FTBmonster Bug Listing

draze, Sat Mar 08 2014, 11:10PM

Hey everyone. I've started this thread so you can all post up FTBm bugs. I'll start with this one.

Invisible vanilla mobs:-

Seems to randomly happen where the mobs will become invisible. They will be able to attack you but you will not be able to attack them.

Single player-
A full FTB restart will cure the problem.

Server side-
Unsure if clientside issue or server issue at the moment.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 12:42AM

Ok I have a serious bug and my stuff might despawn if you guys log in and spend time in our base.. I got dc-ed while putting crystals under the eucalyptus floor with Mort, but then he continued building and locked me inside crystals and floor.. Bug is that all my stuff disappears while I scrolled through my inventory tab and then popped out in front of me and I can't pick it up! Also I can't break any blocks and I'm stuck..
Here's a screenshot
Screen Shot 2014 03 09 At 01 35 29
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Sun Mar 09 2014, 12:48AM

Ok I have a serious bug and my stuff might despawn if you guys log in and spend time in our base.. I got dc-ed while putting crystals under the eucalyptus floor with Mort, but then he continued building and locked me inside crystals and floor.. Bug is that all my stuff disappears while I scrolled through my inventory tab and then popped out in front of me and I can't pick it up! Also I can't break any blocks and I'm stuck..
Here's a screenshot
Screen Shot 2014 03 09 At 01 35 29


So to remedy this.... Lets not trap players in the floor. If i can get online while you are. I'll tp you out.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Freddyfrog, Sun Mar 09 2014, 01:13AM

Couldve just /killed or /spawn ?
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
geuis, Sun Mar 09 2014, 02:24AM

Can't break or place any blocks. Position is updating and no obvious lag.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 03:42AM

Couldve just /killed or /spawn ?


I couldn't use any of commands frown also I don't want to lose my inventory and I'm not sure if items will also get stuck in blocks and get destroyed :/

@Draze84 Well I didn't trap myself tongue
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
boriseng, Sun Mar 09 2014, 09:50AM

For what its worth I logged in early Sat and things seemed to be working but no CFUK plugin. Logged in today and I can walk around, set home, TP to spawn etc but can't actually mine or build anything.

Also I kind of think its laggier but that's just an opinion.

Draze - do you think there are some problem mods in the pack?
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Sun Mar 09 2014, 10:00AM

I hdnt even noticed you can set home now. o.O I'm stuck in my house cos I can't open doors xD

Pretty sure its the permissions then, cos these issues seem to have started at roughly the same time for everyone, from my perception (thus indicating a change on server side). I suspect the issues will have started right at the time setting a home became possible.

documenting all unavailable actions, that would otherwise be availiable, and one oddity:
Cannot open vanilla UIs
Cannot open any mystcraft UIs
Cannot open Tinker's construct UIs
CAN open Advanced Genetics UIs, but not place or take any objects.
Cannot break Blocks
Writing and entering text will neither show what youve written in-game, nor on the console.

oddity: Scrolling over items in my UI will make them go into my inventory, trying to place items on my hotbar will randomly place several items on my hotbar. This makes it impossible to test whether i can place blocks, and might be unrelated to the other issues.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
__RaZoR__, Sun Mar 09 2014, 02:00PM

Just want to ask, is the FTBM server up and running properly? I cannot seem to hit, place, die, burn etc etc lol
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
piggles, Sun Mar 09 2014, 03:09PM

the FTBM server is not behaving properly atm, most issues will be down to what ever is causing it and not likely to be the mod pack itself.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 04:17PM

oddity: Scrolling over items in my UI will make them go into my inventory, trying to place items on my hotbar will randomly place several items on my hotbar. This makes it impossible to test whether i can place blocks, and might be unrelated to the other issues.


same thing is happening to me and also I'm still stuck in the floor and can't play lol
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 04:26PM

I found a bug/exploit in workbench, when you put few panels in (it worked with 4 and 7 panels I think and I used redwood bark panels), then put panels in workbench inventory and you can make stone handsaws from them.. I made 3-4 saws and put them next to the iron saw in base.. I left the recipe on one of the workbenches in a corner.. I showed it to Piggles, if I'm still stuck, he can show you..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sun Mar 09 2014, 07:16PM

