Wow. This is the event of a lifetime. Alt took time out of precious gametime to post his opinion on a forum!
The world has truly gone under. Or is it the server?
For that to happen I would have had to post during said precious gametime and as you can see.. *cough* the server is still down *cough* ...
Sometimes I wish Broonie wouldn't update the server so quickly, I think these events would be less likely to occur if Broonie just waited longer for all the bugs to surface on others running it before updating.
That way he could just update it later and we wouldn't of had all the lag / crashes the first day, bugs, etc and now having the server down all night.. although granted I'm not sure what caused the downtime this evening, could be 1.5 related or could be unrelated.
I'm going to stop ranting now and patiently await the return of the server, or possibly find a nice padded room, whichever comes first.