The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Nov 17 2010, 02:58AM
Hey there, guys.
In my time playing Minecraft, i've seen some beautiful, amusing and weird scenes, so I thought a place to showcase our pictures would be a nice idea.
If you have any images, whether from this server or from singleplayer, please don't hesitate to post them. Also, try to keep the images of reasonable dimensions and filesize, as well as possibly hosting the images from another site. Use the Insert Image button, too.
And with that, i'll start with some of my own. Have fun!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 17 2010, 03:53AM
I was wondering, do you use print screen to get these pictures?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Wed Nov 17 2010, 03:58AM
f1 + f2 in Minecraft = print screen
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Nov 17 2010, 04:04AM
Also, to find the screenshots, go to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\screenshots, at least in Windows Vista.
You may need to turn off Hidden Folders to find it manually.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 17 2010, 06:29AM
Minecraft's Hottest New Sport! Lava Boating!
*Warning: do not try this at home, these stunts were performed by complete idiots with no sense of self preservation. 
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 17 2010, 06:31AM
Beautiful secluded canyon with walls on almost all sides.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 18 2010, 07:52PM

(click image for higher res)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 18 2010, 10:56PM
This pic has a lonely feeling about it.
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Nov 18 2010, 11:11PM

(click image for higher res)
Do it right, and that could be a wallpaper for a desktop.
Heck, make it a christmas tree, add some lights and snow, and you have an cf | uk xmas wallpaper!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Nov 18 2010, 11:48PM
That single tree picture looks awesome!
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Fri Nov 19 2010, 03:10AM
Do it right, and that could be a wallpaper for a desktop.
Heck, make it a christmas tree, add some lights and snow, and you have an cf | uk xmas wallpaper!
Well, since you blew the side of his pyramid with your nuke....
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 19 2010, 04:27AM
Do it right, and that could be a wallpaper for a desktop.
Heck, make it a christmas tree, add some lights and snow, and you have an cf | uk xmas wallpaper!
CF|UK Christmas! You know, tnt looks kinda like presents =D
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 19 2010, 05:14AM

The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Fri Nov 19 2010, 10:11PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 21 2010, 07:34PM
...Oh. My. God.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sun Nov 21 2010, 08:29PM
Single player + INVedit for the win!
It was so much fun haha.
The damage wasn't as much as it looks like it'd be. I only covered the outside of the mountain. It still blew away a considerable chunk of the mountain though =]
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 24 2010, 04:07AM
Yeah, mass explosions are very fun. Broon can't resist them lol.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Nov 24 2010, 02:22PM
Mhmm. I think I'm going to play around with some more TNT while the server is still down.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 16 2010, 12:59PM

Here's the current work on the CF Project.

The Screenshot Thread.
404thread, Thu Dec 16 2010, 01:06PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 16 2010, 02:32PM
meh island

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Dec 16 2010, 11:20PM
Wow Tuatha. The island looks awesome so far!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 17 2010, 01:36AM
Ahhh I keep failing at inserting a pic. I'm confused by the

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Dec 17 2010, 02:38AM
Just upload the pictures to a file sharing website, and then post the link in a reply.
That's how I uploaded mine at least.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sat Dec 18 2010, 03:10AM
Hah! The pig one made me laugh.
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Mon Dec 20 2010, 04:12AM
Broonie's ion canon firing:

Dubien is trapped in the carnage:


The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Dec 20 2010, 11:30AM
Ah I remember, that was my forest

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 20 2010, 11:35AM
...Ion cannon.
So pretty.
We need a Kane skin next time.
And a hug emote.
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Mon Dec 20 2010, 07:29PM
oh shiiiiiiii

Since server is down I decided to have some fun on single player. Finally got round to working out how to make mob spawners spawn things other than pigs. Wonder if this works on smp....
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Dec 20 2010, 07:50PM
You know..
That would be an interesting way to bring down a server.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Dec 21 2010, 05:56AM
OMFG WTF ???????? SMAKHBFUYJWAGSFTYDAFFYGSDVGASVDGASV????????????????????????? EKSDAKJAHJDSB! wha- open fire with ghast artillery boom BooM BOOM BOOM ka-BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM. Neva do that on our server or I will have to eat your liver!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Dec 21 2010, 09:41AM
holy shiii ion cannon...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Dec 22 2010, 09:18PM
not really, notch just ran around and hit a couple people. then he did random stuff. lol
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 08:48AM
not really, notch just ran around and hit a couple people. then he did random stuff. lol
lol is he that hyped up about his own game lol.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 08:52AM

Smooth Frank, smooth ;P.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 09:19AM
haha but it didnt do too much damage... was easily fixed
stupid ignited tnt present...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 09:46AM
haha but it didnt do too much damage... was easily fixed
stupid ignited tnt present...
lololol naughty boi
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Dec 24 2010, 02:44PM
That's why you never open them inside. =]
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 25 2010, 11:07AM
Daim thats cool
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sun Dec 26 2010, 05:38AM
Sorry I couldn't make it to the picture day! I was hoping to come =P
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Dec 26 2010, 10:07PM
Here are several picture to break the bandwith.
My Castle.

My home away from home.

And here is my minecraft only picture account. case you are wondering, I keep my actual photobucket separate.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 26 2010, 10:25PM
The stuff i would give to you to let me inside your wonderfull castle.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 04 2011, 09:21PM
same here*drools*
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 05 2011, 02:01AM
Gah, I seriously need to put up screenies of BAFI. It looks so awesome now
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 16 2011, 01:18AM
It looks sorta like a bioluminescent transparent sea serpent xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 02 2011, 04:46AM

What.. The.. Griefers..
That is all.
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Feb 04 2011, 05:19PM
As a token of appreciation for Broonie Tuatha, Discharge and myself got together and made a little something:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 07 2011, 03:32AM
Awesome! The propellers make it look weird in the back, but otherwise, its spot on!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 07 2011, 10:17AM
That's a bilge...
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Tue Feb 08 2011, 02:45AM
Some wool art you might have seen around spawn.

I'm welcoming suggestions for what to make next.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue Feb 08 2011, 03:00AM
Very nice! Eventually we'll need someone to make a piece of Toast for Toast Town. Would that be possible?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Tue Feb 08 2011, 03:24AM
Brown dye doesn't exist as part of the game...yet. You can get it if you have super powers though. Ask Broonie nicely perhaps.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 15 2011, 08:45PM
Just a few screenies of corrupted chunks heh.

There's also one to the left of me in the spawn area (where ASTA stood) the corruption ate half the ASTA sign and peeled paint and stone from the ASTA building's walls heh.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 16 2011, 02:25PM
Heh look at all these chickens I herded:

EDIT: Privacy Failure?
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Feb 16 2011, 03:27PM
Just a new design I have compiled. A bitch to come up with.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Fri Feb 18 2011, 04:46PM
When web design goes wrong.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Feb 23 2011, 12:40AM
TNT Server was unofficially changed into the bed fun server tonight

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed Feb 23 2011, 02:09AM
Err... Is there something these two need to share with the rest of us?

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Wed Feb 23 2011, 12:19PM
I'll just leave these here...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue Mar 08 2011, 03:42AM
Woah, those are pretty cool.
Which brings me back to my thought of wanting a space exploration aspect of the game. It'd be similar to being underwater (The physics and whatnot) but it'd be above the cloud cap, and have natural occurring planets and all that fun jazz. Maybe it's just me, but that'd be pretty fun.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Mar 08 2011, 03:49AM
That airport looks awesome :o
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Mar 08 2011, 04:39AM
Having a space area wood b pretty cool
But then again the memory it wood take up mite b alot
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Tue Mar 08 2011, 05:22PM
There's simply no way to make the map bigger in the up/down direction without heavy client modding so a space area so I can't see it working all that well

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue Mar 08 2011, 09:38PM
Instead of extending, you could just split the sky in two. One half being normal, the other half being zero gravity.
Or we could just convince Notch to make it part of the game. Along with aircraft. Then again, it'd probably be broken for a good month or so knowing his updates.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 10 2011, 03:30AM
Lol true
Very true
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 23 2011, 01:02AM
I have been playing around with a 3D model program that takes a file and converts it to blocks. So far I have built it once, then now realised what the diff colours meant on the plans so I need to go over it again to amend the blocks!
An art piece, "Life is a game of chess, not checkers"
Version 1:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 24 2011, 12:38AM
I have touched the sculpture up and finalised it. It is now signposted as complete!! My first ever!!!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Mar 24 2011, 01:18AM
Looks great! How would these fair in Shin's chess room?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Thu Mar 24 2011, 05:53AM
Sample it ganna take shitloads of space for a complete chess of the size like that ... xD do it in a classic minecraft sever is good xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Mar 24 2011, 08:38PM
Just imagine how long it'd take to move one piece.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 31 2011, 12:25PM
Dear Lord I don't want to think about that....
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sat Apr 02 2011, 02:13AM
Couple of shots of the redteam who helped designed the arena tonight, hopefully the others will be up soon too!

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Sat Apr 02 2011, 11:02AM
Yellow Team:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 02 2011, 11:32AM
It was a lot of fun.

CTF was awesome. It's definitively something I'll be playing again. And the arena is awesome with the underground passages and the middle section. Great job everyone!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 02 2011, 08:56PM
A nice screenshot showing a piece of my settlement
(Sorry for the huge pic)
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Mon Apr 04 2011, 12:10AM
Beware "The Aconan" (made by Discharge)

The Screenshot Thread.
rob54613, Mon Apr 04 2011, 01:49AM
Ahh I missed the photo shoot. Some amazing work here, well done guys

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Mon Apr 04 2011, 03:35AM
Rest in Peace, the poor souls who dare grief "The Aconan"...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 04 2011, 07:24AM
where is The Aconan?? i wanna see it
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 04 2011, 09:26AM
I still think he looks more like War than Jack of Blades...

Yes... That is Jack in Gmod.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 04 2011, 10:33AM
I know it's juvenile but I just nearly pee'd with laughter at the thought of adding an extra 'two blocks' to the man! XD
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Apr 05 2011, 02:08AM
And so, the threat grows:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 05 2011, 04:58AM
Oh noes! It's the Matrix Agent!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 05 2011, 11:58PM
Oh dear, better stay clear of that...Don't want to get modsticked...
The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Fri Apr 08 2011, 01:29PM
' Greasy Tet's ' Temple of Obesity:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 08 2011, 01:52PM
' Greasy Tet's ' Temple of Obesity:
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 09 2011, 12:48PM
That's look good, Flight. Very good.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 09 2011, 05:11PM
all i have to say is oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Apr 13 2011, 12:30AM
Trying to make pigs fly next

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 13 2011, 09:39AM
I'm probably gonna build something big and completely pointless made out of Redstone

, but then again i need to finish off the iglu
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 14 2011, 09:54PM
you should do from lots of angles jack ^^
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 14 2011, 10:02PM
yea ure right
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 15 2011, 12:01PM
Where's my dispensary plot gone??
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 19 2011, 04:16AM
All aboard the CFUK airlines!
Wow, that turned out really well! Nice job

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 19 2011, 09:01AM
Good job, Sample!

And I like the screenshot from the nearby skyrail.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 19 2011, 09:25AM
I love how the toilet is just a hole in the floor.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue Apr 19 2011, 01:19PM
Heh thanks guys.
Zoid, it doubles as a sink as well.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 19 2011, 07:21PM
Who are you, Borat?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 20 2011, 11:02PM
<3 the last two
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri Apr 22 2011, 11:21PM
Nice rainbow.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Apr 24 2011, 09:02PM
Tets nice little room.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 24 2011, 09:52PM
what texture pack you using aco?
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Apr 24 2011, 11:05PM
Anf Glimmers Steampunk pack

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 25 2011, 08:16AM
oh i loved my steampunk pack, i think ima gunna get it back, as this looks amazing.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Apr 25 2011, 01:57PM
This is what you are looking for 404

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Mon Apr 25 2011, 07:52PM
Last of its kind. Number six.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 26 2011, 08:32AM
Number 6? What about 42

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Apr 27 2011, 02:42AM
Dav, that may be the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but these crazy old squids don't seem to care much for that. :/
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 27 2011, 09:15AM
But why was there a floating 6?! Was that the model ID of a squid?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 27 2011, 09:29AM
Yeah, he found a squid whose number was 6. I asked him in game, the squid is hard to see.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Apr 27 2011, 09:57PM
Yep, apologies for the poor picture quality, laptop doesn't handle ocean viewing as well as the desktop did.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 28 2011, 11:36AM
Here's a few shots of the mods i've stuck together.
I've used JohnSmiths textures, with a mod that allows easy adding of texture packs.
Bettergrass on it's own which isn't shown (no need for betterlight): finally a Depth of Field mod that changes the focus of the camera depending on what your crosshair is focussed on.
image showing cobble/stone pictures and general ambience

image showing focus on distance and foreground out of focus

image showing foreground in focus and distance out.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 28 2011, 01:45PM
Oh wow that mod is amazing! I shall be all over that when I get home!
the BetterGrass one seems a bit superfluous to me, however. each to their own!
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Thu Apr 28 2011, 09:41PM
/warp Mobspot

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 28 2011, 10:26PM
Oh my god Jig, that is bloody awesome!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 29 2011, 11:33AM
/warp Mobspot

holy cow that's great! how long did that take?
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sat Apr 30 2011, 02:50AM

Took 6-7 hours to build. I'm working on the spine at the mo, trying to double it up as a water elevator so I can build the topside of my base inside the skull.
Any ideas on how to implement lava/fire into the design would be appreciated!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 30 2011, 06:18AM
Create a lava room inside each of the eyes. Glow in the dark!

Also; awesome work, Jig. It looks sweet! I'm coming to visit sometime!
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Apr 30 2011, 03:43PM
Image dump.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 30 2011, 08:12PM
Haha, I love the pig with the shifty eyes!

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun May 01 2011, 05:53PM
Another shot of some wonderous landscape on our server

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 01 2011, 08:39PM
*chair creaks as it falls slowly backwards*

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 02 2011, 02:19PM
interesting choice of textures

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 02 2011, 02:22PM
heh unstable land looks quite nice with snow, maybe you could drop a few pictures;)
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon May 02 2011, 07:45PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 02 2011, 07:50PM
hmmm that's not just one chunk but many.
it honestly looks like the map got merged with another personally! if a single chunk got corrupted/deleted it would be one single (or a collection of) random areas that stick out.
this images look like complete sections of new map were either merged or regenerated, completely different from what occurred to the last map
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 02 2011, 07:52PM
Wow, that's crazy, I think a new map would be great tbh, fresh start for everyone
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Mon May 02 2011, 08:17PM
Aslong as it doesn't affect anyone on the server to a degree where it becomes unplayable, no new maps will happen.
There is no harm in these weird chunks aslong as they don't happen after people have built in an area.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 03 2011, 05:53PM
some times chunks like that bring along random saves fro other peoples computers, theres a few vids on youtube about that, would be nice to find an absolutely huge castle that nobody had built and claim it

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue May 03 2011, 07:26PM
I tihnk that first picture, the sand fortess, belongs to Discharge? I could be mistaken though.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 03 2011, 10:51PM
Here's a couple screens I thought might be of interest.

The first is my WiP, where I am flattening/raising a 290x290 area to be a square of smooth stone at y:65, but really I took the shot because I thought the sunset looked cool.

The second is a shot of a Creeper who just stood and stared at me like that for, like, five minutes, before I finally shot him.

Finally, this is just a shot I took in single player for use as a wallpaper on my Android phone, so I thought I'd share it in case anyone else wanted to do likewise.
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed May 04 2011, 10:14AM
Shiny, like.

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed May 04 2011, 12:36PM
Getting "Jiggy" with creepers : Since 2011.
Let's say my picture didn't turn out so well.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed May 04 2011, 07:23PM
At D2
The sand Palace is discharges base. You should also find small bases of mine in the area.
Anyway, here are some images of spawn.
And some areas of interest.

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Mon May 09 2011, 02:23AM
My tower in Tetra City (still work in progress):

Too big for forum upload:

Too big for forum upload:

Too big for forum upload:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 09 2011, 09:51AM
Holy moly! Your place looks insane, Flight. Well done. Really nice and shiny.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Tue May 10 2011, 05:59PM
My Ideal location.
At the moment the warp is /staffcastle
Nice spot, filled with empty hollow mountains.

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed May 11 2011, 03:57AM

Sgt_Blinky's soon to be Redstone / Minecraft science school, tucked away in a land far far away

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 11 2011, 05:20AM
Yeah, that place is awesome. Truly a magnificent sight. Well done, Blinky. Well done.
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed May 11 2011, 07:06AM
After FlightLight came in to install some custom chandeliers:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 11 2011, 11:28AM
Heh, i'll need to get along to blinkys beach and check out that union jacks size. I wanna make a Scotland flag like that
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 11 2011, 11:32AM
This is further proof that I fail @ Minecraft.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 11 2011, 12:03PM
Got trapped in my hut, damn desert biomes spawning tons of creepers

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 12 2011, 12:05AM
My 3 5-clock design

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 12 2011, 11:03AM
Thanks guys for an excellent birthday party! i honestly thought there wasn't gunna be one till i got randomly tp'ed by someone to the party house

Jiggy showed off his mankini and managed to hold onto the pole with just his butt cheeks.
there was lots of cake, golden apples and music discs, and i got gold and diamonds too! well chuffed!
we completely wrecked kahrs building (think it took us all longer to clean up than it did to celebrate! haha)
some sad news though, please say a prayer for Fluffy1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and 11. 11 dogs lost their lives on my birthday, Fluffy1 to an open fire, Fluffy2 to a griefer, and the last 9 to spontaneous canine despawning when they were turned off again

had a great time guys! special mention to MCBlock. I owe you many thanks for the numerous occasions you helped me over the course of the evening

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 12 2011, 11:26AM
Haha. It was all good fun, D2. I never miss a chance to throw a party. block0 and I had been planning your party for some time, we just wanted to wait for the right time to do it (when we had most possible regulars on).

