I have a dream!

, Tue Sep 24 2013, 08:58PM

I dream of a world where you can play feed the beast on your phone, AND play on the crazy fools server!I really hope Mojang will make this dream come true some time in the future! Anyone with me?!
Re: I have a dream!
wjg999, Tue Sep 24 2013, 10:23PM

id like to see that happen but dont think it will as ftb already slows most computers/laptops down a lot so i dont think a mobile platform will handle it better.
Re: I have a dream!
Chista, Wed Sep 25 2013, 05:00AM

have to agree with WJG.

Phones cant handle quite as much, which is one of the reasons event the flowers on there are different xD
Re: I have a dream!
Freddyfrog, Wed Sep 25 2013, 01:33PM

pocket edition nowadays is pretty good tbh , apart from missing some features it looks pretty simelar - sun stars moon clouds grass sheep etc theyre working on better multiplayer etc so someday there maybe a ftb modpack for phones etc - but that day is not today - or this year even .... and even if it was made it would never be to the standard of desktops .
Re: I have a dream!
adrenalynn, Wed Sep 25 2013, 03:27PM

The horsepower of those devices increases every three months or so. I'm positive that ftb or a likewise modpack will be playable on mobile devices at some point in the not so distant future.
For myself i have to say that i probably would never use it. The sole reason for this is the lack of reasonable input options. I definitly need a real keyboard and a mouse to feel comfortable, anyting else feels unusable to me. Mabye brain implants will become an option at some point
Re: I have a dream!
Changyeo1999, Wed Sep 25 2013, 09:44PM

Phew! It's been a while since I've posted! How's everyone doing? smile

FTB should be compatible with any tablet running Windows right? Maybe MC will progress to become compatible with Window phones too... After all, they've already resolved the touchscreen issue. cheesey