Podcast: The Open Mic Special

beagrie, Sun Mar 18 2012, 01:26PM

For this one-off special, we decided to grab a few players from the server and just talk about Minecraft. Slash cut to thirty minutes of barely coherent jibber jabber. Still, we had fun with the sound board...
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Stick with it to the end for the funniest bit!
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
, Sun Mar 18 2012, 09:56PM

I want to go and hide under a rock.

but hats off to you mate that had to have taken a lot more time than the normal one.
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
, Mon Mar 19 2012, 12:10AM

heh that actually went better than i thought. Maybe with abit of structure the next one could be abit more coherant.

And tbh the normal recordings go on for a good few hours tongue
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
droid225, Mon Mar 19 2012, 03:59PM

heh that actually went better than i thought. Maybe with abit of structure the next one could be abit more coherant. And tbh the normal recordings go on for a good few hours tongue

If there is a next one :/
But I found very funny cheesey
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
Jighello, Mon Mar 19 2012, 05:17PM

Ahaha "RUN, RUN, RUN!"

Sounded like an average night on TS. Perhaps we should've stuck to the Google Doc a bit more strictly.
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
, Mon Mar 19 2012, 06:08PM

Enjoyed this more than the other podcasts - sorry if that was wrong.
It was far more lighthearted than the other two. Sometimes I find you podcasters a little too serious.
Do you have to beep out the swearing? lol
Kahr I love you.
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
, Mon Mar 19 2012, 07:11PM

Well, as far as "Open Mic Night" goes, it guess it was a success? We did capture the essence of everything that is CF|UK TS on a normal weekend night. It sounded far too chaotic to be an "interesting" Podcast, but - if people like the randomness of it, I guess we can continue with it every now and again (like once a month or something). A little structure in the Opening Segment and Ending Segment would be better I think, keeping the middle section chaotic. wink

I love you too JinXII. cheesey
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
beagrie, Mon Mar 19 2012, 07:50PM

I'm open to giving it a go with a little more of a guide behind it. We recorded about two and a half hours, and the half hour of the podcast was literally all of the usable Minecraft talk.

Another thing people might not realise is that if there is two and a half hours of audio, that means it's going to take me at least three hours to edit it, and that's on the optimistic side.

JinXii, the reason I bleep the swearing is because we're hoping the podcast might bring in some outsiders to the server, and not having an "explicit" tag on iTunes maximises the potential audience.

If people agree that we're a little too serious in the normal podcast, though, we can try lighten things up a bit. I think Sek and Q both feel the news section is a little dry and, at the end of the day, we're only really two podcasts in; we're open to suggestions.
Re: Podcast: The Open Mic Special
, Tue Mar 20 2012, 12:42AM

our normal podcasts are serious? passive agreesive birds serious?!

well maybe we cant intergrate abit more randomness into the normal podcasts then tongue