Sorry about your dogs, mate. But, I prefer less lag over dogs.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 12 2011, 12:52PM
Sorry about your dogs, mate. But, I prefer less lag over dogs. 
me too

hopefully we'll get them back in a more stable manner with 1.6 *fingers crossed*
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu May 12 2011, 01:47PM
Was dissapointed that I missed the party!
Always love to party!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 15 2011, 10:04PM
Oh lol I just remembered spotting this little guy - eye catching!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 16 2011, 02:19AM
Now to make a bigger American flag...;)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 16 2011, 05:31PM
And a towering Welsh dragon!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 18 2011, 08:40AM
Guys, I planted this sugar cane farm last night. It would have been planted for 12 hours yet there is no growth. Is this normal?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 18 2011, 08:49AM
Umm...scratch that. We have growth.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 18 2011, 09:28AM
looks like you have torches above some of them, torches occupy a full cube so they wont grow past them
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 18 2011, 10:23AM
Oh crap. I will move those! I see they're only just starting to grow, but not all of them will by the looks of it.
Thank you again, D2!
OK now I harvested a few sugar cane, created paper, created books, created a bookshelf. Now the sugar cane farm is useless now I've seen it and done it. What do people do with sugar cane that lasts longer than 5 mins?
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Fri May 20 2011, 07:26PM
Keeping our road users safe

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 20 2011, 07:50PM
Brush with giant zombie on one of the recent temp maps

Creeper/Zombie gang bang!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 20 2011, 07:51PM
Ah yeah, the Creeper/Zombie gang bang was hilarious. Haha!
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sat May 21 2011, 03:41PM
Rare opportunity of playing with redstone yesterday, me and Kahr made a traffic light

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat May 21 2011, 08:25PM
Silly texture pack >.>

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat May 21 2011, 08:29PM
1 x 1 texture pack

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat May 21 2011, 09:02PM
Rare opportunity of playing with redstone yesterday, me and Kahr made a traffic light 

I like how we went from one seemingly chaotic design thinking "let's make it simpler" and ended up with an even more elaborately chaotic design.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 22 2011, 11:59AM
Oh so that's why you guys were all shouting about greens and yellows and reds...?!!
I have spotted this spider-like Skyrail do-dad. I was in favour of a s Subway system

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Mon May 23 2011, 12:43AM
Some pictures of a nice looking lake a found today.
Err--- Scratch that, pictures didn't get uploaded in this one.
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Mon May 23 2011, 12:49AM
Here we go.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 25 2011, 02:29AM
cool pics

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed May 25 2011, 02:30AM
cool pics 
That was a very broad statement.

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Jun 01 2011, 12:20AM
Real simple bridge I made today using hatches, not sure if this has been done yet.
This could be used for something like a boat dock as well.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 01 2011, 06:51AM
Oh j00 so crazy! Actually, that is pretty cool. I'm going to go ahead and try that one myself!
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed Jun 01 2011, 07:29AM
Little mobtrap accident

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 01 2011, 11:42AM
Haha! Fun times!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 01 2011, 02:07PM
Little mobtrap accident 
Ah, such a shame I'd left before that happened

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 03 2011, 12:12PM
A funny little pic from my current build site.

"Let me in! It'sssss cold out here!"
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sat Jun 04 2011, 12:51AM
Silly squid spawning in meh mob loot collection.

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sat Jun 04 2011, 03:01AM
Found this scene today in the Nether.
No one is safe.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jun 04 2011, 11:02AM
well i think the 2d map view is a little broken looking at this

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Jun 05 2011, 11:33PM
Meh Dog Army

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 06 2011, 12:04AM
One of these days, I'll round up my own dog army, and we'll attack your dog army!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 06 2011, 09:00AM
That's how the Live Map always looks for me...any fixes?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 06 2011, 11:45AM
Why in Jig's pic does one of his dog's seem to be doing his doggy business on another's face?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 06 2011, 12:20PM
I noticed that! Maybe the trap door is a perv's hot spot and he's nabbing a cheeky sniff?!
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Mon Jun 06 2011, 04:31PM
Why in Jig's pic does one of his dog's seem to be doing his doggy business on another's face?
They're breeding! There's a few more now. >:)
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 09 2011, 05:21PM
Guys what the heck is this? Sky Realm??!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 10 2011, 05:36AM
Was that from the one temporary map we had for a couple weeks?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Jun 10 2011, 10:07AM
Yeah, from 404's skyscraper city
(wondering where dracolords got those pictures from, lol)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 10 2011, 12:52PM
Actaually i took them but he did take the honor of posting them
But yes they are from 404's skyscraper city
Very impresive if i do say so myself
Been looking at the builds during the restart time
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jun 12 2011, 08:47PM
I started building a treefarm, digging out a 29x21x8 room for my future wood supply. Obviously, lighting was needed in the ceiling, so I thought I'd place glowstone up there. Then, as I started placing glowstone, I thought, "why not just have the whole ceiling glowstone?" So I did.
Then Jiggy came along, and suggested that the walls should be glowstone too, and started making it so.
So, we had a big room with a glowstone ceiling and and glowstone walls, what now? Glowstone floor! Sod the trees!

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Mon Jun 13 2011, 09:49AM
Blinky having a stern word with a naughty member... and, random naked guy in the bushes.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 13 2011, 10:07AM
Was said naughty member stealing peoples clothes?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 14 2011, 05:40PM
my castle nearing night and my texture pack (not finished)

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Jun 17 2011, 10:32PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Fri Jun 17 2011, 10:32PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 17 2011, 10:35PM
I have no comment.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 17 2011, 10:38PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jun 18 2011, 05:01PM
my re creation of the tree picture

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Jun 19 2011, 04:35PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Fri Jun 24 2011, 11:44PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 28 2011, 07:44PM
The Joys of TNT.


And After:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 28 2011, 09:32PM

I couldn't help but noticing the awesome rails!

What the devil happened there?
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Tue Jun 28 2011, 10:26PM
What the devil happened there?
Broonie indirectly griefing.

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed Jun 29 2011, 02:28AM
CF|UK - Join Us! Because we believe in World Peace!

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Jun 30 2011, 07:18PM
Had some fun at Jimbob's house while the creeper damage was turned on!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 30 2011, 08:34PM
Creeper damage was turned on? O_O
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Thu Jun 30 2011, 10:49PM
Tet needed some wool, Broonie gladly obliged:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 30 2011, 11:06PM
So many sheep.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 30 2011, 11:08PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Jul 01 2011, 01:50AM
An attempt at making pistons for my texture pack:


Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jul 01 2011, 03:27AM
Flight u make custom texture packs?
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Jul 01 2011, 03:34AM
No, just work on my own.. It's a mixture of different texture packs, with some of my own stuff thrown in.. It's for my own use, basically (although I'm willing to share, if people ask)

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Jul 01 2011, 07:50AM
In the words of block0, epic canyon is epic:

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Fri Jul 01 2011, 08:00AM
Lol At The Sheep

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Fri Jul 01 2011, 08:25AM
Blinky Accidentally Attacked Them Instead Of Feeding Them XD
Scary Red Eye o.o

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sat Jul 02 2011, 04:55PM
Oh come on!
Had a little accident when making my bomb drop..

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Jul 03 2011, 01:18AM
lol .... can undo ?

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sun Jul 03 2011, 05:44AM
Nah, it's all patched up now. I got pretty fortunate in that explosion. Only took out the floors, which only took half a stack of stone to fix.
Barely missed the seating and turrets though. It actually took out the block right underneath the seat heh.
Luckily I managed to collect the other 11 TNT on standby before it went off. Otherwise I wouldn't have a tail to the plane

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Jul 12 2011, 04:09AM
Blinky has epic fishing skills:

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Jul 12 2011, 07:23AM
Taco tried to stalk me, didn't turn out so well

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 12 2011, 07:32AM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jul 13 2011, 08:56AM
Taco sucks at stalking, but is a great builder (his man/dog/sheep statues):

Great job on those, tacospwn XD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jul 13 2011, 09:01AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jul 13 2011, 09:57AM
Ah, the wolf turned out nice. Good job, Taco!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Jul 13 2011, 09:58AM
Flight hiding behind the tree and spying on Blinky for his secret fishing technique xD
The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Thu Jul 14 2011, 07:35PM
A few nice screens I took recently:

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Jul 20 2011, 05:33PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Jul 20 2011, 05:44PM
10 minutes later...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 21 2011, 12:57AM
Haha! I love the spam message.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 21 2011, 02:57AM
R u allowed to hav a map in the corner of ur screen?
If so i want one
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 21 2011, 10:27AM
Zan's (or whatever) Minimap, isn't it? 'tis allowed. Which reminds me - I should probably get it too.
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Thu Jul 21 2011, 04:44PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 21 2011, 04:46PM
Aww yeah. Good times, good times. Although I can't smell anything these days. You ruined my nose, LowRezz!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Jul 24 2011, 02:01AM
Chicken Flying Endlessly When The Map Not Loading ... Poor Chicken

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Jul 27 2011, 12:08AM
DJ Aco, DJ Flight and some light gambling .

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Jul 27 2011, 12:24AM
boop boop

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jul 27 2011, 02:01AM

The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Wed Jul 27 2011, 03:23AM
Ermm, too much ravin'

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sat Jul 30 2011, 12:51AM
Fools Gulch Jail. Beware. >:)

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 30 2011, 01:34AM
Awww yeah! Do we get a complimentary Jighello if we go to jail? Because I'm totally down with that!

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Tue Aug 02 2011, 02:02PM
I had eggz. So I threw them.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Tue Aug 02 2011, 02:16PM
I had TNTz. I blew them up.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 02 2011, 10:57PM
All them ducks would have made a rite rackett
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 03 2011, 02:50PM
Haha. A party full of chicks. I loved it!

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Aug 07 2011, 03:41PM
Rails and mobs <3

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Aug 07 2011, 03:53PM
...and a squid! ...and a boiyo!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 08 2011, 12:49AM
Haha. That was hilarious. By the end we had something like 10 squids in minecarts.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Tue Aug 09 2011, 05:48PM
Surface Slimes ftw!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Tue Aug 09 2011, 08:46PM
fun fun
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Aug 10 2011, 12:25AM

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Aug 10 2011, 12:32AM
We gathered round the campfire, and heard Thekea's stories.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 10 2011, 02:12AM
It was such a romantic (and scary!) camping trip!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 11 2011, 12:00AM
the three dancing muskteers

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 14 2011, 11:40AM
Sekoj and I trapped a Creeper, but his forlorn looks and sad face almost made me set him free...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 14 2011, 02:42PM
the video footage of what happened next is rated 18!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 14 2011, 07:10PM
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Aug 14 2011, 11:51PM
Jason, Brian, Bryan and Stu - our Staff Castle Ambassadors.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Aug 14 2011, 11:57PM
Latest additions: Henry, Hugh and Mandy.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 12:06AM
Wait, are you guys clogging up my spot? That looks a lot like my spot.
But ooo, I love the colored sheep!
The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Mon Aug 15 2011, 12:12AM

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Mon Aug 15 2011, 12:36AM
After a long time herding...
Bryan, Henry, Brian, Mandy, Leroy, Stephen, Jason, Hugh & Stu. My God.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 01:32AM
And then Tan went on to skinning them and eventually killing them all. Sufficient to say, Tan was continuously murdered for a while after that.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 02:12AM
A while back, we were going back and forth on one of Jig's newest rail lines (made by ME (and Jig)), and somewhere along the joyous rides we had, this happened;

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Mon Aug 15 2011, 03:22AM
Hah! Nice screenie Kahr!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 04:46AM
This is a kind of public service announcement. We found a strange bug in this version of Minecraft that causes the red wool texture to spread to all vegetation;

It spreads in the same way (in terms of speed and pattern) that mushrooms do, and seems to only happen if you place red wool in the centre of a tree, leaving the surrounding wood/leaves in place.
Be careful, we're not sure how to stop the spread!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 01:48PM
Kahr, I'll have you know I only killed Leroy, and that was an accident! But yes, I did shear them all... they just looked a bit too warm in their colourful jumpers!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 03:45PM
Leroy was my favorite. For me, that WAS all.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 03:51PM
Nice excuse for griefing my land Beagrie and Jig.... I am after you!

lucky I like it , but was a bit odd when I log in and there is this bit red patch on the minimap next to my home.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 05:17PM
Did you see the trees, Sek? Apparently, Chan, Jiggy and Kahr liked the orange tree I made on your mountain so much that they built more. All the colours of the rainbow!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Mon Aug 15 2011, 05:38PM
i personally made the blue one !
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 15 2011, 06:22PM
hmmm did notice a new blue on up top from down below but couldent see the otehr from there.. will have to check in a bit

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 16 2011, 07:28AM
What out Tanpeel! Henry is back the from the dead, and is not happy.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 17 2011, 09:04AM
a picture of my little village.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 17 2011, 09:15AM
Oooo! I like that sand village. Very nice. Is it on the server?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 17 2011, 09:45AM
its straight east of the spawn!
its not very hard to find.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Aug 17 2011, 03:41PM
Be watching your head at spawn for falling arrows, eggs, and pieces of trash for the next few days...Things fall pretty slowly from 1,000,000 blocks up!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 17 2011, 06:42PM
err... howdya get up there?
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Aug 17 2011, 07:19PM
I made it down! Took FOREVVEERRRRRRRR!
(Used coord tp.)

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 18 2011, 12:49AM
Haha. I only got to however high it was when you tp'd me up. About 100K or something? Was fun though. Especially watching arrows rain down after we had arrived.

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Aug 18 2011, 01:09AM
The 100k runs were pretty fun.
Never again will I do a 1 million block drop.
Where's my medal?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 18 2011, 09:26PM
Me messing around with the armor stand mod

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Aug 19 2011, 08:45PM
Newest addition to my collection.
Going to have a whole fleet of these, come 1.8.

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Aug 19 2011, 08:47PM
Look out! There's a jet behind you!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 20 2011, 05:34AM
Haha, brilliant. Oh, and if you want to make room for more stuff, feel free to take down that greenhouse behind you. It's old, and I never use it anymore. Hell, I don't really use the house either.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 20 2011, 09:10PM
We found a magical new power source... The eatturnip

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sat Aug 20 2011, 09:15PM
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sat Aug 20 2011, 11:05PM
Too bad I've already shot up your power source!
Target locked : Eatturnip
(View is from the chopper I made)

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 21 2011, 01:36PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Sun Aug 21 2011, 04:00PM
very nice sample i'll have to make sure i capture this eatturnip to use his power muahahahah!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 21 2011, 11:56PM
Had some fun in sekoj's room in $afe$tore. It ended up with a lot of people cramped into a very small rail line, and eventually the chicks came! \o/

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 22 2011, 07:48AM
Another couple of screenies from the bumper carts in $$

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Mon Aug 22 2011, 07:06PM
lol nice
The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Tue Aug 30 2011, 12:02PM
Hooray, more screenshots!

The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Tue Aug 30 2011, 12:17PM
Another one I forgot:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 30 2011, 01:50PM
I like the tree in the second picture. You know which tree I mean. The one behind the little dirt tower, peeking out behind cover. Now that is one shy tree!
No seriously. The tree on top of the dirt tower looks cool.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 04 2011, 11:20AM
Whilst sneaky sneaky on Blinky's beach i noticed he was having some "Uncomfortable" problems.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 04 2011, 12:11PM
Ooo, Blinky. You may wanna get that checked out, mate.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
chankills, Mon Sept 05 2011, 05:54PM
u gotta have that looked at blinky
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sat Sept 10 2011, 10:14PM
Much scarier than any Enderman.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Sept 10 2011, 11:12PM
Double the fun

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 11 2011, 12:10AM
So we're cloning people now? I like it!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 11 2011, 06:56AM
A little adventure of TNT, by yours truly.
I dig a 10x10x10 hole, and filled it with TNT. So a thousand TNT made a crater. See for yourself!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 11 2011, 07:00AM
Ah, sorry, my previous attempt to attach more pictures failed. Here's the remaining two.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 11 2011, 07:05AM
Here's mine

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 11 2011, 09:28AM
Had some fun in sekoj's room in $afe$tore. It ended up with a lot of people cramped into a very small rail line, and eventually the chicks came! \o/
it's great to see $afe$tore is still being used for LOLs and giggelz

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Tue Sept 13 2011, 09:34PM
Blue wool galore.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 14 2011, 10:56AM
Have you ever thought that somebody has got no life?
Well, now you can forget all about that. This bloke sure wins them all 100-0.
even using a redstone glitch for all that obby, that blows my London Gherkin plan out of the water

The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Sept 14 2011, 08:06PM
Here comes another batch:

Hmm, this looks familiar...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 14 2011, 08:25PM
aco that temp map was good, until a few people started griefing near the end of that map XD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Sept 22 2011, 03:25PM
Some screen shot dumps of 1.9 pre test

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Sept 22 2011, 03:44PM
New mob in the nether.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Sept 22 2011, 03:47PM
And another

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Fri Sept 23 2011, 05:06PM
Blinky's Blaze Rod & Creeper party.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Sept 23 2011, 05:18PM
My finished log cabin. What do you think?

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Sept 28 2011, 11:07AM
Well, this is a bummer.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Sept 28 2011, 04:02PM
Ooh, that sucks.....wait, use a water flow to push them over??
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Sept 28 2011, 04:29PM
I did indeed do that

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 28 2011, 08:53PM
For Blinky:
This is where you stood on my screen.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Thu Sept 29 2011, 12:48AM
Tan's golden balls. Wit woo?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Sept 29 2011, 01:01AM
Party time at Kahr's sheepfarm!

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Sept 29 2011, 02:10AM
Kahr's sheep farm...Wow...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Sept 29 2011, 04:33AM
Hahaha. That sheep farm is crazy.
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sat Oct 01 2011, 12:55AM
Poor Sheep ....

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Fri Oct 07 2011, 03:58AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 07 2011, 04:31AM
You're hairier than I imagined.
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Fri Oct 07 2011, 07:55AM
Holy COWS !!! This is what crashing me LOL

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 07 2011, 11:00PM
Is this a bug, or intentional?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Sat Oct 08 2011, 12:27AM
Probably intentional..and I don't really like it.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Oct 08 2011, 11:12PM
Ahem. Some of you probably know about my build. I have been a little boastful of it.
Here it is.

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Oct 09 2011, 01:20AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 09 2011, 12:36PM
Whoa Aco, that's pretty damn good looking. Well done!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Wed Oct 12 2011, 03:07PM
Wow. Its amazing the difference reflections make. So much shinier!
What is that done with?
The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Oct 12 2011, 04:09PM
Aaaaaaand....some more pictures. Not shiny like Aco's. but still good.

...And weird:

(Courtesy goes to Sgt_Blinky for showing me this one^.)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Oct 12 2011, 06:04PM
There is a water shader mod which is fairly popular at the moment.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Fri Oct 14 2011, 11:10PM
The moon reflection in the water really adds to the effect.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 15 2011, 12:54AM
I don't know if that build looks so good because of the texture pack or if it is just awesome! But either way, great job!
The Screenshot Thread.
nand, Sat Oct 15 2011, 05:01PM

For larger size images of any of my snapshots visit
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 15 2011, 06:23PM
A few snapshots from sample's ship the The Royal Fool.
The last one is a shot of sample

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 15 2011, 06:30PM
Blinky is watching you!

