Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain

, Sat Oct 13 2012, 05:03PM

I thought I'd share the plans I have for a reactor chain.

It currently has 6 reactors, two of which are on at a time while the other 4 cool down. so there is almost a constant 400 eu/t without having to use casuc style ice/water bucket cooling.

of course this is easily expanded. by adding more reactors you can reduce the 30 second timer the longer the chain is. or keep the timer the same and increase the output. the only thing you need to remember is that the timer must be set to the time it takes a reactor to cool, divided by the amount of reactors. in this case a reactor takes 180 seconds to cool, there are 6 of them, so i have the timer set to 30 seconds.

i've set the temperature cut off to 200 as the cooldown isn't an exact science and is affected by tick rates.

anyway this is a very expensive way to run your reactors, but i thought i'd share.

attached is a link to my tekkit single player save for you to peruse tongue

Re: Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain
WhoIsYou, Sat Oct 13 2012, 10:45PM

It works, but it's a rather silly and overly complicated (well not really but you know what I mean) way to do it really. Running all 6 reactors simultaneously and having them shut off when they get too hot and then restart when they've fully cooled down would result in the same amount of eu over time. Couple this with shutting them off when your msfu is full (have it emit redstone current) results in no loss of excess power.
Re: Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain
, Sat Oct 13 2012, 10:50PM

now that you say that, yeah i guess it was a bit pointless lol

thinking about it more, we need a hard and fast boost while we're online.

i suppose though that this would be helpful to those where players in groups are online all day long and this will keep the system ticking over for machines etc.

of course you dont need the power when your offline.
Re: Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain
WhoIsYou, Sat Oct 13 2012, 11:18PM

It would still provide the power for the machines if people were on all day, as it would be stored in your MSFU (or alternative), and as long as they shut off when the msfu if full you wouldn't waste excess power and your reactors would cool down in that time. The only thing you would have to be wary of is not feeding every last drop of your power into a mass fabricator tongue That can be controlled fairly easily as well though.
Re: Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain
boriseng, Wed Oct 17 2012, 02:59PM

Is the option to have storage devices signal when full broken? I think the redstone button did nothing and I've read that its a conflict between mods or plugins?

I'm wondering what's a good way to detect a MFSU being full? A detector cable on the input maybe? but if that turned the reactor off then with no power available to trigger the cable would it ever turn back on?

I don't have a reactor so I'm more interested in diverting excess solar power to a mass fabricator but either way it means finding out how much EU is stored?
Re: Tekkit MkIII Reactor Daisy Chain
, Wed Oct 17 2012, 03:43PM

when you open the mfsu, click the redstone icon and watch chat, you can have it emit when full.

i've done this with redpower 'AND' gates on 3 mfsu's, so only when all 3 are full does the reactor turn off.