossus maybe a simular problem can occur
I have allso been DC'ed a few times when i used my nether portal, doesn't happen all the time tho.
9 years ago
Tue Mar 24 2015, 05:00PM
i've also started to get a DC when using the nether portal/myst link book, hopefully we can track down the source of this problem.
the error i just got while connecting was "a fatal error has occurred: the connection was reset" but i was able to re-connect right away with no further issue.
and on a side note, i've tested what caused my base to become corrupt and as we already know it was the transposer, but the direct cause was transfer (in this case) of resonant ender from a magma crucible to the transposer which had 2 portal tanks in it. the problem happens when the 1st tank is filled up and the 2nd tank goes to move into the filling slot, during my testing i found if there was enough liquid to fill the 2nd tank fully then there wasn't a problem but if it doesn't then BAM! error and corrupted block.
so in summary when filling anything via a transposer, try to limit to 1 tank at a time as none of my tests crashed with that.
Hey, No im not standing on the Colossus. Also i have tried an experiment, i travelled far to various locations far and wide and dc on purpose, and still i struggle to get back on. So its not my chnk causing the issue? Also went to nether again and everytime got DC and struggled to get back in. I have tried forcing an update with FTB and adjusted my memory allowance and it hadn't changed anything.
Thanks for the head up Piggles, again i have not got and machinery however i am going to start myst craft and il post the results when i start travelling to diff world.
I had trouble using linking books and getting kicked out lots last night too.