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sat Oct 15 2011, 09:38PM
Hah! That one with Broonie and the others (Red plane in the background) is when we blew you guys up with the green plane.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 15 2011, 10:39PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 15 2011, 11:40PM
Nice one Beagrie!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Oct 16 2011, 12:51PM
It Looks Like A Turtle

Its Near Olympus

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 16 2011, 06:07PM
*does not see the turtle*
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 16 2011, 07:24PM
Yeah i have to be honest, i'm not seeing the turtle.
It does sorta look like a grapefruit though...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 16 2011, 07:46PM
If you just focus on the tall mountainy part in the red square... I can kinda see a cartoony duck.
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Oct 16 2011, 10:40PM

anything xD
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Oct 16 2011, 10:42PM
The lower part of the mountain in the square is the shell .. and the taller part mountain in the square is the head of the turtle

that is what i think xD
Oh yeah beagrie xD It looked like a penguin with little wings ?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 17 2011, 10:56PM
This is what it looks like when I play.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 18 2011, 03:45AM
Gah! I couldn't play like that. I gotsta have my full screen!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 18 2011, 12:07PM
You're a full screen.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 18 2011, 02:09PM
When I watch back the home vid's of me and your mum, Kahr, I always watch in full screen.
It makes things look bigger.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 18 2011, 02:26PM
I'm sorry you have to make things look bigger. But you know what they say mate: you have to enjoy even the
little things in life.
Say hi to mum from me.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Tue Oct 18 2011, 08:03PM

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Tue Oct 18 2011, 08:37PM


The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 19 2011, 10:30AM
I found some screenies I hadn't posted yet...
We had some fun with snowmen:

Then Jiggy learned the basics of redstone wiring:

Beagrie decided to make himself a museum piece:

And Eat got access to the cloning machine:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 19 2011, 11:45AM
I told you guys to keep eat away from the cloning machine! Now look what happened!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Oct 19 2011, 12:02PM
lmao ... so the basic of redstone wiring is to detonate TNT xD
i love the museum piece ! the museum is now sexier xD
eat found his long lost brother !

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 19 2011, 11:16PM
joejoe has a word with himself

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 19 2011, 11:34PM
:D its me .. and MEEE
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 02:38AM
I see more people have discovered the cloning machine. We need to hide it better methinks.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Oct 20 2011, 02:51AM
I need a clone. Can you imagine it? TWO Tigers prowling the server?! My goodness that would be awesome!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Thu Oct 20 2011, 03:08AM
I need a clone. Can you imagine it? TWO Tigers prowling the server?! My goodness that would be awesome!
lol !

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 05:21AM
For heaven's sake keep the cloning machine away from Sample! We don't need an additional rampaging tiger!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Thu Oct 20 2011, 10:36AM
Fullartin's Horsey !!!! Gallop gallop gallop !

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Oct 20 2011, 12:49PM
Wow! That horse is awesome! Good job Fullartin.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 02:08PM
You should see that mare at night!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 04:56PM
i will give coaco and black wool if you want to make it brown :S ?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 07:15PM
Whoa, that is one good looking horse. Well done!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 20 2011, 10:51PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 21 2011, 01:21AM
:D i love you to recapcha
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 21 2011, 02:01AM
Lol, one time I got a recapcha with chinese letters.
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Fri Oct 21 2011, 02:06AM
lol i always stay log in at my comp

so i didnt get these situation

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 21 2011, 10:50PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Fri Oct 21 2011, 10:52PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 21 2011, 10:53PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sat Oct 22 2011, 12:23AM
Shaco .. when did your ulti have so many clone D: Dps shaco = GG this time
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 22 2011, 05:52AM
Did you notice that, in that gaggle of Tet's, the original Tet looks a bit downcast and fed up? Perhaps the other Tet's were getting on his nerves?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 22 2011, 06:15AM
Oh God no!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 23 2011, 04:10AM
So, Tet was a bit bored and he came to visit:
(Tet was killing himself to the last picture is what i did to "Tet Proof" my house)
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 23 2011, 05:19AM
Umm...Trying to do a project

Does anyone have a hellva ton of pictures of the pirateship that was oldspawn?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 24 2011, 09:11PM
I was a couple of gold short, so...
A man has got to do what a man has got to do.

The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Mon Oct 24 2011, 10:02PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 24 2011, 10:10PM
Looks very comfortable
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Oct 24 2011, 10:52PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Tue Oct 25 2011, 12:58AM
Oh New Arrow Suit ! xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 25 2011, 02:03AM
Poor cow...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 25 2011, 01:46PM
Ooh yay thats my texture pack ! ^-^
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 25 2011, 07:33PM
Yes it is!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 09:17AM
All Alone

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 11:44AM
People obviously visited the website, saw you were on, and decided to stay well away.
I know that's what I did.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 12:10PM
I'm with Tan on this.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Oct 26 2011, 12:45PM
Me too. Sorry beag.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 04:05PM
MISCHIEF MANAGED!(Don't bother looking, it's replaced already!)

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 06:12PM
People obviously visited the website, saw you were on, and decided to stay well away.
I know that's what I did.
I'm with Tan on this.
Me too. Sorry beag.
Anyway, I did this;

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 07:14PM
hmm i seem to have developed issue

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 26 2011, 11:26PM
Dayum who ya happy to see? xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 27 2011, 04:13PM
Big love for your creepkin bea!
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Oct 28 2011, 02:39AM
A cool shot I got of a creeper trying to get me on the railway, with an awesome pyramid in the back. Who's pyramid is that?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 28 2011, 04:18AM
Idk. but i know its right near CotM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 28 2011, 06:06AM
It's MysterySteve's.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 28 2011, 06:29AM
Yeah, that's a huge pyramid. I once walked there to see it. Way huger than the one I built on another server I was in before I came here. It was 64x64, that pyramid has got to be like 128x128 at least.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 03 2011, 10:28AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 03 2011, 01:41PM
If only there was gold and coal in there too
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 03 2011, 08:52PM
Jackpot indeed
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 03 2011, 11:58PM
OK a few random old photos from the old server i would like to share.
Some from the old old server.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Nov 04 2011, 03:31AM
Wow, Christmas trees in that first photo? That was a long time ago, must be nearing a year now!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 04 2011, 07:22AM
Moon River is an old, yet beautiful, song into which Johnny Mercer has made the lyrics, which Henry Mancini has composed. Yes, the same Henry Mancini that composed the all famous Pink Panther Theme.
Although most famously remembered as the the theme song of Andy Williams, many many more vocalists have recorded and performed it over the years.
Here we can see QOTSA_101's interpretation:

Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Fri Nov 04 2011, 09:30AM
Christmas trees
I Hope Its Coming ! ^_^ And The Present >:D
The Screenshot Thread.
Loaded42, Fri Nov 04 2011, 12:46PM
The main library room

This is gonna take a while

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Nov 05 2011, 07:05PM
A spawn design I am working on.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 05 2011, 07:09PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sat Nov 05 2011, 07:10PM
Whoa Aco, thats looking awesome!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 05 2011, 08:08PM
Moon River is an old, yet beautiful, song into which Johnny Mercer has made the lyrics, which Henry Mancini has composed. Yes, the same Henry Mancini that composed the all famous Pink Panther Theme.
Although most famously remembered as the the theme song of Andy Williams, many many more vocalists have recorded and performed it over the years.
Here we can see QOTSA_101's interpretation:
LOL! you snap shotting me crusing in my boat

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Nov 06 2011, 02:27AM
Epic ! Aconan :o
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 06 2011, 02:15PM
LOL! you snap shotting me crusing in my boat 
Yes, my huckleberry friend, I tend to have a keen screenshot finger. ; )
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 06 2011, 04:18PM
that picture genually made me lol!
im gonna be wary around you now

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 06 2011, 04:39PM
"im gonna be wary around you now"
That's sound advice for everyone. : )
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 09 2011, 12:12AM
Pinky the sheep trying out Tanpeel's maze.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Nov 09 2011, 03:03PM
Wow Aco. That's awesome!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 09 2011, 05:25PM
It's not often I get caught with my pants down

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sat Nov 12 2011, 03:04AM
Squppit Feeding Ma Chicken In Ma Chicken Farm :o The Chicken Loves Him ! xD

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 12 2011, 03:09AM
They like glowstone for some odd reason... And beef. So what I conclude from this: The chickens are raising a glowing carnivorous army! O_O
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 12 2011, 03:35PM
The dynamic twins duo! (Which would actually make it a quartet...)
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Nov 14 2011, 08:08PM
wooo for warrior kit

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Mon Nov 14 2011, 09:26PM
Qo's Birthday Cake from me, and its amazing candle

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 18 2011, 01:35PM
So, there I am, walking back to my island from a long and tedious trip, which involves zombies and gluttony.
I'm thinking how nice it will be to get back amongst my beautiful trees.
Then I enter my island to see

The fun fact is that
exactly ten blocks away there's a sign that says: "Now entering MZL's island. Please don't harm the trees!"
After investigation, the criminal, whose blood onto the floor I now crave, is
Next, I accidentally actually stumble upon his house, and see this:
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 18 2011, 01:38PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 12:51AM
lol oh wow mzl
ah ninja i love the cake ^^
The Screenshot Thread.
nand, Sat Nov 19 2011, 02:25AM
Bare-faced cheek I'd say!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 11:19AM
God at least if you are going to cut trees on someone elses land at least chop the whole thing down.....
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 04:34PM
Lol wow epic fail sweet sweet irony Trolololololololololololololololololololololol
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 06:21PM
To elaborate the subject, the island is 100% fenced off, and all the entrances have that same sign in plain view. Therefore, cutting a tree in there is pure ignorance and/or stupidity.
The reason why I'm so picky about the trees is that oak saplings do not grow back into those swampy looking trees. All the trees that have been cut down need to be restored by hand, block by block.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 10:11PM
tbh the signs into your island are very openly placed. you cant miss them so i dunno why he did that
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 19 2011, 10:37PM
Therefore, cutting a tree in there is pure ignorance and/or stupidity.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 20 2011, 05:07PM
touche xD
The Screenshot Thread.
Knoparen, Tue Nov 22 2011, 10:05PM
Finally I hit the small jackpot.

41 coal
9 iron
15 Redstone
9 gold
6 diamonds

The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Nov 24 2011, 03:19AM
This is what happens when Enderman decide to stare at ME.

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Thu Nov 24 2011, 06:44AM
OH MY HE'S ON FIRE! (Quoting a bit of NBA Jam

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 25 2011, 10:47PM
Breeding my genetically modified sheep

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 26 2011, 06:00AM
That looks like completely normal.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 27 2011, 09:19AM
It does indeed look very normal, i just walk outside my house and there are blue sheep everywhere!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 27 2011, 04:32PM
lmao go mike xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Nov 28 2011, 05:51PM
The server doesn't think highly of QOTSA .

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Nov 28 2011, 06:02PM
thats not very nice

The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Tue Nov 29 2011, 11:26AM
Winter has come to the nether.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Nov 29 2011, 03:48PM
Thats cotm's nether base.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Nov 29 2011, 07:05PM
or it was.... have you seen it recently?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Nov 29 2011, 08:26PM
I saw it a couple days ago, it's a wreck.But that's the nether for you.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Nov 29 2011, 11:13PM
I try not to think of the time that went into that

The Screenshot Thread.
Tetsuoken, Wed Nov 30 2011, 01:28AM
It seems Alt's spider grinder has opened a quantum wormhole O_o

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Nov 30 2011, 02:20AM
Why is your picture so BIG tetsuoken ..... lol
Alt's Place ! >:D
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Wed Nov 30 2011, 07:54AM
that cotm picture is current, as of when I posted, and still looks the same now...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 11:27AM
Dont worry, it wont last long
*Evil laugh*
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Wed Nov 30 2011, 12:55PM
I just saw the place yesterday, and it still looks fine.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 07:39PM
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
-Jim Rohn
And boy, do these two magnificent fellers have managed to be disciplined! Would you look at that! It's amazing!

Created by Tormentroth & Alienmass, this bridge spans gracefully over not only water, but also sheer
awesomeness!MZL's Official Seal of Approval is awarded to these guys! : )
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 07:42PM
very nice work guys. the town looks good aswell.
me and tormentroth in the picture there. it is a fantastic build and as u can see its not exactly small!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 07:56PM
Well thats a nice bridge you got there.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 08:23PM
thx for the kind comments and thx to tormentroth too he helped me alot, im loving this server alot and everyone seems so nice

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 09:49PM
This is brilliant, major props to both of you!:D If you want I could let you guys help design some of the arenas im going to start work on.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 30 2011, 10:15PM
person you should real them in while you can because they've got some great builds nearby and more on the way. i was just having a mosey round and it was pretty good stuff

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Thu Dec 01 2011, 12:44AM
Wow, that bridge is awesome. Remind me some time to come see it when I'm online!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 01 2011, 02:08AM
./clap Very nice!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 02 2011, 02:37AM
Decided to go through my screenshots while bored, sooo...
Trippin with eat..

This.. might have been vegas..

Creeper watching his own kind perish..

This enderman regrets nothing..

Lakes were just not warm enough for this squid..

Slimes, they used to exist..

Another look at my spider grinders quantum wormhole..

That's all for now.. ^_^
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Dec 02 2011, 03:03AM
* Looks at tet's layout breaking post *
* Edits it *
Use the forum's image attachment option, damn you

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 02 2011, 10:49PM
Wow, that bridge is awesome. Remind me some time to come see it when I'm online!
ive set a warp for those 2 there. warp is Tormass Bridge

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 03 2011, 12:48AM
Im watching you...!

i turned round and it was just stood watching me

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 03 2011, 12:16PM

Tormentroth, Tormentroth upon the wall, tell me who's about to fall?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 03 2011, 04:02PM

oh so much gold ^^
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 03 2011, 06:50PM
Some fantastic looking natural nether bridges on single player.
evan the never can have some good sights in it


The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 01:25PM
Some fantastic looking natural nether bridges on single player.
On WHAT player? I have never come across that word before...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 04:22PM
I think it's a chick.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 06:20PM
Some fantastic looking natural nether bridges on single player.
On WHAT player? I have never come across that word before...
in other words not in server

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 09:30PM
Some fantastic looking natural nether bridges on single player.
On WHAT player? I have never come across that word before...
in other words not in server 
I'm still confused. Minecraft doesn't exist off the server, so how the hell can you be playing it?
Are you magic?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 10:15PM
*hopes screenshot worked* I think Tan drugged me.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 04 2011, 10:25PM
Some fantastic looking natural nether bridges on single player.
On WHAT player? I have never come across that word before...
in other words not in server 
I'm still confused. Minecraft doesn't exist off the server, so how the hell can you be playing it?
Are you magic?
yes, yes i am

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 09:57AM
Yeah, Squippy. What you've got there is a serious case of netherwartithis. Better go see a shrink about that.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 11:38AM
Stop eating all the 'shrooms you come across, Squippit. It's messing with your head.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 12:58PM
*hopes screenshot worked* I think Tan drugged me.
I love that in the screenshot i'm telling you to ssssh.
Its almost as If you just asked me if I was to blame for your hallucinations...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 06:20PM
You'd better do see your docter Squip, have you been eating nether warts again?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 10:04PM
I-I'm not crazy o.o Really. I promise... The voices tell me so. Not crazy. Not insane. Not psychotic. Not... Not... I amn't. Isn't. Aren't. Wasn't. Weren't.... What am I not again?... I have a strange craving for sponges now. Not crazy not crazy not crazy......
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 05 2011, 10:44PM
Its okay to be crazy! But make sure your a fool as well!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Tue Dec 06 2011, 01:46AM
Aww.... You get voices? lucky.....
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Tue Dec 06 2011, 09:09AM
Aww.... You get voices? lucky.....
Voices? Bah. I get smooth jazz.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Dec 06 2011, 04:34PM
smooooooth jazz

The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Dec 07 2011, 05:45AM
Tacospwn becoming buddies with Myotical's new pets.

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Dec 07 2011, 08:20AM
O_O Big Nose Freaks ..... xD

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Wed Dec 07 2011, 09:43AM
Squidward! Squidwardyard!
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Dec 07 2011, 10:58AM
Problems ..... [o_o"ll]

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Wed Dec 07 2011, 12:11PM
Found This Out When I Checked My Profile And Keep Refreshing It Until I Got 1/2/3/45/6 But .................
I Refreshed The Page 1 Second Earlier >:(
Oh Well

1 Year, 2 Weeks, 3 Days, 45 Min, 5 Sec xP

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 09 2011, 12:48PM
Apparently those nuclear snowballs are taking an effect on poor Taco. Or I'm hallucinating. Again. Except there wan't a first time so.... Pictures and stuff. Yup. -Ramble-

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 09 2011, 02:21PM
what crazy drugs have you been giving to people squippit? O.o
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 09 2011, 04:45PM
He's not the one who's been administering the "medicine"...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 09 2011, 08:50PM
Dun dun dun dun dun dun duuuhhhhh!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 10 2011, 12:54PM

dragon mountain
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 10 2011, 02:24PM
LOL so it is xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 12 2011, 01:41AM
More 'fun' with Taco. I continue to be crazy and hallucinate odd things. Such as Taco being a snowman named Thorton. But I'm not crazy... I feel like people have been drugging me o.o

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:02AM
He really was a part of me

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:22AM
Me and Squipp's "Alone time"

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:25AM
This is a PSA to all CF-UK members to look out for one user... Fullartin!He was found creeping around the eastern edges of the map, he has an uncanny smile...
Note the uncanny movement of his eyes when I look around...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 12 2011, 04:51AM
Go full!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Thu Dec 15 2011, 08:54PM
U stole my Cake Design! XD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 15 2011, 10:28PM

I love seeing pics all these pics

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 16 2011, 05:13PM
A very nice build from d3c0de
sorry if this has posted twice :S

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 17 2011, 12:15PM
Nice building

And lol Ninja XD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 17 2011, 02:54PM
Awesome guys, oh and where was nand's pic taken from?
The Screenshot Thread.
nand, Sat Dec 17 2011, 07:16PM
A very happy Birthday to nand 
Thanks QOTSA!
And this is the chicken in your dome 
An escapee from one of geuis' experiments I imagine.
Awesome guys, oh and where was nand's pic taken from?
Taken in the underwater dome that geuis and I built.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 19 2011, 06:15PM
My genius design's

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 19 2011, 07:58PM
YUS! you actually listened to me ^^

u may wanna like fence them off to stop tampering o.o
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 19 2011, 08:03PM
Tnt mountain...
Before :-


The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri Dec 23 2011, 04:33PM
My little project

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri Dec 23 2011, 06:05PM
Here are a better shot.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 23 2011, 06:05PM
"Little" project?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 01 2012, 12:51AM
It appears kookapook couldn't decide between porkchops or steak...
so he went 88mph and had both.. o.o
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 01 2012, 08:04PM
alt from where i saw it, it didnt look like he was holding a steak
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sun Jan 01 2012, 11:06PM
Just a Quick Piccy of Ma Spawn Building, The Fountain House, with the Market Plaza.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 02 2012, 06:47AM
Alt on his.. agressive side..
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 02 2012, 06:54AM
Yes.. as a pigman villager I tend to be like that.. when somebodies aiming at me with a loaded bow

The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Mon Jan 09 2012, 07:51PM
Here are some of the may screenshots of the CFUK R.M.S Titanic!!
Including (In order of Appereance)
The Bow of the Ship aswell has part od the starboard side
The grand Staircase
le crate de Resturant
Le cafe Parisian
The reception
More on the way!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 10 2012, 03:53AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 10 2012, 09:29AM
I spot a terrible flaw in those pictures! It's called Internet Exploder! : D
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 11 2012, 05:40PM
The cannon for men