Another important thing, placing a Scalable chest (rotarycraft) in my single player world completely crashed my game to the point that I can't enter my world anymore.. It would be good to test if same thing might happen if it's placed on server.. If that's the situation, players should be advised not to use it..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
DipsGravy, Tue Mar 11 2014, 02:02PM

I just crashen when moving a microblock to my hotbar. And now I am constantly crashing whenever i try to rejoin the server. Crash log says I crash because of failure to get microblock grid display. Working on a fix atm.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Tue Mar 11 2014, 02:36PM

I can't log in.. I got a new laptop today and installed everything, but when I try to connect I get this message:
The following microblocks are not installed on this client: tile.extrautils:angelBlock, tile.ice_1
Do I need to add any mods extra? where from and wich version? It's odd cause I didn't have this problem on my old laptop..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Tue Mar 11 2014, 02:40PM

Try to see in your disabled mods list which are not on. Angel Block is ExtraUtilities, Microblocks is ProjectRed

I suppose you could try them one by one, but if it's microblocks, i fear it may be related to Dips' bug above.

Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Tue Mar 11 2014, 02:53PM

Piggles helped me sovle it, yeah I understood it's angel block from extra utilities, but I have those on.. Problem is monster version cause I installed new launcher.. I need to use monster 1.0.9..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
wjg999, Tue Mar 11 2014, 08:27PM

forge multipart makes finding out which version to use a lot harder as normaly you would see the mod version numbers but instead of that it complains about forge multipart and nothing else :/
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Soul_UK, Tue Mar 11 2014, 10:09PM

I'm just having trouble getting Monster to launch. Updated the FTB launcher to 1.3.6 as my old version would fail downloading the Monster pack. I now get the following error each time I try and launch Monster:

Error: Could not find or load main class net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch

Any help would be greatly received smile
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
DipsGravy, Wed Mar 12 2014, 01:46AM

To Alex, This is because the FTB monster pack has been uppdated the past few days, in the FTB launcher, chose version 1.0.9 of Monster. The recomended version now is 1.1.0, so just having installed it on your laptop means you are trying to connect with the wrong version.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
DipsGravy, Wed Mar 12 2014, 05:33AM

Found the cause, and sollution to my chrash problems. Apparently having a micro block in your hand while looking at a Item Transfer node, crashes you client. The sollution is spaming a hotbar keybind that you do not have a microblock in while joining the server tongue
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Wed Mar 12 2014, 03:50PM

A little warning to all. Dont right click a chest to open it while holding a landmark torch. it apparently crashes the server.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sat Mar 15 2014, 02:25PM

I found that you can't craft a microscope from advanced genetics mod because you need a stone stick which is conflicting with stone tool rod from Tinkers Construct.. You can make all other adv. gen. machines, just not the microscope.. (to recreate, try making stone sticks from 2 pieces or cobble or stone in crafting bench, one above the other, and try to use it in microscope recipe)
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Sat Mar 15 2014, 10:26PM

you can substitute it with stone rods from TC in most cases, might be worth a try.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
gotorm, Sun Mar 16 2014, 04:28PM

New bugs I found today:

Flying with MPS may get you kicked with "Flyting is not allowed"

Sprinklers from Rotary Craft sometimes throw null pointer exception in chat.

Use both with caution.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Sun Mar 16 2014, 04:37PM

The flying one is due to server anti cheat protection which broonie can modify to stop that happening.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Soul_UK, Wed Mar 19 2014, 04:31PM

I'm just having trouble getting Monster to launch. Updated the FTB launcher to 1.3.6 as my old version would fail downloading the Monster pack. I now get the following error each time I try and launch Monster:

Error: Could not find or load main class net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch

Right I managed to fix this by finding my FTB folder, deleting the "Monster" and "libraries" folders, then re-downloading the files - now all works fine (just got to add a mod or two now wink )
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Fri Mar 21 2014, 03:40AM

you can substitute it with stone rods from TC in most cases, might be worth a try.


