Hmmm - I'm getting crashed out of DW within a minute or two of activity with a "fatal error". I can't see anything obvious in the console, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking for

Here is my
Console Log of the entire boot-up form start to finish, up to when it crashed.
I had not long logged in, then had to hid in a rather large Raspberry bush from a creeper. I picked one bunch of berries by right-clicking and then when I right-clicked another bush, it crashed me out.
I'd already set the mipmap level to zero (Options > Video Settings > Mipmap Levels [for those that cont find it] - don't try dragging the bar, just click in the far left of the box and wait for the game to crash for a sec, and then the bar will move).
I've just tried all of Draze's suggestions from his advice in
this post and I still suffered a fatal error after about 30 seconds of being logged in (all I did was right click a few more berries and then got a fatal error again). Also, the game was VERY laggy for the first 10 seconds, then it started to smooth out until it was "normal" - just before I was kicked again. No-one else was on the server at the time and I was somewhere near the spawn point.