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 11 2012, 05:53PM
oh dear lord its beautiful!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Thu Jan 12 2012, 01:03PM
I am in awe...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 12 2012, 07:31PM
my poor creeper friends

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 12 2012, 07:32PM
im talking about alts photo about his grinder

it was a fun time
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 12 2012, 08:05PM
photos of my place i know... its kinda small
The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Sun Jan 15 2012, 02:35AM
www... You can't see my house in the distance. D:
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 15 2012, 03:04AM
my first pixel art, tell me if you like it

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Sun Jan 15 2012, 03:13AM
Droid, those pictures look awesome! Your texture pack makes it look even better.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Jan 15 2012, 07:23AM
Aww its so cute you have there pixel art Creepers !!!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 15 2012, 10:42AM

Ahhh... Good old times! : )
The warp is
mzlnes, but it's probably best viewed from the live map.
Enjoy! : )
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 15 2012, 12:55PM
Spot the Moderator

The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Sun Jan 15 2012, 01:47PM
In the tree house behind the vines

the orange tiki facce mask ?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 15 2012, 07:14PM
Console really does love me

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 16 2012, 01:06PM
A console that yells at you to get of if you've been on too long? Meh...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 16 2012, 07:32PM
Ma CotM pixel art
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Thu Jan 19 2012, 11:47PM
Some pictures from the old map.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Thu Jan 19 2012, 11:49PM
And some more..
The Screenshot Thread.
SampleName, Fri Jan 20 2012, 12:51AM
Spot the Moderator

That's one good looking Tiger!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Fri Jan 20 2012, 08:23AM
Oh how I miss the old map
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jan 21 2012, 01:53PM
heh see that globe next to the safe store. i used to jump from that onto the store :3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 23 2012, 07:56PM
not to construct the entrance/exit of a railway station.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 29 2012, 07:51PM
Just a nice natural screenshot i took near my house
it would be alot better if i could get a closer up pic though

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Sun Jan 29 2012, 08:51PM
SCREEN DUMP ONE: Cities of the Past - a selection
Pyramid City
(November 2010)

Mine City 2.0
(November 2010)

Beach City
(November 2010)

Spawn Town
(November 2010)

(November 2010)

Smuglers' Cove
(November 2010)

Toast Town (the original)
(November 2010)

Cliff Side
(November 2010)

Tower City
(November 2010)

Temp Map City
(January 2011)

Spawn Town
(July 2011)

Staff Castle
(September 2011)

(September 2011)

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 29 2012, 10:04PM
*sees last picture*
hah! my little town sandville.
'twas a shame the server changed map so soon after its rising.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 30 2012, 09:24PM
heh i remmeber your little sandstone town. twas right near a build of mine
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Mon Jan 30 2012, 10:28PM
I was being hauted by the ghost of my dearest Frank, who was Brutally murdured by a certain speedo wearing Crazy Fool.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Tue Jan 31 2012, 03:27AM
How do I post pics again?
The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Thu Feb 02 2012, 09:03PM
Hooray, parties!
The club, made by Kahr, had an awesome opening. Of course, we had to get Broonie to send out the invitations. Lets see who visited...
At first there were only some villagers.

...But then the zombies came and showed their moves. Hot!

And of course, the sheep came to join in on the music, too.

Unfortunately the big Ender Dragon also caught word about the party and tried to barge his way in. No way.
Annoyed at our refusal, he fought back and we had to kill him. Serves him right, the b*****d.
I dropped my camera in all the commotion though, so I missed a shot...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Feb 02 2012, 09:32PM
DJ Shrap running the mix at club kahr.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Feb 02 2012, 09:33PM
Yeah, I misplaced my camera during the fight as well, so I didn't get to take on pictures of it.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Feb 03 2012, 11:43PM
this only shows the center part of my pixel art gallery

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Mon Feb 06 2012, 11:51AM
Whoa Creepers those look amazing!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 07 2012, 01:34AM
Messing around with F5 and F8, I discovered a view nobody ever wants to see...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 07 2012, 10:21PM
Ah Tan, that should be ur profile pic. Fck the sheep, sry I meant, forget about the sheep. . . . .
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 08 2012, 12:40AM
But the sheep is where I got the wool for my speedos!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 08 2012, 12:59AM
But the sheep is where I got the wool for my speedos!
im sure they are glad that their wool helped a good cause
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Wed Feb 08 2012, 09:32PM
But the sheep is where I got the wool for my speedos!
Knitted Speedos?

The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Thu Feb 09 2012, 12:59AM
But the sheep is where I got the wool for my speedos!
Knitted Speedos? 
This makes me sick...
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Feb 12 2012, 02:53PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Feb 12 2012, 05:44PM
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Feb 12 2012, 06:18PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 02:04AM
looks like you are making something big aco
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Mon Feb 13 2012, 10:18AM
It looks amazing Mini, make one on the current map!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 10:24AM
The mansion

by michael_scott & JimiB93
Uploading this in 3 sections because my computer doesnt like it :o.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 10:27AM
part 3

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 11:08AM
It looks amazing Mini, make one on the current map!
i think i will, as soon as i can find a desert location free from snow and with the necessary geological features.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Mon Feb 13 2012, 11:40AM
Very nice house Michael !
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 11:54AM
The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Mon Feb 13 2012, 02:43PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 02:52PM
btw mini you should re-build that it was good.
+ on the 2nd picture u can see mine and deas's casino in the back ground xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 13 2012, 04:41PM
Hotmage you are now amazing xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Mon Feb 13 2012, 10:33PM
Not mine lol took from somewhere on the internet XD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 14 2012, 05:07AM
*takes back previously said comment*
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Tue Feb 14 2012, 08:52AM
Got a Warp there Mike? I want to be a nosy bugger.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 14 2012, 06:11PM
/warp udc but you fall into water so just /top or swim around

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri Feb 17 2012, 12:42AM
Pizza Parlour

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 19 2012, 03:04PM
Guess who this is!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 19 2012, 03:05PM
Guess who this is!

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sun Feb 19 2012, 07:16PM
That is a work of art qo.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 19 2012, 07:25PM
took me hours. i think its better then all of creepers put together xD
Kahr was not amused :3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 19 2012, 09:47PM
It took you 10 minutes. You even said so yourself.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 21 2012, 05:06PM
I know this isnt Minecraft but just wanted to show you what happens when the chippy does an everything for £1 deal round my bit.
*luv you Scotland*

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 21 2012, 05:54PM
It took you 10 minutes. You even said so yourself. 
actually it took me around about a minute...
heh mike is that a current occurance? because you could have fun with a paintball gun

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 22 2012, 01:27AM
a paintball grenade would be perfect
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 26 2012, 07:59PM
dayum that looks nice!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 26 2012, 08:03PM

Tree survival texture pack.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Feb 26 2012, 08:16PM
That's just weird.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 02 2012, 11:29AM
Lol go minecraft! hate that SOPA

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Mar 04 2012, 07:37PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Loaded42, Sun Mar 04 2012, 09:03PM
you has ginger too?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Wed Mar 07 2012, 02:40PM
ooooo can anyone tame kittens?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 07 2012, 05:12PM
They are pre-tamed i presume.
The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Mar 11 2012, 05:01PM
The Exterior of the ss.skylight is just about complete and now I can focus on finishing the interior!
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Mon Mar 12 2012, 09:20AM
On one early, and lonely, morning, I found a Broonie.. Who gave me a sheep as company, so I offered him a challenge:
The aftermath:
Tip: Don't offer Broonie a challenge.. He takes those things seriously

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 12 2012, 11:23AM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 12 2012, 12:28PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Hotmage100, Mon Mar 12 2012, 12:43PM
lol !!!
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Mar 18 2012, 02:08PM
Before and after.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Mar 18 2012, 03:31PM
hehe the end is still golem controlled

The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Mar 18 2012, 05:11PM
Saw this feller while wondering on the server
We should ban him for fly hacks 
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Mar 18 2012, 10:42PM
air squid!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 19 2012, 12:46AM
Just fly like an areoplane!
The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Tue Mar 27 2012, 09:29PM
I contracted Aconan to build a desert fortress for me; here's a pic of him standing atop his masterpiece.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 28 2012, 08:09PM
its beautiful shrap

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Stevetaz, Wed Mar 28 2012, 08:32PM
Haha made my day
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 29 2012, 04:24PM
I've never seen one of these before

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 30 2012, 12:50AM
A charged creeper? Watch out:
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Fri Mar 30 2012, 01:03PM
A slight sheep related issue in my underground hole.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 30 2012, 10:19PM
oh god! D:
The Screenshot Thread.
Loaded42, Fri Mar 30 2012, 10:20PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Mar 31 2012, 09:28AM
well its erm well its different
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 01 2012, 01:00AM
A few pics I meant to post;
Kahr's PvP Arena from the last map. In 3D anaglyph mode. With Quake Pro turned on.

My Spleef Stadium from the last map

Me being awkwardly stared at by Jiggy's snowman

Me being molested in a dark room by Jiggy's snowman

I don't even...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 02 2012, 01:04AM
Tetsuoken's new dungeon:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 02 2012, 03:25AM
1) Pedro's treehouse
2) Pedro suicide
3) Pedro's head now on backwards

The Screenshot Thread.
nand, Mon Apr 02 2012, 08:44AM
Broonie playing with the ban message.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 02 2012, 03:28PM
the chickens watching you o.o
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 05 2012, 03:15AM
Me and ViciousSquirriel Round 1:
Piston Fun

Me and ViciousSqurriel Round 2:
A 4 year old griefers house

(With help from Creeperswanthugs)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 05 2012, 03:17AM
it was fun building that masterpiece
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 08 2012, 08:22PM
Anyone else who tested before get any shots of their lag attempts?

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Wed Apr 11 2012, 05:39PM
Skelly just chillin' on my stairs

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 11 2012, 10:16PM
lmao xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Fri Apr 20 2012, 11:46PM
Nice pictures aco but Ive been meaning to ask are mods like the shaders and waters shaders mod allowed?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Apr 21 2012, 12:10AM
Graphical mods are normally fine. In theory every 3rd party mod is banned, so if it backfires you area accountable.
What is truly banned is any mod that gives an unfair advantage. So certain minimap mods and hacks.
Some minimaps are ok.
The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sat Apr 21 2012, 09:47AM
Ok Thats good, I plan on using the water shaders mod

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 21 2012, 04:53PM
do i need to say anything!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 21 2012, 04:59PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sun Apr 22 2012, 10:33AM
What Texture pack is that aco? looks damn nice.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Apr 22 2012, 01:02PM
Sphax Pure HD db craft. Ranges from x16 to x512, that is a x128 pack.
Along with several shader mods and glsl shaders.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sun Apr 22 2012, 01:25PM
So if that's how good, it looks with all those fancy things, how good does it look with x512? o.O
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Sun Apr 22 2012, 05:23PM
do i need to say anything!

I think you need to tell us why your cursor is directly on Kahr's crotch. That's no coincidence!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Apr 22 2012, 05:24PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 22 2012, 06:52PM
LOL i never even noticed that
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 23 2012, 01:00AM
that is wrong on sooooo many levels
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 23 2012, 08:43AM
What can I say? I'm a popular guy.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri May 04 2012, 08:42PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 04 2012, 08:55PM
looks cool is it based on a real building?
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri May 04 2012, 09:07PM
Based on the fake Avengers building

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 04 2012, 09:11PM
cool im hopefully seeing that tomorrow so then ill know what you mean

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 04:26PM
waterworld seabed fun.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 05:20PM
Ever felt ... alone?

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 05:31PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 07 2012, 05:48PM
holy shizzle!
waterworld will be epic.
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 05:53PM
Although at nights wont be so lonely, your not the only ones stuck on an island

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 06:07PM
In fact, it might be more of a party

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 06:17PM
Changed the look of the seabeds

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 06:43PM
The bottom of the ocean [if you can make it] can also be very ... resource rich

The Screenshot Thread.
Stevetaz, Mon May 07 2012, 06:53PM
Potion time

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 07 2012, 06:54PM
ha! islands look great at night!
new seabed look very nice. especially those diamonds :3
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 08:14PM
The oceanbed can also hold other treasures...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 07 2012, 08:16PM
wow sunken treasure
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 08:23PM
Who knows what else lies beneath?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 07 2012, 08:29PM
well you do lol
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 08:40PM
Grassy islands aren't perfect, but at least it feels a little more homely.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 09:25PM
Nessie? Is that you?

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 09:31PM
Sandlines is a little chunk problem I need to check out.
Anyway, went over the top a little with flower power.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon May 07 2012, 09:45PM
Doesn't stop the mobs though

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon May 07 2012, 11:00PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 08 2012, 08:38AM
As Blinky says this will be mob trap heaven

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 08 2012, 12:33PM
and apparently Nessie will be there

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 08 2012, 12:37PM
and i will build a huge and expansive underwater base of which there will never be a like.
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue May 08 2012, 09:11PM
Updated the grass-generation algorithm, islands look more...islandy

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue May 08 2012, 09:17PM
Some islands are a bit... unislandy though, even with the added flowers.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 08 2012, 10:41PM
hmmm that looks a wee bit like a Twinkie
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 09 2012, 08:03AM
A rather messy game of Minecraft chess :S

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 09 2012, 02:50PM
lmao you actually had a game.
im still gunning for the idea of using actual player and record it. that would be fairly awsome to watch
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 10 2012, 12:25PM
we need a load of players and we can do chess minecraft style that's every player place a chess piece
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 13 2012, 01:11PM
Could be fun
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 13 2012, 03:41PM
If that happens, I call being the 3rd black pawn =D
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed May 16 2012, 07:34PM
Islands a bit more varied now

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 16 2012, 07:37PM
Looking good

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed May 16 2012, 08:01PM
Waterworld, without the water

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed May 16 2012, 08:27PM
Ignore the flying blocks, but some islands will be huge now

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 18 2012, 09:46PM
Shadox in his new room in my house.

The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sat May 19 2012, 08:49AM
I was very lonely

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 20 2012, 09:48PM
Messing with skins

Simon and Alvin

And a VERY hungry cookie monster!

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue May 22 2012, 05:56PM
Looks like something went a little wrong in the coding

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue May 22 2012, 07:27PM
Ignore the different types of mats, they are there for reference.
But coding in boats now.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 22 2012, 09:14PM
broonie. you been making havok again?
still looking awsome

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 23 2012, 08:27PM
Does my camouflage work?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Sun Jun 03 2012, 08:34PM
Wow, Quite good, I didnt even see what it was until i Saw your feet!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 05 2012, 09:14PM
Jinxii and Yama26 getting up close and personal;

We started building a Sekoj, and it grew antennae!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 06 2012, 09:17PM
Teamspeak Island is coming along nicely...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 07 2012, 03:19PM
Me messing around with the little blocks mod and the Gullivers mod in an npc village

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 07 2012, 09:32PM
omg RUN

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 07 2012, 09:36PM
Tanpeel barbershop quatet o.o

Cant get enough of aco?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 08 2012, 05:00AM
Oh dear, are my Yama shenanigans to blame for this?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 08 2012, 07:34AM
Ummm maybe lol
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 08 2012, 11:04AM
lol, They are great pics
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 08 2012, 06:20PM
Who says there's never enough staff?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 08 2012, 08:29PM
My super mega cannon i made in single player

I got over my fear of fire charges in dispensers and was planning on building this but bigger and cooler on the server until the following happened.
The fire charges flew from x-40 to x 823!!! 0.o

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 11 2012, 07:24PM
Dont you just hate it when your wearing the same close as someone else?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 11 2012, 09:34PM
Where's the pool?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 13 2012, 06:45PM
Getting chat spammed by jetter...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 13 2012, 08:26PM
eyes up beagrie

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 13 2012, 08:53PM
It burns!

Sneaky creeper was stood there for a whole minute before he made his move!

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Jun 16 2012, 07:14PM
Some pictures. Enjoy.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sat Jun 16 2012, 07:21PM
And after.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jun 16 2012, 08:47PM
the view i was greeted with :o

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jun 16 2012, 09:50PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Jun 17 2012, 11:50AM
Texture pack comparisons.
1.Glimmer Steampunk
2.Sphax Pure DB craft
3.Xaiwaker Pack

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Jun 17 2012, 11:53AM
Some more.
1. JohnSmith

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jun 17 2012, 07:37PM
Well I can clearly say default is the worst. Are these all at 16, or 32. (apart from default?)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Jun 17 2012, 08:23PM
Xaiwaker is 16, and default is 16.
Sphax is 128.
Glimmer, Johnsmith, and faithful are 32.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Mon Jun 18 2012, 06:16PM
Why are Sgt_Blinky's legs all messed up in the last pic?
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Jun 18 2012, 06:49PM
Not a clue, I thought it was funny.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Jun 18 2012, 07:21PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Jun 18 2012, 08:23PM
Testing Logo advert upload.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Jun 18 2012, 08:27PM
And resized to the correct forum width

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Mon Jun 18 2012, 10:18PM
Try 3

The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Tue Jun 19 2012, 03:03AM
Herobrine's free discounted lemonade!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Tue Jun 19 2012, 09:49AM
:D yay! gotta love some lemonade.... although doesnt that lemonade look rather hot and it appears your costumer is on the roof
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Tue Jun 19 2012, 10:09PM
It's perfectly safe. My client on the roof drinks it all the time.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 20 2012, 03:35AM
Pictures in pictures.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Jun 20 2012, 06:30PM
only few will know about this

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 20 2012, 10:09PM
Know about what? nothing happened there, what are you on about broonie?!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 21 2012, 07:01AM
I may or may not have photographic and/or video evidence that something may have happened there.
But I can neither confirm nor deny this speculation.
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Jun 21 2012, 08:30AM
I may or may not have photographic and/or video evidence that something may have happened there.
But I can neither confirm nor deny this speculation.
The other person who said that apparently was caught up in a freak accident this morning.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 21 2012, 10:06AM
I may or may not have photographic and/or video evidence that something may have happened there.
But I can neither confirm nor deny this speculation.
The other person who said that apparently was caught up in a freak accident this morning.
Was that a threat? Are you
bullying me into silence?!
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Jun 21 2012, 11:09AM
I may or may not have photographic and/or video evidence that something may have happened there.
But I can neither confirm nor deny this speculation.
The other person who said that apparently was caught up in a freak accident this morning.
Was that a threat? Are you bullying me into silence?!
I'm merely informing, now let me wash my hands, there is BLOOD on them.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Thu Jun 21 2012, 09:52PM
Over 1000 cows.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Thu Jun 21 2012, 11:35PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Fri Jun 22 2012, 12:49AM
Oh no...It's like cows cows and cows all over again...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 22 2012, 03:13AM
Why. Why cows? Why not Chickens or sheep or Pigs? Anything but those annoyingly loud Monsters!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 22 2012, 12:02PM
Why not slimes?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 25 2012, 08:36PM
um hate to break the forum order but how do i post pictures?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Mon Jun 25 2012, 08:49PM
1. Click "Post Reply"
2. Scroll down to "Attach file / image"
3. Click "Browse..."
4. Find the screenshot you want and double click on it
5. Click "Reply To Thread" to post the screenshot
You can post several screenshots at one time by clicking on the "Add another Attachment" button and repeating steps 1-4.
This will automatically resize your screens to what the site needs it to be and won't mess up the layout
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 25 2012, 09:02PM
picture url: www. example. com/pictures/thisismypicture.jpg
To post it on the forum you would do:
- Without the '*' , of course.
oh so i have to use an image sharing website? lucky i have tumblr <3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jun 25 2012, 09:08PM