Don't you assume I already tried that? tongue doesn't work.. it does for some recipes, but not for that one..

btw guys, this is really annoying.. it's been a week and I still can't log in FTB Monster cause game crashes every time I do..

Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Fri Mar 21 2014, 02:12PM

Please be patient, broonies been really busy the past week. It may either be a full beta update to the latest version when he has time to do it or a chunk wipe. I have a feeling due to all the bugs that have been fixed an update/new map may be in order.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
boriseng, Sat Mar 29 2014, 01:46PM

Is it just me or is anyone else finding constant streams of warnings on the console. Not even tied to specific items it just seems to spam debug info all the time?
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Sat Mar 29 2014, 02:44PM

Yep, seems like we're all getting that
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Sat Mar 29 2014, 07:04PM

Because of all the array out of bounds spam the console seems to lock up as well and take about a full gig of ram.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
, Sat Mar 29 2014, 10:29PM

are you 64 bit? i've suffered a vast debug log but found simply relogging (not restarting ftb) kicks the ram usage down from 3-4gb/8gb down to sub 1gb/8gb for a while (this is using a non default ram allocation of 8 of 16gb ram)

edit - added screenshot showing an average ram usage

Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Sat Mar 29 2014, 11:23PM

Yep 64bit and 64bit java also.

Mine seems to sort its own issues out after a while but yeah there have been a few times i've had to relog due to a massive stuttering issue which also seems to coincide with the log spam.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Sun Mar 30 2014, 10:25AM

I keep closing the cflient first, which drops it 4 gigs (which I allocated it) but if i keep the console open, another 1.1 gigs of ram are still in use by it. Closing the console will instantly drop that 1.1gig of ram.

The increasing lag doesnt at all seem to happen if i instantly close the console.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
piggles, Sun Mar 30 2014, 12:46PM

I've tried with and without the console, and at some point very randomly, CPU and RAM usage will start to creep upwards, and just as randomly sometimes just a re-log will clear "some" of it and other times a full client restart is needed. I hope that clears that up! tongue
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Mon Mar 31 2014, 01:32AM

when exactly do you close the console? When you start the ftb launcher or after it fully loads?
I have noticed that my laptop's cooling fans go crazy at some random point when playing, really loud.. which possibly means game is increasing CPU and RAM usage, then sometimes I get some freezing in game.. it's odd.. I shouldn't have any memory issues since I have 16Gb of RAM and allocated 14Gb..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Mon Mar 31 2014, 03:41AM

Unfortunately even if you set it higher. Minecraft seems to only use up to 4gb ANNOYINGLY!..

I've had it running on systems with 32Gb and ramped the usable mem up to around 20Gb just to test. It never when any higher than 3.5Gb and instead started ramping up the CPU.

One thing that doesn't help is for any of you running ATI cards. ATI doesn't natively support OpenGL, It passes most of the OpenGL threading to the CPU sort of like a laptop with onboard graphics. This presents massive problems as the CPU tries to process both Java AND the graphics while the graphics card sits there going "Man... i'm bored..."

My system is running

CPU - Intel Quad 2.8
RAM - Corsair Dominator 8Gb 1466 (Dual Channel)
GPU - Nvidia GTX 460Ftw 2Gb

That lot handles it mostly fine, haven't had lag or anything but i know there are some out there with way more powerful rigs than i have here and they still get problems with MC. Hell i used to get overheating in Vanilla but not on FTB... work that one out...
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Soul_UK, Thu Apr 03 2014, 02:18AM

I'm not sure if this is a problem / bug, but it was very interesting as I can't figure out why it was happening as in the chunk render area where I am, there is only 1 other person's base (Boriseng) and he hasn't built much.

Basically, the memory usage starts at around 17% (805MB in my case) and rapidly climbs to a higher limit before resetting. I noticed that the limit changed between day and night.

At night it would go upto 27% (about 1800MB) and then reset back to 805MB instantly. I noticed that during the day, the Entity count climbed as the sun rose, but the memory used would climb even faster, but only go upto about 20% (around 1200MB) before resetting back to 805MB.

