New FTB Launcher...

Drezzer, Mon May 27 2013, 10:20PM

Well, it looks like there's a new release of the FTB launcher... that doesn't work with the current server.

How do you fix this if you accidentally clicked "Upgrade"??

On the screen, near the top right, you'll see a drop-down that says "Recommended" (Below the Maps button). Click that and change it to 1.0.1. It will download the mod packs that got overwritten and reinstall them.

This has been a public service announcement from Umbrella Corporation. You should, because you can.
Re: New FTB Launcher...
Hotmage100, Tue May 28 2013, 08:00AM

If you upgraded and this will appear when you try to connect to the server

Thanks for the help Drezzer ! Helped me cheesey
1369728018 324 FT35401 Ftb
Re: New FTB Launcher...
lewboy, Tue May 28 2013, 11:11AM

I don't need this, I have a custom FTB pack not controlled by the launcher. Yay my stubbornness to use more than two launchers
Re: New FTB Launcher...
, Tue May 28 2013, 12:00PM

Thank you, Umbrella Corp. This information is much, much more useful then your survival manual has been during the horrible zombie apocalypse you caused and all that...
Re: New FTB Launcher...
draze, Tue May 28 2013, 04:10PM

We have come to discover through multiple weeks of grueling investigation that we did not cause that zombie apocalypse. It was however our old technician who left a half eaten pork sandwich in his lab fridge. Due to unforseen complications said sandwich developed a rudimentary intelligence and proceeded to crawl it's way through the air ducts. Unfortunately the maintenance engineer was fitting a new power line through the conduit. Thusly, Umbrella corp holds no responsibility for accidental left overs under Umbrella corporation legislation article 17-e.

addendum- This also covers half eaten, crumbs, half
sniffed and contained in a subspace field.
Re: New FTB Launcher...
Drezzer, Wed May 29 2013, 03:03PM

This thread is no longer valid as Broonie has updated to the latest version.