Funny chat with yama and tiger XD

We has soooo much fun with this guy XD

COTM house

Me and droids old house area... god i miss the old map

Dramatic naske!

this scared the crap out of me D:

Dont mess with me and forced perspectives XD


Another funny naske image <3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 26 2012, 05:04AM

Me, cuuktre, QOTSA and Daxmen way to close...
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Jun 26 2012, 10:02AM
Oops, completely forgot about the fact that most screens linked from other sites tend to mess up the site layout.. Here's a better, more site friendly, way of uploading your screenshots:
1. Click "Post Reply";
2. Scroll down to "Attach file / image";
3. Click "Browse...";
4. Find the screenshot you want and double click on it, you should now see the directory location for the screenshot to the left of the "Browse..." button;
5. Click "Reply To Thread" to post the screenshot.
You can post several screenshots at one time by clicking on the "Add another Attachment" button and repeating steps 1-4.
This will automatically resize your screens to what the site needs it to be and won't mess up the layout

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 26 2012, 12:13PM
^ Also works with any images you have on your computer which you want to post on the forums, not just screenshots. If anyone didnt get that

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Tue Jun 26 2012, 05:56PM
ohh god... i never bin here before... but i had...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:24PM
Well not the whole staff team
just broonie and the mods
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:29PM
and some orange haired guy?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:31PM
And one of the piller of Broonie

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:32PM
the one with the orange hair is Shrapnel
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:33PM
You type their name into an interface and it gives you their skin
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jun 28 2012, 06:42PM
Ahhhh run for your lives it's
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Fri Jun 29 2012, 03:15AM
I don't recall posing for that... (I really should finish my skin someday)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Tue Jul 03 2012, 03:52PM
Other servers are not permitted here.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 03 2012, 04:32PM
Thats a lot of block o.o
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:24PM
Fixed your post due to it breaking the layout of the site.. Please try to use the on-site uploading feature or remember to resize your images to fit the website size in the future

1. Click "Post Reply";
2. Scroll down to "Attach file / image";
3. Click "Browse...";
4. Find the screenshot you want and double click on it, you should now see the directory location for the screenshot to the left of the "Browse..." button;
5. Click "Reply To Thread" to post the screenshot.
You can post several screenshots at one time by clicking on the "Add another Attachment" button and repeating steps 1-4.
This will automatically resize your screens to what the site needs it to be and won't mess up the layout
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sat Jul 07 2012, 02:24PM
What could it be?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sat Jul 07 2012, 02:58PM
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sat Jul 07 2012, 08:59PM
It's a long way down

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 07 2012, 10:48PM
Submarine! Or a ship wreck
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon Jul 09 2012, 06:48PM
When Coding Goes Wrong Episode II

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Mon Jul 09 2012, 08:15PM
I allways do wrong... but never flating chest's
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 09 2012, 09:21PM
just leave them there broonie. see if anyone notices
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 10 2012, 10:48AM
Would it be reasonable to request that drowning be disabled in waterworld once it has been released?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 10 2012, 11:33AM
Would it be reasonable to request that drowning be disabled in waterworld once it has been released?
Kind of takes the "survival" out of SMP, though, doesn't it?
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue Jul 10 2012, 11:38AM
Would it be reasonable to request that drowning be disabled in waterworld once it has been released?
That's like saying taking away the caves of the normal world and just leave the ore exposed on the surface.
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Tue Jul 10 2012, 01:24PM
code... yellow *dun dun dunnnnnn*

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 10 2012, 04:40PM
Would it be reasonable to request that drowning be disabled in waterworld once it has been released?
no. get your resp III helmet ready

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 10 2012, 10:38PM
That's like saying taking away the caves of the normal world and just leave the ore exposed on the surface.
Bah, at least i tried.
i guess trying to make a resp 3 - aqu afin 1 helmet now goes as first priority. Dumb me left my old one on the last world.
On a relevant note: does anyone the optimal level for highest probability of getting resp 3?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 12 2012, 10:06PM
I won the preview! very intense race


The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 12 2012, 10:24PM
islands are indeed moby

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 12 2012, 10:29PM
I spy a couple of diamonds!
Shame they are to deep. (im locked in btw the only way out is death i think)

[Mod edit: use the on-site image upload, or resize your images pl0x]
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 12 2012, 10:32PM
Should have gone with my original verdict. I tried to get down and drowned
Preview over!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jul 13 2012, 05:36PM
Waiting for water world

The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Jul 14 2012, 12:44PM
You aint going to my island

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sat Jul 14 2012, 12:52PM
Oh God...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 14 2012, 10:59PM
screen shot for theakman

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 16 2012, 08:28AM
Island: claimed by mobs

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Mon Jul 16 2012, 10:39AM
hrmm whats more deadly, naske's charged creeper or khoes's skele and zombie infested island?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Mon Jul 16 2012, 11:14AM
heey, my island was like that too.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 16 2012, 04:15PM
Waiting for water world 

I see me!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Tue Jul 17 2012, 07:40AM
Theakman Its just a picture, theres no need to get over excited about it... OMG I SEE ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!! :3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 17 2012, 07:50AM
Theakman Its just a picture, theres no need to get over excited about it... OMG I SEE ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!! :3
Lawl. you guys are odd. wait. what?! i'm there TOO! WaaaaahooooooOo!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Tue Jul 17 2012, 10:46AM
Lol.. Dont you think thats just over reacting ? XD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 23 2012, 01:35PM
I didnt make this but its pritty damn cool

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 23 2012, 08:00PM
i dont... how.... i think i will just leave it at : illusions, illusions everywhere.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Mon Jul 23 2012, 09:26PM
Thats some freaky stuff... but very clever
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jul 23 2012, 09:47PM
just a few more on the map i found.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Tue Jul 24 2012, 12:39AM
Can't think! too much paradox! AHHH!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 24 2012, 05:45AM
My... Brain... hurts! D:
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Tue Jul 24 2012, 11:20AM
Brain.exe not foundt
The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Tue Jul 24 2012, 03:37PM
The SIA's new sip is coming along great!
we've already hired our entertainers....

and yet another reason why building in waterworld is some dangerous stuff D:
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Tue Jul 24 2012, 03:38PM
Ohh lord... Im not master of the arms again!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Wed Jul 25 2012, 06:18PM
Lol I dont think no one will wanna be once they see that pic xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 01 2012, 07:28PM
I found a way to salvage this from the old Area 52 threads, for all those that were not around last Christmas this was a nuclear snowball.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 03 2012, 06:54PM
Birthday celebrations starting early

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 04 2012, 11:03AM
Chain mail

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 05 2012, 05:22PM
All hope is lost!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Aug 05 2012, 05:30PM
aww yeah
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 05 2012, 06:23PM
They're looking at me!
They're all looking at me!!! o.o

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Sun Aug 05 2012, 09:00PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 08 2012, 06:12PM
okwhat the hell is with this random invisible, walk throughable block. i even tried re-logging lol

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 08 2012, 06:30PM
semi built Taj Mahal

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 09 2012, 06:38PM
1.4 seems to have everything ive ever wanted. More potions , coloured glass and command blocks - (multi-player ???)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 09 2012, 09:33PM
It's not coloured glass i just couldn't figure out what it was but it's a power thing if you make a pyramid out of emerald diamond iron or gold blocks you can get different tiered powers however it is slightly buggy as it did break two of my worlds
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 09 2012, 09:34PM
and the command block only works if you are a server op
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 06:51AM
/me retracts previous statement.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 06:52AM
Some cool generation on the new map.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 07:28AM
What seed is that?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 09:11AM
Some cool generations on the new map
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 11:26AM
about time lol
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 02:31PM
Some cool generations on the new map
Oh I feel dumb now
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 10 2012, 03:33PM
well i should say new portion of the map
The Screenshot Thread.
Knoparen, Sun Aug 12 2012, 12:41PM

What are they doing out there? Should not they spawn on my island instead Broonie?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 13 2012, 04:50AM
The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Wed Aug 15 2012, 03:00PM
Some Random screenshots taken with naske and all
Dont You just Love tekkit

The Naskeinator 3000

I was low on staff

Sinking the Titanic

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 15 2012, 04:18PM
This cocoa bean appears to have a dog growing out of it.

Ahh the sneaky sod. Avoiding the sunlight while hiding in a tree and waiting for an unsupecting victim to walk passed. Classic

Definatly a worry when the air starts breaking o.o

I made a hole

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 15 2012, 04:19PM
Oh and megabananafrog doing strange things to a chest with a look of sheer concentration on his face. Creepy

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Thu Aug 16 2012, 08:06AM
I have been trying to find these pictures for ages!
I knew
someone took some screenshots for me but I had only been on the server a couple of weeks and didn't know anyone. Just found some on nand's flickr. Guess it was Nand
October 1st 2010: My first redstone computer (my own design)

The input and output. This is before levers/buttons worked in smp so input was by placing torches

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Aug 17 2012, 05:15PM
My Tekkit Adventure.
Part 1: Nukes Ahoy!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Fri Aug 17 2012, 09:28PM
O.O.... yeah thanks for reminding me Q of why I shouldn't let you on my tekkit world xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 18 2012, 06:45PM
Q is this your demonstration on why the dionasures no longer exist lol
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Aug 19 2012, 09:53AM
What a brilliant way to put it lol
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Aug 23 2012, 01:47PM
Snapshot 12w34a pictures

Dyeable leather armour

Invisibility potion

Plant pots

Item frames

Viewable maps in item frame wooden buttons and trapdoors on upper half of blocks

Cobblestone and moss stone walls

New food items and potion

Empty map

Automatically aligning corner stairs
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 25 2012, 04:26PM
Lewboy your just stealing droids snapshot thread now --,--
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 26 2012, 11:28PM
I follow jeb and dinnerbone on twitter i know when updates come out
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 26 2012, 11:57PM
Your worst nightmare a slenderman with large eyes and a flying carpet

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 27 2012, 05:13AM
I follow jeb and dinnerbone on twitter i know when updates come out
yes but its droids job (kinda) to announce the new updates your argument is invalid
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Mon Aug 27 2012, 05:28AM
I follow jeb and dinnerbone on twitter i know when updates come out
yes but its droids job (kinda) to announce the new updates your argument is invalid
Droid will just have to be quicker then, lewboy is allowed to post updates if he wishes.
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Thu Aug 30 2012, 02:19PM
Some skyscrapers.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Sept 04 2012, 05:01PM
OMG! Iron! no way!

I made a cannon

Then a hole...

I'm walking in the air. at 94879 blocks high...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Sept 07 2012, 05:08PM
First time playing on the new server and with tekkit.
...I have no idea what ninjans doing

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Fri Sept 07 2012, 05:46PM
And with that setup, niether did I

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Sept 07 2012, 06:50PM
So in new spawn i discovered that when the sun is setting it creates an epic scenery effect
This was the result

The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Fri Sept 07 2012, 08:37PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Sept 08 2012, 05:12AM
Slime Lantern.
Its so cuuute ^.^

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 09 2012, 04:24PM
Diamond and its "special" little brother...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Sept 09 2012, 04:33PM
fools diamond!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Sept 09 2012, 08:28PM
Nikolite... >

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Sept 13 2012, 06:23PM
just building....

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 19 2012, 03:15AM
Beautiful view of old spawn from the hot air balloon

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 19 2012, 08:12PM
a good reason nukes should be banned

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Sept 19 2012, 09:30PM
*Whistles casually*

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Sept 28 2012, 09:12PM
Testing the effects of alcohol in tekkit.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Sept 29 2012, 01:46PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 03 2012, 11:42PM
Toa is this how it was built?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 03 2012, 11:52PM
Yes. That is exactly how it was built.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Ryona4, Thu Oct 04 2012, 01:53AM
Seems legit.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 06 2012, 03:36PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 11 2012, 12:05AM

R.I.P Lewboy
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 18 2012, 10:50PM
The one thing you never want to see in front of you in tekkit.
This was taken before I moved my base.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Oct 19 2012, 11:39PM
What's that?
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Oct 20 2012, 10:38AM
droid and his lasers...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sat Oct 20 2012, 11:05AM
Laser = fire + wooden ship = accident :/
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 20 2012, 11:43PM
Oh hai!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 20 2012, 11:45PM
Oh you brought some friends

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Oct 21 2012, 07:18PM
Thought I'd share a view of my short-lived geothermal plant. It didn't last long, charging lapotron crystals drained the lava lake.
I'm thinking of rebuilding it over a new borehole.
The second one is really odd, I've noticed that flowing lava seems to spontaneously turn to cobble, possibly at server restart?
In this case it seems to have turned to stair blocks?
Unless someone actually built that?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 22 2012, 01:57PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 22 2012, 06:06PM
What's that?
It is a cannon.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 22 2012, 06:08PM
What's that?
It is a cannon.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 22 2012, 06:11PM
I just found the photo I promised to upload.
It was taken during texture pack week where I change textures all week. It was a texture pack based off of Slender called SlenderCraft.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 22 2012, 06:20PM
Just two screenshots of a project I'm working on and a randomly generated wth moment.Also its a templet for my next minecraft shop

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 23 2012, 04:55PM
Is that meant to be like that?
Or has your minecraft taken random pics and inserted it into a block? But if so, I still don't understand where the pokeball came from...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 23 2012, 05:01PM
This looks like changed painting textures to me. Although Toa states "default texture pack" i assume you just changed some textures within it.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Oct 23 2012, 09:14PM
This looks like changed painting textures to me. Although Toa states "default texture pack" i assume you just changed some textures within it.
I didnt my minecraft won't start back up. My mac must hate me. be glad I didnt screenshot a picture where it replaced a painting with a picture of my first hunting trip.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 27 2012, 04:47PM
What Is the seed for the jungle temple at spawn?
[Shrapnel's note: Eek! Please be careful about quoting multi-image replies!]
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Oct 28 2012, 12:10PM
Dunno I'll find out when I'm on my laptop next
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 29 2012, 04:33AM
Seed is: 2219077947021285407
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 29 2012, 04:34AM
Guess what I'm playing around with

(Notice the item in hand)
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 29 2012, 08:52AM
Blinky testing potion effects

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 31 2012, 02:57AM
Awww, Micke has himself an admirer.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 01 2012, 02:52AM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 01 2012, 01:37PM
Ahh the fire spread failure is always entertaining to see what builds go up in smoke. Glad we have revert though otherwise we'd be screwed. Droid, isn't this abit of De Ja Vu for you? titanic has another disaster.

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Nov 01 2012, 03:49PM
Titanic hit ice, now it's fire. all we need is an earthquake and a tornado and we can call it the ship of elements

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 02 2012, 03:02AM
Look what I got:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 02 2012, 06:34AM
strange things happen in minecraft:

last one was taken in the old map. first two are post-update.
The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Fri Nov 02 2012, 01:01PM
Ahh the fire spread failure is always entertaining to see what builds go up in smoke. Glad we have revert though otherwise we'd be screwed. Droid, isn't this abit of De Ja Vu for you? titanic has another disaster. 
You could kinda say that yeah considering that went it burnt was close to the actually time the real titanic sank xD
freaky stuff
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Nov 02 2012, 05:44PM
Any ship named titanic is doomed to destruction

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 02 2012, 06:05PM
That reminds me of a little boat called the titanic 2. On its maiden voyage it also sank *runs off to find pictures*
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 02 2012, 08:35PM
Not long ago the CFUK fire plugin failed which of course caused fire to break out across the server maps.
This is how badly the titanic was affected by this disaster 
Amoung the fire, the large amounts water and small portion of lava from Turkish barths added to the chaos. All of first class burnt in just under 8 minutes, second class was then later flooded by the large first class pool from above the floor.
What an evening :/
If you listen veeery carefully, you can hear droids soul dying
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Fri Nov 02 2012, 10:01PM
You... you... you stole my skin

I've had to make mine an aether slime now

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 02 2012, 11:58PM
You... you... you stole my skin 
I've had to make mine an aether slime now 
Oh me wearing your skin? that's only cause i was working on your skin

forgot to take it off
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 03 2012, 01:25AM
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat Nov 03 2012, 04:45PM
hehe, I like the aether slime better anyways

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 03 2012, 10:17PM
Yama said me and Q could blow up her castle before she went to 1.4 .......

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Sun Nov 04 2012, 12:56AM
sound's like fun xD
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 04 2012, 04:54AM
R.I.P Betty ;(

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 09 2012, 10:15PM
For Theak:

My mish mash of clothes:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Fri Nov 09 2012, 11:15PM
Rainbow dash? Pfft, PINKIE FTW!!!!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 10 2012, 01:37AM
Rainbow dash? Pfft, PINKIE FTW!!!!
Challenge accepted!

Oh, and a robot for good luck!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 10 2012, 01:55AM
I won!

Giant Shurikan

What you lookin' at?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 10 2012, 09:16PM
Pig racing the final

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Nov 10 2012, 10:50PM
Look at me ahead if the game ... To bad buggy pig got suck on block lol gg lads and lasses I enjoyed this a lot made minecraft fun again
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 14 2012, 12:07AM
Na Ns NA nA Toa!

I have the coolest secret base ever... of all time.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 15 2012, 08:52PM
Is that the moon mod?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Nov 17 2012, 02:25PM

hey look its ... iron?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Nov 20 2012, 02:59AM
Is that the moon mod?
No its the ice planet texture pack
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 25 2012, 12:06PM
sheep n seek

those testificates realy know good places to build villages dont they...

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Nov 25 2012, 12:53PM
Trying a bit of automatic crafting. This lot should turn spare UU matter into machine blocks.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 25 2012, 09:44PM
sheep n seek

those testificates realy know good places to build villages dont they...

Is that the YogBox?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Nov 26 2012, 12:43PM
sheep n seek

those testificates realy know good places to build villages dont they...

Is that the YogBox?
yes.. yes it is
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Nov 26 2012, 12:43PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Nov 28 2012, 04:34PM
Ack...careful with quoting image posts, please.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 28 2012, 04:44PM
sry shrapnel wont do it again
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 28 2012, 07:52PM
Theres a joke in this somewhere...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Nov 28 2012, 07:58PM
i used to find jokes in Q's pictures... but then i took an arrow to the knee
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 29 2012, 02:20PM

Wut R U doing?