The only machines "running" in my base are some EnderIO Stirling generators and Alloy Smelters - which are running REALLY slowly. Draze said it might be something to do with the smoke their base is making eating up the tick time - even though I'm nowhere near their base.

Weird eh?
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Thu Apr 03 2014, 02:24AM

Yeah that lag is server wide unfortunately. Imagine at first 60k blocks all moving at the same time. Now thankfully it's down to around 10k and dropping slowly. but we've had to rip up the base to clear the smoke out.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Thu Apr 03 2014, 07:38AM

Block lag remains even when no-one is near the smoke. Thankfully, its a lot better now, but still present.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
draze, Thu Apr 03 2014, 03:50PM

Yeah, it's really devastating. Either something has been left on or the smoke is constantly registered in the system even when the chunk despawns.
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Thu Apr 03 2014, 05:24PM

Got worse once piggy logged on. A quarry had been left on,. so I guess that explains
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Chista, Sat Apr 05 2014, 07:59AM

Since this morning I have been experiencing extreme lag and client exits due to an Item.Healcrystal (from what i can see those 2 seconds before a hard exit occurs)

I dont have any crystals nearby to my knowledge, and it seems to me that it should have cuased issues last night if it were. I am quite baffled as to what the problem is

EDIT: ok, not getting the healcrystal errors anymore, but the hard exits continue
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Sat Apr 05 2014, 02:59PM

I was getting the "Buffer overflow" error and exits last night, and only Piggles and me were on..
we have to clear all of the smoke again..

all mods got an update today..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Mon Apr 14 2014, 03:55PM

last night geuis and I were on and we both lost the ability to use /home and /spawn, but we could still warp.. which was a problem for geuis cause he didn't have a warp near base si I helped him as I had one..

Second thing, I found that there is stil some smoke over in old base.. there's a whole cave connected to base filled with it.. we should get rid of that too..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
Soul_UK, Tue Apr 15 2014, 06:30PM

Little tip to Alex and Geuis...

Set a warp outside your base (i.e. within visual range) - that way you can get back to base in case something bad has happened inside - right on your /home spot!

Plus, it's useful if you want to allow people to visit via warps, but not be able to actually get into your base by using the warp wink
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Tue Apr 15 2014, 07:35PM

oh I use almost only warps smile also since I'm in umbrella base, we have a lot of them too..
Good thing I also had a warp near Geuis (old base was there so I helped him get home fast ^_^
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Tue May 06 2014, 12:36PM

Not sure if it's a bug or some conflict in config files, but Promised land (another world like Nether, Deep Dark etc..)
is supposed to spawn Pixies (kind of mob) inside and in large numbers, but I couldn't find a singe one.. I searched the web for someone having a similar problem, but what I found is quite the opposite.. Players only complain that there are too many of them.. Pixies are needed to get some other items.. (not that important unless u plan on making Ambrosia, the drink of Gods or Pixie in a Jar)
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
squaffle, Tue May 06 2014, 04:20PM

As my new goto excuse I blame rainbow forests ;P
If the server can only have so many mobs naturally spawned at once then perhaps rainbows are hogging that
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Wed May 07 2014, 12:58PM

I guess that might be the problem or if some players keep huge farms etc.. But then I saw some blue birds spawn in promised land, but only like 2-3 at a time max.. still no pixies.. It's weird how I can't find anyone else has that issue.. Maybe other servers don't use default world generation and don't have Rainbow forests or smthing like that.. It's still odd do..
Re: FTBmonster Bug Listing
AlexKockica, Thu May 08 2014, 11:51PM

Important bug notice!
Use filing cabinets with care! They were the source of horrible lag we had last 2 days.. Seems they don't register the number of items correctly sometimes..
More on lag issue and these here - http://www.crazy-fools.co.uk/p/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?39602.last

also I have no problems with an advanced filing cabinet with enchanted books and the main problem might have been that some filing cabinets were connected to ME and seems only those were creating the issue..
so be careful and don't connect them to ME