Who's build is this?

boriseng, Sun Dec 02 2012, 11:51AM

Just wondered who did this, and is it ongoing. I'm looking for an "unclaimed" volcano to mine because I kind of like basalt stonebrick as a material. Marble too.

Re: Who's build is this?
Freddyfrog, Sun Dec 02 2012, 11:56AM

Need a volcano ? call 118 500 lol jk
i have a few near me you can tp sometime and have a look smile
Re: Who's build is this?
boriseng, Mon Dec 03 2012, 09:36AM

I'm also curious about this: Didn't it used to be A: A Quarry and B: Full of water?

I'd like to make a rail tunnel out East and its kind of in the way, mind if I dig under it?

1354527396 3845 FT31712 Hole