Edit: for some reason yogbox likes to glitch all the textures from most things if you play long enough...
Even had once that there was an invisable ghast which had fire tnt cake bookcase tentacles...
And after that when i went to the overworld again...
Pieces of nether seemed to have followed me and glitched up the entire world with random planes of netherrack... not even in the minecraft block format but real criss cross planes.
too bad i didnt screenshot it but i thought my minecraft was about to explode:P
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 01 2012, 12:49AM
Is optifine in yogbox if so that's the problem it's easy enough to remove
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 01 2012, 03:17PM
it is but its more of a laugh then a scare at some points, and aswell im pretty much done with yogbox now and since they wont be updating any year soon it wont be a problem
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Dec 01 2012, 04:01PM
Feed the beast is cool try it out, its like tekkit but has more biomes and has magical jungles
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 01 2012, 04:09PM
ExtraBiomesXL & Twilight Forest
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 03 2012, 05:02PM
Log block fail on Q.
was so funny in ts.

The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Mon Dec 03 2012, 06:05PM
Hahaha i remeber sonething like this happenin b4

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Mon Dec 03 2012, 10:18PM
Blink did it in his end grinder

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 06 2012, 09:17PM
saw a hovering talk

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Dec 08 2012, 06:44PM

The start of my collection

The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Dec 08 2012, 07:42PM
Damn .... I'm soooooo sexy

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Tue Dec 11 2012, 01:04PM
You've looked better.... kinda
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Dec 11 2012, 04:52PM
I got slime in my prezzie -.-
Broonie put my head on a stick.
Now he's wearing my head...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 14 2012, 09:34PM
A small glitch in Broonies special 1% caused me to spam the server a tiny bit...
*look at the deaths*

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 17 2012, 02:13AM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 17 2012, 09:03AM
rip... unreadable name?
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 17 2012, 04:30PM
rip... unreadable name?
It says RIP ToaOfSpace's Innocence
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Mon Dec 17 2012, 08:04PM
How unfortunate
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 17 2012, 09:35PM

a pure and natural christmas sight to behold
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Dec 20 2012, 01:52AM
A spider waits for its prey to be released from the new spawn Jail

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sat Dec 22 2012, 08:01PM
Anyone know the time?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 23 2012, 09:09AM
Adventure time?
Or is it peanut butter jelly time?
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sun Dec 23 2012, 10:18AM
just testing a lil fireworks machine thingy

prehaps be good for christmas day

or boxing day

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 23 2012, 04:24PM
Ohhhhh pretty!
How do you make fireworks?
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sun Dec 23 2012, 04:41PM
you make the fireworks ball with gunpowder and a colour ( or multiple colours of your choice , dyes that is ) then to make the ball more interesting add other things before you take from the crafting table so for eg : gunpowder , lapiz lazuli , light green dye and a golden nugget waould make a star shaped greeen/blue firework , to finalist the firework place your firework ball in the crafting table along with 1 , 2 or 3 pieces of gunpowder for various durations and one piece of papep , this shall make your fireworks
you can have a plain firework ( that doesnt explode ) with just paper and gunpowder in the table , you can also use nuggets for stars , glowstone for sparkle and a mob head for a creeper face , this is almost like a mod in minecraft its truly outstanding ( i made my lil creation with some various redstone pluses and dispensers that set the fireworks of

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 24 2012, 09:13AM
Woo Christmas!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Dec 25 2012, 03:28PM
Sunset on Ice planet 5

And a little random shot of a mutated giant creeper

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 28 2012, 04:14PM
My little helper monkeys!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Dec 28 2012, 11:38PM
My little helper monkeys!
Chang and ?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Dec 29 2012, 03:48AM
Bobble hehe^
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 30 2012, 12:27AM
Oh look at that lovely framerate! had this for a good 5 mins

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 30 2012, 12:42AM
Almost scenic

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 30 2012, 12:52AM
More scenic things

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Dec 30 2012, 10:15AM
Just because I can:
The prototype of my
vertical unloader. The elevator track isn't quite compatible with loaders and unloaders so there's a small redstone "kludge" to make them play nice. I plan to hide most of the works behind a wall anyway.

The Screenshot Thread.
conathan, Sun Dec 30 2012, 08:52PM
Merry Christmas

The Screenshot Thread.
BennyFingers, Tue Jan 01 2013, 04:33PM
Chickens chase The Poots

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Tue Jan 01 2013, 05:13PM
My little helper monkeys!

Thats the last thing I would have expected... Nasty...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 01 2013, 05:19PM
How dare you LEW! I'm gonna
KILL you!
I'm not a helper MONKEY, I'm a helper PANDA!
Plus I'm the same height as you are

And toa. . . How come you couldn't recognise me!
I'm your bestest buddy. . . aren't I?
Lew - Don't forget I'll be after
And Chang, I agree with you.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 01 2013, 10:00PM
How dare you LEW! I'm gonna KILL you!
I'm not a helper MONKEY, I'm a helper PANDA!
Plus I'm the same height as you are 
And toa. . . How come you couldn't recognise me!
I'm your bestest buddy. . . aren't I?
Lew - Don't forget I'll be after you!
And Chang, I agree with you.
Im colorblind
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 02 2013, 09:47PM
I'm not afraid of a panda
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 02 2013, 09:49PM
Proof that Q has a white head:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 02 2013, 09:53PM
Some pictures of over spawn:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 02 2013, 11:56PM
wow the last one is really nice lew
The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:23PM
A mistake with a reactor left me with a great big crater so I thought: What could I fill it with...
BTW that's the output of three lava fabricators, diverted into a redpower pump. The pump appears to fill a volume by converting flowing liquid into source blocks

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Jan 06 2013, 12:19PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 07 2013, 05:58PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 07 2013, 06:03PM
can see my fishing rod

caught myself a bat
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 08 2013, 05:05PM
Some of those screen shots remind me of the film Pitch Black
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Wed Jan 09 2013, 08:19AM
And in the 5th picture, you can see Addy's Floating Pancakes in the distance

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 09 2013, 05:10PM
current state of the pancakes: #1 just some trees, #2 miniature island, #3 wip
The pancakes are public access you have a beautiful view of spawncity from there

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:27PM
one more

The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:29PM
An alternate view of the inside:

Black as death itself:

Welcome to the Staff team, Mike, hope you enjoyed your hazing ritual!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:29PM
Derp round 2:
Welcome to the CFUK team!

Flying Creepers!:

And how we crashed the server... 1250 flying spiders followed by 1000 creepers...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 10 2013, 01:37AM
< threatening message removed, user has been spoken to >
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
the_poots, Thu Jan 10 2013, 10:40AM
Is michael a mod now then?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 10 2013, 12:30PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Shrapnel, Thu Jan 10 2013, 02:42PM
Unfortunately we found that out late; we felt bad and gave you guys around 600 gold in compensation, though.
I personally didn't do anything, but I can help clean up if it's too much.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 10 2013, 08:25PM
Tee hee

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 10 2013, 08:39PM
and a naske

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jan 11 2013, 12:40AM
im guessing the next log in you will make will start in a deep dark hole filled with tnt... the only block left would be the one you spawn on... with a pressure plate ofc
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jan 11 2013, 05:35AM
My new palace

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Jan 13 2013, 07:38PM
ohh gezuz
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Mon Jan 14 2013, 12:51AM
I was wondering what you and bobble were doing together....
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 14 2013, 06:42PM
who won?
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Tue Jan 15 2013, 08:24AM
And another one of naske!

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue Jan 15 2013, 01:58PM
Didn't know Megabananafrog was on tour!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jan 15 2013, 05:26PM
Damn broonie i didn't know you could time travel!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Tue Jan 15 2013, 05:39PM
Whoo I'm on tour!!!!! Aaaaamaaaaazzzzziiiinnnnnggggg
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Jan 19 2013, 05:27PM
YAY!!!, fianlly we finished It
The 5 stared luxury cruise liner: CFUK Leagacy, tickets now available

*psst*... *psst* it not actualy done yet
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 20 2013, 01:15AM
So I found this village while exploring...

Then I walked into a building... and see this

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Jan 20 2013, 10:23AM
That's awesome
The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Jan 20 2013, 11:42AM
I am NOT claiming credit for this, someone else showed me one first!
32 water mills, 1 retriever, 1 deployer, 1 filter, 1 thermopile, 1 bucket lava, about 10 water and around 36 buckets (forgot to count)
With a 1s tick rate it averages about 36EU/t, peaking at 64EU/t if allowed to idle.
With a 0.5s tick rate it looks to give 64EU/t.
The thermopile appears to have no difficulty powering 1 retriever, though it takes an AGE to charge before it will start.

PS yes the water source isn't quite infinite and it dried up when the chunk reloaded-modified. Also it might run better with a sequencer, It can logjam if there are enough empty buckets in circulation.
It might help to put a restriction pipe after the retriever, as if a full bucket backstuffs it can sometimes stuff the retriever, making it unable to remove empty ones and causing a jam, instead of stuffing the filter.
Safest solution is to put one bucket in each mill before switching it on.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 27 2013, 02:59PM
I wanna see that village lew.... it looks so cool!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 27 2013, 05:49PM
Creepy Skeleton

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 27 2013, 06:07PM
bobble's new pet

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 27 2013, 08:32PM
-everyone- only at that moment. signing books.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sun Jan 27 2013, 10:20PM
My arse looking hot in that pic :3
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 27 2013, 10:48PM
Mega looks like he's a Giant compared to everyone else there!
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Mon Jan 28 2013, 08:15AM
Me finding Bobbles "Pet" with his father

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 28 2013, 11:25AM
Mega looks like he's a Giant compared to everyone else there!
makes sense right:P
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Wed Jan 30 2013, 09:53PM
Aco showing off

hunger games fun

epic smily !

desert temple in hill !!!!!!!!!!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Feb 02 2013, 09:32PM
for mega

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Feb 02 2013, 10:14PM
Looks Hawt toa
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Feb 02 2013, 11:47PM
hunger games fun

Just me bobbing by with my bedrock
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Feb 05 2013, 06:28PM
today i learned when mobs kill you they actually can pick up your head (if it drops).
it almost felt a bit like killing myself

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Tue Feb 05 2013, 10:11PM
Bet he wishes that bodies, legs and feet could drop too.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 06 2013, 07:46PM
OMG!!! is that the second time your head dropped addy?
and that skele looks exactly like you! >.<
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 06 2013, 07:59PM
Oh... and forgot to mention. . . lew? what texture pack is this?
I might want to try it out

looks cool!
P.s naske looks cutie than Q

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Wed Feb 06 2013, 08:29PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Feb 06 2013, 10:31PM
tbh if it didnt have my name above it, none of you would know its me
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Thu Feb 07 2013, 08:04PM
Looks exactely like you Q...
Well... naske doesn't look like naske either

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun Feb 24 2013, 10:20PM
Droid looking like...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 25 2013, 10:46AM
Oh... and forgot to mention. . . lew? what texture pack is this?
I might want to try it out
looks cool!
P.s naske looks cutie than Q 

Haha! trixie Q XD
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Mon Feb 25 2013, 03:26PM
Oh... and forgot to mention. . . lew? what texture pack is this?
I might want to try it out
looks cool!
P.s naske looks cutie than Q 

Haha! trixie Q XD
Only we will know!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 25 2013, 06:14PM
Only we will know!
TH3 great and powerful Q!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Feb 25 2013, 09:51PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 01 2013, 03:03AM
Preview screen shot from my cacelled voltz series (this hour my brother (camera man) decided to copy what sjin did)

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 01 2013, 03:06AM
Preview screen shot for my upcoming voltz series

This picture didnt post thats why this is a reply

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 01 2013, 06:04PM
I dug up the best head in the world!
his name is KoalaNugget

The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Fri Mar 01 2013, 08:11PM
A koala head looks surprisingly good on me

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Mar 03 2013, 08:40AM
O.o make your skin to be a koala then
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun Mar 03 2013, 09:36AM
Me, bobble and addy spent most of the morning trying to walk a slime up stairs...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 04 2013, 06:45PM
Now that was fun..... but we never got the slime up the PanCakes

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 04 2013, 06:47PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 04 2013, 10:50PM
Wacky Waving Teleporting Arm-Flailing Enderman -Wacky Waving Teleporting Arm-Flailing Enderman -Wacky Waving Teleporting Arm-Flailing Enderman -Wacky Waving Teleporting Arm-Flailing Enderman -Wacky Waving Teleporting Arm-Flailing Enderman
thanks for nulifying the horidness of their new sound with that picture
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Tue Mar 05 2013, 08:08AM
Ghast with a hat

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue Mar 05 2013, 05:55PM
Please do not waste CFUK resources by uploading screenshots from other non-cfuk related servers, it will be considered advertising and in breach of the rules.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Mar 05 2013, 08:53PM
Ok, Sorry Broonie
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 06 2013, 11:03PM
Nobody liked my spaceship? I blame Boddypen
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 20 2013, 06:19PM

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
the_poots, Wed Mar 20 2013, 08:30PM
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Wed Mar 20 2013, 09:24PM
Argh! Bob, what are you doing...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 20 2013, 09:25PM
⌐_⌐ was gonna scare someone but i,m not in in te mood right now
▫┌┐▫ creepa
(there thats enough of my randomness here for the week)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Wed Mar 20 2013, 10:10PM
Lookin fiiiinnnnneeeee there ads , and hot creeper wjiggles what's his name?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 21 2013, 05:00AM
Seeing my face so closeup - it actually freigthens me, too
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 21 2013, 07:00PM
I hate wither skeleton spawn behaviour!
#1 was yesterday #2 today.

The Screenshot Thread.
the_poots, Thu Mar 21 2013, 10:37PM
The nether's looking good today...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Thu Mar 21 2013, 11:26PM
It's beautiful!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Fri Mar 22 2013, 08:08AM
Quite so....
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Mar 22 2013, 05:28PM
"Thou Shalt Suck It 404" who ever wrote that is a champion. How to throw an insult in style xD
The Screenshot Thread.
404thread, Fri Mar 22 2013, 10:40PM
haha ASA knows who you are and we will be hunting you until the end of days. Not because we are angry or something, just because we have to, for the greater good

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
the_poots, Sat Mar 23 2013, 10:00AM
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat Mar 23 2013, 12:51PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Mar 24 2013, 03:55PM
that sign in the nether is amazing, congrats to whoever is responsible

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 25 2013, 06:19PM
Q the floating white tiger!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Mon Mar 25 2013, 08:09PM
Is that that better animations mod?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Mar 25 2013, 11:57PM
Nope, Mo' Bends mod
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 27 2013, 07:18AM
I thought pink sheep were rare???
I found these two right by my spawn

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 27 2013, 07:20AM
turned around, and there's two more!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 27 2013, 07:22AM
And another!

The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Wed Mar 27 2013, 09:28AM
Aww poor Droidypoo

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Mar 27 2013, 09:46AM
The Texture pack!
Too. Many. Details!
Can't. Take. It
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Wed Mar 27 2013, 12:29PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 28 2013, 01:13AM
The 3 Q's!

And droid wanted a picture:

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 28 2013, 02:45PM
Pretty good for a single mining trip :3

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 28 2013, 07:07PM
Q's head

. . . and the AFK circle

The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Mar 31 2013, 03:53PM
Pretty fireworks!

The Screenshot Thread.
droid225, Wed Apr 03 2013, 03:24PM

The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Wed Apr 03 2013, 05:03PM
me in my tux and bennys.......mankini

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:57AM
WAHHH! I missed it

The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Fri Apr 05 2013, 04:48PM
found this while mining in a new chunk good way to get minecarts or chests

The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Apr 13 2013, 06:36PM
LOL bedtime at cfuk , and me having annual bath

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sat Apr 13 2013, 07:37PM
Just making sure image uploading works.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Apr 14 2013, 09:40AM
Awwww its lovely!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 14 2013, 11:09AM
haha everyones in the new armour kit

The Screenshot Thread.
BennyFingers, Sun Apr 14 2013, 10:50PM
So much fun today in the Twilight :
Queer blue fellas!

Lich Towers! All over the Place! Lichs inside!

Hydras! Pootses! Pootses fighting Hydras!

Naga Temples! Snakes! Death!

Rainbow Trees! Zippy! Bungle!

Maze! Spiders! Pain if you try to cheat!

Never enjoyed a day playing MC more - ty Broonie!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Apr 15 2013, 07:01AM
ah twilight...
pain if you cheat?
*places dirt blocks* I dont get it....
health bar glitch on naga?
on a sidenote where can i find banned items/additional rules about the ftb server?
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Mon Apr 15 2013, 07:34AM
Some pictures of and near the SIA property!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 16 2013, 05:46PM
gravity gun fight

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 17 2013, 08:58AM
This sheep looks sad

The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Wed Apr 17 2013, 09:09AM
Mobs are stealing the house D:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 17 2013, 11:03AM
thatssss a very nissse houssssse you have there would be a sssssshame if ssssomeone were to sssssssteal it.
The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Wed Apr 17 2013, 06:18PM
Our new biome

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Wed Apr 17 2013, 06:28PM
WTF?!?!?, how do i get there xD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 17 2013, 07:34PM
simple... mystcraft+tendrils page+diamond ore page
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 17 2013, 08:55PM
Yup... That's a bit of the OPness of Mystcraft... along with dense ores and gold ore. Makes it a bit too easy. Although every FTB mod could probably be OP if abused right.
HOWEVER the diamond ore page is a pretty rare find (along with the other 2) so if you went through the time generating worlds till you found that props to you. You earned it. O-o
Additionally, ALL worlds containing diamond ore/dense ores/gold ore/other various modifiers that you would only use for personal gain cause instability. Not server instability mind you, but rather instability of that world. Usually results in the age collapsing on itself, decaying into useless blocks of sand and gravel, causing anyone to visit the world to obtain harsh debuffs (Hunger, Poison, Blindness, Slowness, Mining Inefficiency, to name a few) and apocalyptic effects like meteors destroying your world, being burned wherever you go, random constant lightning, random spontaneous explosions, and being very very dark.
In other words, the age probably wont last very long or will kill most before they can make off with much, if any, loots.
We could just disable the pages that cause such world generations to occur depending on how the rest of the server feels about it I suppose.
The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Thu Apr 18 2013, 10:22PM
Our spaceship is now done = D

The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Thu Apr 18 2013, 10:28PM
And now with the Quarrys mounted on ready for mining

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 19 2013, 12:55AM
Waitasec quarries aren't banned on ftb? =o Does that mean world anchors aren't banned anymore?
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Fri Apr 19 2013, 10:54AM
Waitasec quarries aren't banned on ftb? =o Does that mean world anchors aren't banned anymore?
World anchors in general are still banned, even though quarries can act as a type of world anchor, due to the other features are permitted within limits.
In addition, all your machines must be turned off when your afk or logged off, otherwise staff have permission to destroy them.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 19 2013, 12:10PM
Alrighty then thanks for the clarification Broons
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 20 2013, 07:29AM
Thaumcraft research note

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 20 2013, 09:59AM
is that theory of everything

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 20 2013, 03:51PM
Infact it is :3
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun Apr 21 2013, 08:27AM
Screenshots from FTB

-Pictures of the two villages I found in a hill

-Their farms, stuck in a mountain

-Large village house

-Totally stuck

-The life of a typical mountain villager


-Red cobble slicing through wall

-Tallest house in the village

-No idea how they got there, but there's no way down

-Farm suspended in mid air

-Another farm

-The homes for the aquatic villagers

-A shiny tree

-Me and Michael gravigunning wisps

-The total opposite of the aura above my house...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 21 2013, 09:34PM
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun Apr 21 2013, 10:30PM
He loves it!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Mon Apr 22 2013, 06:17AM
I want one.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Apr 27 2013, 08:59AM
OMG!!!!!! you..... your.... your killing it!?!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Apr 27 2013, 09:35AM
No he have been there in 5 days now!
The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Sat Apr 27 2013, 05:08PM
Chuck a bit of water in there, you'll make yourself a lovely stock

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Apr 27 2013, 09:47PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 28 2013, 03:27PM


You can decide what this is

Spider with a head crab?

