UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches

, Mon Oct 08 2012, 11:26AM

Even with all precautions taken in the previous two guides, There is still an opportunity for failure.

Because of this, Broonie has now introduced a rule where we must turn off our machines when we log out.

A simple, single killswitch to turn off all your machines makes for a quick and easy log out. You also need to make this easy for others to turn off too.

Others may need to turn your system off because you may have suffered power outage or internet disconnect. With the new rules, it will also save you from having a wire pulled by a mod, so it's a good idea to have your killswitch outside your building for easy access, should something go wrong:

08 111303

Having your killswitch on a single wireless frequency makes things even easier, as yourself and Mods will be able to remotely shut things down if framerates get so bad that they can't reach the lever.

In the above image, the transmitter pulses a redstone signal on frequency 999 when the button is pushed.

The signal is then sent to all chunks loaded on the server no matter where they are. This means you can have quarries running miles away and not have to walk to them to manually turn them off.

This is my Solar Powered Quarry using an Energy Link:

08 111242

combined with an item teleport pipe this would make for a completely remote quarry system that i wont need to visit again until it's finished.

Here's the killswitch in detail:

08 111251

When placing the Toggle Latch, if it's not facing the right way, right click with a screwdriver until one torch is sideways on to the Energy Link. place the Wireless Receiver on the side with the lever and orient it so the redstone line points towards the lever. now right click the Toggle Latch (with bare hands) and you can manually set the default position. For Energy Links, you want the default position to be as the image, with the redstone torch lit on the opposite side to the Energy Link. When the wireless redstone signal is sent, this latch will trip, turning off the energy link and cutting power to the quarry. The reason for the latch is it will remember its state between server restarts, so if it was tripped before a server restart or crash, it will remain tripped. Only having the wireless receiver would trip it momentarily not permanently, so the latch is necessary.

If you are powering your quarry with Buildcraft Engines, the default position for the Toggle Latch should be reversed, like this:

08 145210

The same can be done with Fillers:

08 111352

and also MFE's MFSU's, Batboxes, and even transformers to turn off your macerators, compressors etc almost instantly.

Oh! and lastly, don't forget to give your KillSwitch Frequency an appropriate name, so we know what signal to kill should there be a problem:

08 112142
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
Discharge, Mon Oct 08 2012, 02:19PM

Brilliant guides here D2. Really detailed and well thought out. Top quality.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
BRooNiE, Mon Oct 08 2012, 02:21PM

Yes, excellent guides, thank you very much.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
, Mon Oct 08 2012, 02:21PM

thanks Dis & Broons. I've still got the RP Tubes one to do, but that will take a while and may have to wait for tomorrow.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
Tetsuoken, Tue Oct 09 2012, 03:09AM

Awesome stuff d2!
I would like to add that if using Wireless Redstone please remember to name your frequencies.

Otherwise someone may unwittingly use the same frequency and bad things will happen. XD
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
dubien, Tue Oct 09 2012, 10:08PM

Helpful guide, d2. I just made a killswitch. It turns off all machines which could produce entities automatically- so it is connected to my quarry and my automatic sheep shearer- which has no sheep since a wolf got in there and killed them all. At the moment, I don't have anything else that would need to be connected to the killswitch. The macerator, furnace, extractor, compressor, and recycler shouldn't cause problems, so I didn't connect them to it. The Mass Fabricator has a seperate switch to turn it on, it is in the same room as it.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
boriseng, Tue Oct 16 2012, 07:53AM

I read that Batboxes, MFE, MFSU will overflow and supply power even when inhibited if full and still recieving power, so they may not be a reliable kill point, especially if the energy source is solar. The energy link should be a good point, or if all else fails add a splitter cable.

Incidentally if the big problem is items being spat out and the loose entities causing lag then would strategically placed cacti or lava pits help?
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
, Tue Oct 16 2012, 08:00AM

yep, i've covered lava pits in a previous part. the killswitch is turning off the energy link, not the mfe, so no leaks happen.

the quarries do store their own energy though and will continue to run for about 3 mins after the energy link is killed.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
boriseng, Thu Oct 25 2012, 11:25AM

I'd like to use wireless redstone but I only have a grand total of two ender pearls so far.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
, Thu Oct 25 2012, 11:26AM

ask a donator/vip to kit some for you, if you're not one yourself
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
boriseng, Thu Oct 25 2012, 01:37PM

That would be kit s_zipzapzoom I guess?
I'll get that, thanks. It was either that or suspend an uninsulated EHV cable 3 above ground level and see what turns up.
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
Soul_UK, Thu Jan 17 2013, 10:37PM

Would it also be possible for someone to add to this guide a way of dissabling devices with a wired signal, just in case people don't have the materials for wireless.

Also, if using a remote switch, you should set up a two button circuit. One button outside to disable your machines, and one inside a locked door to enable them - otherwise people could go round switching everyones machines on, not off :S
Re: UPDATE REQ - Preventing Server Lag-Part 3: Machine Kill Switches
Discharge, Thu Jan 17 2013, 10:52PM

My preferred tactic is to leave an obviously marked chest, locketted to allow access only to staff, containing a wireless transmitter tied to a kill switch.