Fly my pretties!

Remember kids, don't do drugs
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 28 2013, 03:34PM
Oh how I love iChun

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 28 2013, 03:54PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Apr 28 2013, 03:56PM
However, there is one they they fear; DUCKYKIIN DRAGONDUCK!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 03 2013, 09:08PM
ba dum tsh
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun May 05 2013, 03:21PM
Draze's beloved ram, before he died.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun May 05 2013, 03:51PM
WTF is that?
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun May 05 2013, 04:26PM
Draze's beloved ram...
Looks like he ate a rainbow

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 05 2013, 05:27PM
It was a weird pet of draze's
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sun May 05 2013, 06:35PM
But... how?!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 05 2013, 08:48PM
That awkward moment when you log in to discover all of your Thaum aspects and equipment, your beacon block as well as the majority of the iron used to make your beacon, your MFSU (as well as anything else that stores energy), your various valuable equipment for mods you dont know how to use, and your silverwood leaves and logs all happened to be in one chunk.
And then that one chunk resets itself.
Let this be a lesson to us all. I'm not sure what lesson it is, but Draze probably had something to do with it ^^
(No not really. The lesson is quarries are evil.)

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 05 2013, 11:12PM
Automatic bee farm

, lots of bees and cross bred trees.

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Tue May 07 2013, 03:29PM
The rainbow ram we found!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 09 2013, 01:10PM
Flowers everywhere!

The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Tue May 14 2013, 03:30PM
I have no idea how, but awesome.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 14 2013, 04:34PM
yep that happens sometimes, it also has the nyan cat tune but for some reason its broken on my comp
The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Sun May 19 2013, 10:13PM
Just some pictures of what Hovind, 404thread and I have built on vanilla so far.

The Screenshot Thread.
the_poots, Mon May 20 2013, 05:52PM

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue May 21 2013, 09:37PM
Diamond Raaaaain, Squip stays dry while Draze feels the pain

Also, shortly afterward Adre saved me ^^ I then proceeded to throw more diamonds into the ocean... The 5 beautiful minutes they just floated glistening under the water before despawning were beautiful

Oh, and dont tell Hot I burned diamonds >.>

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 22 2013, 07:29AM
Had fun though Squippit?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 22 2013, 11:51AM
Eh... sure, why not?
The random explosions made it fun.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 22 2013, 01:40PM
Cake Defense 2 by FVDisco is great! My FINAL score

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 22 2013, 06:46PM
khoe dude what is that its wicked?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu May 23 2013, 05:49AM
A really nice Map by FVDisco! Try it out.... try to beat my score :3
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat May 25 2013, 07:15PM
Thats a big cactus...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat May 25 2013, 08:15PM
I know :o
Bet you can't imagine all the bone meal that was used...
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 27 2013, 08:02AM
I can O.o
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Jun 05 2013, 01:17PM
My thaum lab attracts so much purdy wispies. It's like a mini light show and teeny fireworks when they despawn.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jun 05 2013, 02:20PM
ooooh, purdy
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Jun 07 2013, 02:41AM
Here's the finished Umbrella base building. took me so long to finish this i just had to post it up here. Besides some landscaping and some decoration it's finished.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 07 2013, 02:25PM
Can't help but feel that "landscaping" sounds like code for fiery death of local flora & fauna . . . XD
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sat Jun 08 2013, 02:12AM
That's only when the building transforms into "Mega Maid" and sucks up the worlds atmosphere.
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat Jun 08 2013, 08:15AM
I knew I could rely on you draze...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 11 2013, 03:30AM
The "fireworks" at Umbrella's Decommissioning party ;D

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 11 2013, 07:35PM
Aint i sexy

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 11 2013, 09:07PM
so... no problems walking on the mod blocks? or is it not online?(the moon that is)
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 11 2013, 09:17PM
Broonie fixed mod blocks

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 01:34AM
Aint i sexy

Is that armor or a hd minecraft skin?
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 05:38AM
power armor in 1.5
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 03:45PM
^ what he said
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 07:28PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 07:32PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 07:36PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
ninjanpirate, Fri Jun 14 2013, 07:38PM
Dude. That's crazy and awesome!
EDIT: Ah, missed the 'from a previous server bit'
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 09:03PM
Really nice! A bit grey maybe. You got some talent there though!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 09:42PM
Cant wait to see what you build on this server

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Fri Jun 14 2013, 09:43PM
Great and everything
But are we allowed to use this thread to post pictures of other servers? Bobble had a warning for that.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 14 2013, 11:52PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jun 15 2013, 06:28AM
I think it's OK for him to post pics from other servers. He doesn't mention the server name or anything. Looks very good!
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat Jun 15 2013, 08:38AM
Bobble didn't post a server name either... ._.'
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Jun 21 2013, 09:58PM
Well that's it. i made it to the moon. Heres the images from take off with soul waving at me

that grin makes it funny

The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 21 2013, 11:09PM
I have just finished my side of the launch - but put the screen-shots into an animation.
Unfortunately, due to old and knackered software, it's 6.9MB in size, so I'm only going to post a link here...
Click ->
Agent D 
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Jun 22 2013, 09:11AM
Ha that's excellent
The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 25 2013, 07:04PM
Look what I found...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jun 25 2013, 07:09PM
I found some other stuff

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Tue Jun 25 2013, 10:00PM
I like that last one. very textured extremes.
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Fri Jun 28 2013, 12:17PM
here are some screenies ive had for a while - ( vanilla only )

Cfuk birthday last year , i was pale back then...

some random kid beating me down - around the time when the skin servers were broken ( why there are loads of steves )

heralen in a bucket , for the lolz

aconan nom nom'd

Broonies head collection

The N-o-t-c-h-Broonie ( normal n-o-t-c-h is a rude word so it comes up with griefers ;/ )

celebrating christmas with toa and a minecart.
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Fri Jun 28 2013, 12:41PM
more screenies



... a nice present

my christman present to hero

- boat spam

the barbaric act of pig racing - thank god there will be horses in 1.6

a hot prisoner

aconan achieved his final form !

a hot smiley face

me dominating the hunger games

two amazing scenes

only the best for blinky

winterworld with bobblehead

its a sign !!!
The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Fri Jun 28 2013, 06:38PM
this was taken from the creative server of cfuk
thanks again broonie for making this

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Fri Jun 28 2013, 08:44PM
Heeey, Thats not how my mouth looks O.o
The Screenshot Thread.
naske5, Sat Jun 29 2013, 04:27PM
Well... it looked nice

The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sat Jun 29 2013, 05:55PM
I didn't like it anyway ._.'
I'd never leave a build I liked in front of a frog, namely Mega

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sat Jun 29 2013, 06:03PM
:O you said i could :'(
The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Sun Jun 30 2013, 06:55AM
Only because I didn't like it

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 07 2013, 11:31PM
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Jul 12 2013, 10:47PM
Umm, this guy was just standing there. not attacking or anything..... I think he's trying to communicate.. unfortunately my universal translator is broken and only transmits railgun signals...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 14 2013, 03:40PM
Looky what I can do!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Jul 16 2013, 03:42PM
and here's mega and 4zk at our house:

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Tue Jul 16 2013, 04:06PM
lookin sexy i see
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jul 19 2013, 09:28AM
Having fun with the "Name Tag easter egg"

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sat Jul 20 2013, 01:48AM
The fun of Gregtech machinery. Blowing up etc... well this happened when the machine was in my hand..... Completely random glitch i'm guessing but it took out most of Techs lab area.... crazy!...

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 20 2013, 09:44AM
Who likes my cliffside home?

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 20 2013, 11:27AM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 21 2013, 03:34PM

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Jul 21 2013, 05:46PM
awww man, how many times have we had that happen. A nice view, a few blocks of diamond ore, This! lol. It's the bane of limited map zones

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Changyeo1999, Mon Jul 22 2013, 06:20PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Jul 27 2013, 08:30PM
started charging my main node and it began broadcasting vis to any and all nodes in the area; like rope lights

sadly a little awkward to see in this pic :/
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sat Jul 27 2013, 08:46PM
yep, Saurons tower definetally.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 28 2013, 12:37PM
Just need to build the eye now and you're all set! nice
The Screenshot Thread.
JackTheTech, Sun Aug 04 2013, 11:32AM
Megabananafrog has enlightened us all that there is a song unlocked by placing four Oracle turrets next to each other. I am most pleased. Screenshot below as Mega keep crashing when SSing.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Sun Aug 04 2013, 07:06PM
The former
The Screenshot Thread.
JackTheTech, Tue Aug 13 2013, 08:44AM
My new base on Ultimate, I am proud to unveil my pride and joy! 50 by 50, properly centered for use of 9 chunks, it is beautiful! Last pic has glitched blocks that will hopefully be removed soon but it's still nice! :]

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Aug 19 2013, 02:13PM
Computer craft has a built in paint program

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 20 2013, 08:00AM
NO WAI?! I want to paint!! Squaff you gotta teach me how to

The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 20 2013, 02:16PM
I made the funkiest age ever

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Aug 20 2013, 07:55PM
That age just hurts my head...
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 21 2013, 03:28PM
So close... Yet so far

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 21 2013, 05:19PM
Who likes my new base?

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 21 2013, 08:04PM
I made a Rubik's Cube

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 21 2013, 09:58PM
er, fuzzy power armour glitch ?

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Aug 25 2013, 02:44AM
Well here's my first attempt at a basic UMB logo using CC.
Took me ages to figure out an error code
paintutils:92: failed to return nil
random. anyway..

now i just need to center or stretch it somehow.

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Aug 25 2013, 02:58AM
Ok so i managed it. Here's the code and the finished article
image = paintutils.loadImage("disk/Umbrella")
paintutils.drawImage(image, 7, 1)
Tuto - the "disk/Um..." part means that you have to enter the exact path of your image my one happens to be saved onto the root of the floppy.
image, 7, 1 - looks like the position on the screen. takes a little tweaking but for a w6 h3 monitor this is around the centre mark. default is ,1 ,1.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Aug 25 2013, 10:35PM
Nice Draze

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Sun Aug 25 2013, 11:34PM
image, 7, 1 - looks like the position on the screen. takes a little tweaking but for a w6 h3 monitor this is around the centre mark. default is ,1 ,1.
Just for future reference, computercraft coordinates are measured in characters from the top left. So 7,1 is like pressing return once and space 7 times. You may have realized this makes both pixel appearance and the coordinate system stretched so that a change in y coordinate is much more dramatic than a change in x.
The coordinates in question are the coordinates of the top left of the image (so its only centering it for your particular image size).
You may also like to know (in case you don't already) that you can alter the scale factor on monitors to make what it displays larger and smaller
It looks great though

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Mon Aug 26 2013, 01:20AM
ohh lovely. I'll need to learn more off you at some point. I've created a little play script that has one of two effects. either password denied os.shutdown or
access granted...
01001001001101 (this for a while printing each line with a sleep timer of (1).
after a page it comes up "Red queen unresponsive error"
session terminated

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Sept 15 2013, 04:08PM
When tinkering around with age worlds i found some interesting sights


The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Mon Sept 16 2013, 04:40PM

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sun Oct 06 2013, 04:16PM
Griefers addict

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 07 2013, 08:55PM
At my and Adrenas place, we had a 1x1 spot amongst our Forest biome that was Icy Plains!

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Oct 09 2013, 12:08AM
AHA! My very own soul spawner!
*Summons Soul_UK*

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Oct 09 2013, 12:19AM
Lemmie out!!!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Oct 10 2013, 12:43PM
Eww you don't want one of them. They smell bad

The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Thu Oct 10 2013, 02:01PM
Hi guys, not of CF server but just some cool screens from the 1.7 snapshot
Below some cool world gen

Some crazy mountain next to a village.

A desert temple almost completely covered by sand, just a bit of wool to show it is there. Something I have never seen in MC before.

All in all I am really liking 1.7 although I think the Mesa, ice spike and Jungle biomes need to be made more common as they are so hard to find.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 14 2013, 02:19AM
Oinkpiggles completed his dome today, I snapped this pic as the sun set.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Oct 14 2013, 08:51PM
Looks like he's trapped the sun inside the dome

The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Fri Oct 25 2013, 06:53PM
Some pics of my new base on FTB, really nice to see it finally stable.
Still lots of machinery to put inside.

This is the skelly spawner grinding area with storage behind it and an enchanting area to the right behind the built in jungle tree

The two rectangular buildings on top are a tier 5 blaze spawner for power and tier 5 skelly spawner for XP.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Oct 26 2013, 12:44PM
I was really happy about this when I first saw it

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Nov 07 2013, 02:48AM
The first one, i had a little accident with the force field and the sponge upgrade on it... sucked up a 100x100 area around my base. Second, Made this age world randomly, this sky gave me a headache.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Nov 07 2013, 12:47PM
Yeah with the sponge upgrade you have to get your field exactly right before putting the upgrade on. I had that same problem while testing in SP mode. It would glitch and suck up twice as wide than the field was.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Nov 08 2013, 12:12PM
Finally a good way to remove large bodies of water easily >

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Sun Nov 10 2013, 12:01AM
trendy lot we are

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 10 2013, 12:06AM
We are very cool with those sunglasses
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 10 2013, 12:53AM
So much glass... thanks for the donations everyone

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sun Nov 10 2013, 12:25PM
nice glass structure , is that you on the left in dis' pic jordan ? whoever that is they have the same skin as cani-duck heh.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 10 2013, 02:34PM
yeah thats me
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Nov 10 2013, 02:54PM
ohb speaking of which. Myself and Jordan seem to have found out that the MFFS module to place blocks seems to use double - triple the amount required to actually complete the task.
I tried a tube last night that would take almost 1 stack to build by hand. It took 3 with the MFFS... so be careful.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Nov 10 2013, 05:25PM
Vanilla multiparts in action!!!

The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Sun Nov 10 2013, 08:43PM
Vanilla multiparts in action!!!

I can see things like custom map images in frames being used to do some quite interesting stuff.
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sat Nov 16 2013, 04:23PM
The umbrella base so far.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Wed Nov 20 2013, 09:15PM
Sneak peak!

The Screenshot Thread.
Knoparen, Thu Nov 21 2013, 08:40PM
Sneak peak!

I can hardly endure this waiting ...
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Dec 11 2013, 04:32AM
The warriors Qotsa and Draze vanquish the evil nether beast and claim the first beacon on the new server!

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Dec 11 2013, 05:10AM
WARPNAME : Withershrine
LOL yes it was a damned chud to kill... so we're going large scale

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Dec 11 2013, 04:03PM
As the mighty battle commenced many lives were lost. Many curses could be heard drifting over the scene of the battle. After many minutes of hard combat and toil we emerged victorious!
And slightly delirious from the lack of sleep.

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Dec 15 2013, 03:40AM
Q on his throne.
Considering the threatening look coupled with the block of TNT... i may have caught him on the porcelain throne... Whoops!

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Dec 15 2013, 05:07AM
Q's screenie request

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 15 2013, 09:33AM
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Jan 02 2014, 09:05PM
WOO my very first CFUK statue...

The Screenshot Thread.
micke971123, Sat Jan 04 2014, 06:10PM
Demolition of spawnhouse. ( Banned member)

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Jan 08 2014, 11:11PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jan 10 2014, 09:46PM
Nice pixelart!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Jan 13 2014, 10:49PM
I finally reached 1000 hours of playing on CFUK (combined across all servers I think)

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Mon Jan 13 2014, 11:40PM
Gratz dude.
My original message was supposed to be funny but well just sounded pathetic.
instead here is the musical stylings of "Drazes silence" which is much more amusing.
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Jan 15 2014, 01:30AM
The Umbrella base on FTB Ultimate. Our crowning achievement powered by a fusion reactor in the sublevel, dimensional tanks straight to individual plasma infusion generators in each laboratory.
- fully functional all mob grinder complete with twilight mobs.
- Agriculture lab with automated harvesting/planting
- State of the art automated Apiculture lab
- Myst, Enchanting and Thaum laboratory
- Fully equipped mob grinder containing 1 of each mob.
- completely covered in 1 single ME network for quick access to supplies.
I shall miss thee my friend.

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Jan 16 2014, 12:28AM
Always knew you were an evil bugger Beags.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jan 16 2014, 04:53PM
Always knew you were an evil bugger Beags.
That's why I never post anymore; didn't want to ruin the post count.
...ah crap.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Jan 16 2014, 05:36PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jan 17 2014, 08:32AM
Well better shoot for 777 now right
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Sun Jan 19 2014, 04:45PM

Draze84 was kind enough to show me around your EPIC Umbrella base on FTB Ultimate.. It was jaw dropping!

Can't believe it's getting erased.. sigh.. that's a marvel of mc buildings..
Photo is of some redstone reactor or somthing.. sry I didn't understand what most thing did there cause I never played FTB.. but on the other hand that made the tour even more interesting!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jan 19 2014, 05:33PM
You do realise its the 'FTB' Not the 'FTBU' server which this base is on.
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Jan 19 2014, 07:06PM
FTB ultimate then we have FTB Unleashed. a little confusing

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Tue Feb 04 2014, 08:07PM
New Umbrella base. Out did myself yet again!

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Wed Feb 05 2014, 04:03AM
What does OinkPiggles have on his mind?
OinkPiggles of course

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Feb 06 2014, 09:54PM

Yama26 and mines semi-automatic resource hub.
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Feb 07 2014, 03:41AM
Base progress

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Feb 08 2014, 09:53AM

Our portal safe room in the Nether. Because nothing says "Bad Day" like spawning into the Nether and being blasted by a Ghast.
The Screenshot Thread.
Jighello, Wed Feb 26 2014, 11:35PM
Our portal safe room in the Nether. Because nothing says "Bad Day" like spawning into the Nether and being blasted by a Ghast.
But Daniel Powter has nothing to sing about now.
The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Sat Mar 08 2014, 08:05PM
Found the ultimate potato on FTB Monster today.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Mar 08 2014, 08:56PM
... but.. how D: did you get lucky on a crop or is is it something you crafted?
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 01:53AM
Mort you trapped me inside the floor!!!
Please remove floor blocks and crystals.. Also game bugged out and my items popped out and probably gonna despawn.. I got disconnected when we were building together and you continued building over me :/

I tried jumping out, but I still can't get out, I just see part of the floor above
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sun Mar 09 2014, 08:51PM
Umbrella city layout design

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 20 2014, 09:18PM
This is what I have to live with...

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Mar 20 2014, 09:46PM
due to the fact that the image is small... the coords almost looked like -55856.0... was about to say... LOL
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Mar 20 2014, 09:53PM
Uploading bigger image as an attachment to this (Tried uploading original size but css on this forum lets it strech to max).

The Screenshot Thread.
Mortocus, Mon Mar 31 2014, 02:03PM
When Piggles is afk on monster

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Mon Mar 31 2014, 06:33PM
if we are not picking him up then we are encasing him in all sorts of mats.. love to have fun with afk piggles = )
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Wed Apr 02 2014, 08:04PM
umbrella base once had an ME system..
*Piggles swimming in patterns*

don't worry, everything will be fixed soon

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Wed Apr 02 2014, 09:19PM
smoke holes:

poor base

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Wed Apr 02 2014, 09:24PM
and this is the only lvl I didn't have blindness so I could take a screeny of smoke:

black part is sludge.. don't ask..
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 02 2014, 10:48PM
wow, just wow, lol
The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Thu Apr 03 2014, 12:28AM
another pic

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Thu Apr 03 2014, 02:42AM
yeah and that opening goes to one of lower lvls completely engulfed with smoke
we need to link this to gascraft so ppl know how well this mod works

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Fri Apr 04 2014, 01:32AM
piggles brought his nephew shopping

draze opening the store:

little guy didn't deserve this.. (below are remains of our base


Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Apr 04 2014, 01:36AM
The base requested blood to fix the remainder of the server. A child zombie sacrifice is more than enough. Besides, he gave the shopkeep grief for his candy prices.
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Mon Apr 07 2014, 03:36PM
Umbrella & OiNkTech second power plant in the making

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 08 2014, 02:08PM
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Tue Apr 08 2014, 03:07PM
The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Tue Apr 08 2014, 04:12PM
i do like sphax, but i don't use the multiple mob skins thingy, as they confuse me

The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 10 2014, 01:24PM
My god! they have evolved! run for your lives!!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Apr 10 2014, 01:46PM
think yourself lucky broonie didn't install the other mob mods that comes with FTBm.... Flying creatures with creepers on their backs... or even worse..... Enderman creepers...... *Fwoot* *hissssssss* *BOOM!!*
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Apr 10 2014, 01:54PM
I'd like to see if WJG still thinks we dont need armour if that were on... I would probably die of a heart attack...
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu Apr 10 2014, 11:50PM
Umbrella city reborn. WIP

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 11 2014, 10:35AM
if that were on I would just open a portal to the moon and run through it while yelling nope
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Apr 11 2014, 02:24PM
Why? something wrong with a merged Umbrella/Oinktech city
controlled by mad scientists? *evil cackles*
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Apr 11 2014, 03:55PM
meant about the mobs, umbrella seems like *reads note* good and not very threatening company that should not be investigated by military for any reason.... did i say that right draze?
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Fri Apr 11 2014, 04:05PM
i do like sphax, but i don't use the multiple mob skins thingy, as they confuse me 
I think you can turn that off in video setting.. (the diff mob textures..)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Apr 11 2014, 07:20PM
Yes, that's exactly it *retracts syringe full of morphing agent*
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Mon Apr 14 2014, 11:22PM
Umbrella new "Who's online wall" in Alpha base courtyard..

had to add at least one more screeny before map gets wiped

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Tue Apr 15 2014, 02:39AM
whups! ok so.. don't do this at home!

ps It actually worked and we have goo in our ME.. among other tentacly things..
your friendly Umbrella geneticist

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Tue Apr 15 2014, 08:58AM
Looks like a really bad Japanese monster movie

"Attack of the genetically modified slime tentacles from the north pole"
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Apr 16 2014, 12:30PM
Thought I'd add a screen of the completed Squaffco tower shell; lacking decoration etc but no point now; made out of coloured bricks so with a few clicks it's a different colour

edit: huh; well was going to but I just seem to get a blank screen with "" in the address bar whenever I try to attach a file :S
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Thu Apr 17 2014, 09:03PM
Why don't you use some other website to upload photos and just paste the link here? I do that with all the photos I posted..
Here's my latest addition to our beloved kindhearted corporation you all love!

Free cake! Come and get it!
(green liquid at bottom is liquid emeralds.. In a's made from ugh..yuwub&rs#8!?ud3
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri May 02 2014, 08:37PM
Just the moment... hehe

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri May 02 2014, 09:36PM
Lol as always right in the middle of chat to throw ya off stride

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Fri May 02 2014, 10:45PM
Op me plz I am from plenut miencruft ye
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat May 03 2014, 12:12PM
Oh huzzah; if anyone has a similar problem of it not posting just use firefox rather than chrome

But yeah, RIP squaffco tower the 2nd

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Wed May 07 2014, 02:23PM
draze decided to throw a giant party and decided not to call us

He even had a pole dancer!

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Thu May 08 2014, 09:43PM
Party my butt.... that was a total party crash. Them damned jocks just waltzed right in. I was having an ore party! ruined! all RUINED!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 25 2014, 03:28AM
Here we are, once again proving that SquaffCo is totally NOT a sinister organisation doing evil things...
Who am I kidding, they made a perfect day and turned it ominous

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 25 2014, 06:46PM
Electronic Voice: "Access denied! - Automated defences activating!"
Soul_UK: "Hey hang on - I'm allowed to be here! ... I better put some armour on - that'll prevent these silly defences from hurting me".
Soul_UK: "Ok, that's the last time I put Iron Armour on near SquaffCo tower"
Soul_UK staggers away, smouldering slightly as he goes 
The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon May 26 2014, 09:32AM
Electronic Voice: "Access denied! - Automated defences activating!"
Soul_UK: "Hey hang on - I'm allowed to be here! ... I better put some armour on - that'll prevent these silly defences from hurting me".
Soul_UK: "Ok, that's the last time I put Iron Armour on near SquaffCo tower"
Soul_UK staggers away, smouldering slightly as he goes 
The other day, I watched as our defence systems cut down a Wither. It was terrifying and wonderful all at the same time.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed May 28 2014, 12:04AM
The other day, I watched as our defence systems cut down a Wither. It was terrifying and wonderful all at the same time.
Well, strictly speaking they also cut down a forest, several ghasts, fifty or so pigmen and about a km of "bloody heap" biome in an age, lol
The Screenshot Thread.
Knoparen, Fri May 30 2014, 07:18PM
Electronic Voice: "Access denied! - Automated defences activating!"
Soul_UK: "Hey hang on - I'm allowed to be here! ... I better put some armour on - that'll prevent these silly defences from hurting me".
Soul_UK: "Ok, that's the last time I put Iron Armour on near SquaffCo tower"
Soul_UK staggers away, smouldering slightly as he goes 

The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Mon Jun 09 2014, 10:06AM
Just a small event i hosted the other night when benbow came back on , Trouble in minecraft town

also thought id just print screen the reply count before it changed

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jun 27 2014, 08:22PM
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 06 2014, 03:52PM
Web: aha so that's what it looks like without all the void fog

in other news (for Draze) - some screenshots of the Spawn to West Mesa tunnel

placing the support beams (cheaply!)

some scenery along the way

how'd this guy get down here?

it's better down where it's wetter take it from me
The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Sun Jul 13 2014, 03:58PM
Some more screenshots of the almost completed west mesa rail and horse track.

Main entrance at Spawn

The Cart system

First ravine

Second Ravine

Third Ravine with bridges up to island entrance

Looking UP

The cart drop

Entrance to Island near spawn

Going down to the undersea area

semi-submerged tunnel

The 64x64 dome which took most of the work, we had to clear every water block with sand and gravel.

The mayan temple and tower

The temple with fire eyes

The entrance to hell? or maybe the rest of the journey to the mesa


More ravines

The huge skeleton of a long dead mine monster

The mesa end of the track
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Sun Jul 13 2014, 08:14PM
looks very nice!

good job!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Jul 13 2014, 10:20PM
wow, that looks amazing

The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Mon Jul 14 2014, 12:25AM
well looks a lot cooler than my east bound rail line

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Mon Jul 14 2014, 12:35AM
a huge well done guys. Your work paid off 10 fold.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Thu Jul 17 2014, 01:34AM
o.O - Awesome looking rail system!
Will have to go for a ride once I've finished getting myself upto-date on the forum

The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Mon Aug 04 2014, 03:51PM
Just found the only jungle biome on vanilla map, and it's all mine. mawaaahaahaahaahaa

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Mon Aug 04 2014, 05:16PM
Bring coco beans to spawn haven't had a cookie all map...
The Screenshot Thread.
SpinDreams, Mon Aug 04 2014, 08:29PM
Unfortunately Timeno, this is a little bit of a fib, this is fake jungle, it is a jungle of my own making, I converted a forest island into a jungle island so i don't actually have any coco beans I am afraid.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Tue Aug 05 2014, 08:42PM
if anyone ever finds an ocelot pls contact me first so I can blackmail piggles :3
The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Wed Aug 06 2014, 07:21AM
Dag nabit spin it's not even April 1st yet

The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 06 2014, 11:33AM
A couple screens of Squaffle and I messing around in Yogz - if the server is switching to that, then we have this to look forward to

At the start of our new mountain base, with a Universe Pumpkin

Seeing inside Squaffle's head (it's empty, who knew?)

I have no idea if these things are pre-gen or manmade. I managed to find 3 of these wicker men before getting creeped out.

And here is a rather Dapper Duck (hats are really awesome)
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Wed Aug 06 2014, 01:51PM
guess squaffle has a hole in his head... you can see through his head when looking at his goggles
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Wed Aug 06 2014, 04:09PM
wicker men are from witchery mod, there are spawners under each and if you soak them in blood or place bloody wickers in same position and set it on fire, one of witchery bosses will be summoned..

also guys place a toilet from MrCrayfish furniture mod, sit on it and press F

and flush by shift right clicking

try finding a village, they usually have a cool looking vineyard or hopseed farm

The Screenshot Thread.
micke971123, Wed Aug 06 2014, 04:16PM
Strolling around with Shaders

The Iron Paraply is looking majestic.
The Screenshot Thread.
, Sat Aug 09 2014, 11:14AM
Do you think that Minecraft was supposed to originally look like it does in Micke's pics but the shaders got lost somewhere?
I want to use them now

The Screenshot Thread.
Discharge, Fri Oct 10 2014, 07:40PM
My banners as previously designed. It took several hours to gather the ingredients

As close as I dare get. Those guardians are fierce.

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Tue Oct 28 2014, 02:14AM
Hey guys, just want to say to those linking from imgur, you can change the size of the image via the following. { is replaced by [
{img width=720 height=480} image url {/img}
Nice shaders

Shrap has a zombie cult in his house

Fire spread is on, who'd thunk it?

The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Mon Dec 01 2014, 05:04PM
YAY! Pink lazer beams!!!!!!

The Screenshot Thread.
, Mon Dec 01 2014, 06:02PM
Just tried my old base out on the old 1.7 map and the outside of my screen went pink and I couldn't interact with anything...

So I tried traveling there from spawn by boat, and came across this barrier...

I presume this barrier is while the map is upgraded to 1.8? Or has it inherited the border limits from the new spawn map?
The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Fri Dec 05 2014, 03:26PM
Borders are made up of blocks, and are now visible.
Also Pictures.

The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Fri Dec 05 2014, 07:49PM
Look, he's crying in there. So sad.

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun Dec 07 2014, 01:47AM
He's not crying - he's busy tucking into a dismembered limb!

The Screenshot Thread.
Aconan, Wed Dec 10 2014, 09:26AM
So, red eye is an effect you pick up when crossing the border.

The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sun Jan 04 2015, 01:11AM
Some pre-hungry games fun

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Sun Jan 04 2015, 10:54AM
I die everytime ...
The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Tue Apr 21 2015, 11:46PM
Smelty setup for basic tanks.

The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Thu Apr 30 2015, 02:34PM
Draze and Piggs after accepting a treat from the witch :*
Draze: "oh joy"

The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 10 2015, 07:33PM
Well, alex found the source of the lag and I magnum torched it and minced up the wither skels. We need to be aware of more of these, uh, hotspots : /

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Sun May 10 2015, 10:14PM
fyi they remained there even after the torch was placed (it doesn't despawn them just blocks more), after i went in and traveled 100+ blocks away which forced them to despawn.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
, Sun May 10 2015, 10:40PM
nope; I killed them using a grinder and lured them close.
Just went back there and more had spawned. magnum doesn't affect them
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Sun May 10 2015, 10:40PM
I believe problem is biome called "corrupted sands" that's what it says on journey map while there.. maybe they spawn in it..
edit: Piggles found a piece of fortress beneath them and removed it.. hopefully they won't spawn any more.. gonna check again to make sure
The Screenshot Thread.
AlexKockica, Sat Jul 04 2015, 01:50PM
umbrella - solving world hunger and bringing diabetes to all!
photo of the caketastrophe that caused a reroll - lesson is, no matter how appealing a world full of perpetual cakes is, do not use thaumcraft elemental fires. Ppl don't enjoy floor cakes. Well some of them do.. but they certainly don't enjoy their floors being turned into cakes..
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
draze, Sat Jul 04 2015, 02:18PM
Caketastrophe nothing! that was complete and utter creamageddon!
The Screenshot Thread.
, Fri Jul 24 2015, 07:45PM
Just raided my screenshot folder and found some recent ones, with the exception of Reginald the horse may he rest in peace

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Wed Sept 16 2015, 08:08PM
Just sharing the cobblegen of doom. I suspect I could get better results with transfer nodes but it is managing about 2.5 stacks per second.

Oh and FWIW no I'm not inpressed with transfer nodes, maybe they need stuffing with speed upgrades but I'm sure that using nodes to make cobble has been nerfed since FTB:Monster
The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Fri Sept 18 2015, 03:19PM
... and here is the outcome. I've since smelted the block to bedrockium and used it for crafting but it happened...

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Oct 25 2015, 05:21PM
Just upgraded my EU generation to 1000EU/t. That's using 8 Aqueous accumulators (resonant) to supply the water.
The pipes are a mess because I didn't plan it, just squeezed bits in. The reactor has an odd tendency to show excessive temperatures when viewed, but then the temp settles rapidly.

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sat Oct 08 2016, 06:12PM
It begins...

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Thu Oct 13 2016, 06:22PM


The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Thu Oct 20 2016, 07:17PM
Of couse the next thing is to try to use that energy:

The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Mon Jan 02 2017, 09:01AM
Well I had a bit of a look around on DW20 before it closed, there was a large nearly round structure visible on the world map so I decided to take a look

1: I'm not so good at getting around, but Steve's carts provided the answer with a tunnel spanning most of the way. I switched to skyrail when I got close.

2: I have no idea what happened to those trees, but the "box" was big enough to span several chunks on the livemap

3: What I thought was a chunk glitch wasn't. This is one reason why it is nice to have a dedicated "mining age".

4: And now the structure comes into view. The livemap didn't do it justice as many of the blocks didn't render.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Thu Jan 05 2017, 08:02PM
That was Chistas grand build, she had some crazy plans.
The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Jan 08 2017, 08:22PM
Well lets get on with the tour then...

Some serious machines so it isn't just a structure...

More machines

That is some SERIOUS I never could get into bees properly, always seemed to end up with really ordinary types.

OK the sky fence puzzled me, but I'm guessing an ender quarry with world hole might have been used to clear the site before building?

Oh and meanwhile the mining cart was still going
That was one crazy-big build. Is there a technique for laying out circles in Minecraft though, I've seen some other big round stuff including that odd thing in CC.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
piggles, Thu Jan 12 2017, 05:26PM
there is a block that can project shapes (builders guide or something like that) but while it can do numbers above 64, if u go outside that range u can't see it, although there is a work around but i forgot what it was and i never got it to work myself.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Thu Jan 12 2017, 05:57PM
I even wondered if it could be done by setting a waypoint and then walking round it keeping your distance from the waypoint constant.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Tue Apr 11 2017, 05:44PM
OK lets see if I can attach pictures
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Tue Apr 11 2017, 05:49PM
OK so above is an essence berry bush orbs world. Using bushes for terrain is bad news, seriously, but as orbs worked.
Below is a rather broken dimension, I think one of the mods has a special biome that is ONLY used for making a special dimension so when RFTools generates a dimlet from it the result is broken.
Meanwhile I made it to 5500 North eventually, so here's another ludicrously epic build I found.
The Screenshot Thread.
Freddyfrog, Wed Jan 31 2018, 03:14AM
Those builds are Crazy

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Thu Jun 20 2019, 09:22PM
Hey guys.Ive just been going through all the old screenshots of the server and has been very nostalgic to see the different spawns.I was thinking of remaking some of the builds in the screenshots such as Poots turtle to build on the server again.Would anyone by chance have a reference to many shots.I know there's a big photo of it and the slightly cringy advert we did for the server at the turtle.
Would be cool to recreate some builds for you guys to see as well.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Sat Jun 29 2019, 04:50PM
Hey guys
Bit of a screenshot dump here.
Went back to old spawn and found its been griefed,moderators homes have been griefed except for shrapnels villa.
The picture with the chickens is the farm next to spawn.Looks like someone filled your home with chickens.We desposed of the lag creatures and left the chicken and feathers in a chest in the farm.The chickens are still in your house though....
Few other pictures of old places I found.
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
boriseng, Sun Jun 30 2019, 09:07PM
I put a LOT of chickens somewhere in old spawn. That was at least 6 months ago, not sure if that's where you mean though
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Sun Aug 25 2019, 08:58AM
Found a pretty big jungle biome today, which seem to be pretty rare on the server if I'm looking at the live map correctly.. Even met a furry friend.

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
Timeno123, Fri Aug 30 2019, 11:05AM
Just out of curiosity how do you insert pictures into the screenshot thread as I've had trouble doing so in the past?
The Screenshot Thread.
Flightster, Fri Aug 30 2019, 06:51PM
I upload them to and then use the [ img ]imageurlhere[ /img ] tags (no spaces), uploading images directly to the site doesn't seem to be working atm

Re: The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue Aug 04 2020, 08:19PM
Some pictures from the 10th birthday party
Re: The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Tue Aug 04 2020, 08:22PM
And from the afterparty
The Screenshot Thread.
BRooNiE, Sun Jan 31 2021, 08:20PM
Testing to check if image uploading is working again