
Knoparen, Wed Sep 10 2014, 06:20PM

Microsoft buying Minecraft?

Re: Microcraft???
Soul_UK, Wed Sep 10 2014, 08:05PM

So Mr Pussy Cat, do you think it's a good idea for Mojang to be sold to Microsoft? ...
Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Wed Sep 10 2014, 09:47PM

I truly don't even know how to adequately respond to that.

Re: Microcraft???
AlexKockica, Thu Sep 11 2014, 05:52PM

Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Thu Sep 11 2014, 09:06PM

I wonder how would acquiring Majong, would boost xbox division.
The game is already out on all available game markets with the exception of handhelds and Nintendo.
Anyone got any ideas?
Re: Microcraft???
Soul_UK, Thu Sep 11 2014, 09:40PM

If you read later on into the article Alex posted, it seems the new CEO of Microsoft (Satya Nadella) has said that the ex-box "isn't a core business for Microsoft," - so what does that say?!?
Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Thu Sep 11 2014, 11:14PM

Well yeah. The article does mention in the end that Microsoft plans to expand their foothole in PC and Mobile business.
Re: Microcraft???
boriseng, Fri Sep 12 2014, 07:13AM

It seems to me like eventually most "independant" game publishers will look for a buyer. Microsoft might actually be one of the better options.
Re: Microcraft???
AlexKockica, Fri Sep 12 2014, 02:53PM

well we know for a fact that EA ruined some games.. They completely destroyed one of my favorite franchises, Command&Conquer.. frown
as for xbox, they could offer a lot of perks to minecraft players who use it if they wanted to boost that section.. like special capes and other cosmetic stuff and make it free or exclusive for xbox.. but since Microsoft announced xbox is not their primary concern, they maybe they will switch Curse to some of their own clients for all extras stuff what Piggles has mentioned and sounds like something likely to happen if that acquisition is not just a rumor and they really do it..
Re: Microcraft???
draze, Fri Sep 12 2014, 04:02PM

I'm with you there Alex. C&C was one of my all time favs including hours and hours of LAN play with friends but the most recent EA addition to the tiberium story line destroyed my love of it completely. I haven't even played RA2 in years.
Re: Microcraft???
Soul_UK, Fri Sep 12 2014, 07:40PM

I've got C&C RA2 installed on my netbook - a great way to kill time (can't remember how many times I've completed it - I just can't seem to get bored of it smile )
Re: Microcraft???
AlexKockica, Mon Sep 15 2014, 01:52AM

apparently reason is "draw more users to Windows Phone"
Re: Microcraft???
Freddyfrog, Mon Sep 15 2014, 02:36PM

I have a windows phone which is awful (oh and the deal is done i think)
Re: Microcraft???
BRooNiE, Mon Sep 15 2014, 02:42PM

And it's official:


Re: Microcraft???
wjg999, Mon Sep 15 2014, 05:24PM

I wonder what they are going to change and "improve".
Re: Microcraft???
Shrapnel, Mon Sep 15 2014, 05:46PM



End of a Minecraft age...
Re: Microcraft???
draze, Mon Sep 15 2014, 06:00PM

Modding community will thusly be abolished due to "copyright of microsoft software" they'll also introduce WGAT into the software etc making it harder to tweak any coding. *le sigh*
Re: Microcraft???
AlexKockica, Mon Sep 15 2014, 06:24PM

will my mac explode with the next update?

"What about the other editions of Minecraft? Will they stop being developed?
There’s no reason for the development, sales, and support of the PC/Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Vita, iOS, and Android versions of Minecraft to stop. Of course, Microsoft can’t make decisions for other companies or predict the choices that they might make in the future."

there is no reason for not exploding competitors gear..in the future cheesey
Re: Microcraft???
Soul_UK, Mon Sep 15 2014, 07:58PM

They bought it for how much?!?







(Thats about £1.54 Billion at today's exchange rate!)
Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Mon Sep 15 2014, 09:36PM

Modding community will thusly be abolished due to "copyright of microsoft software" they'll also introduce WGAT into the software etc making it harder to tweak any coding. *le sigh*


What's WGAT?

And for the windows phone? Really? They would need to abolish Minecraft on every other platform before I would even consider buying the phone just for the Minecraft.
Re: Microcraft???
wjg999, Mon Sep 15 2014, 11:49PM

SHH dont say that, they might actually do it ot get that 1 user extra tongue
Re: Microcraft???
Freddyfrog, Tue Sep 16 2014, 06:50AM

Its true though this phone is god awful (when does a media player not have the ability to make playlists .-. )
Re: Microcraft???
wjg999, Tue Sep 16 2014, 09:38AM

Wonder what or even if "extra" conditions were given during the selling of the game, like Microsoft not being allowed to revoke being able to mod the game and such.
Re: Microcraft???
draze, Tue Sep 16 2014, 04:52PM

I doubt it. It'll be the usual
"We bought it so now we can develop it. Any existing purchased lifetime users will stay as such but now we're adding on a monthly subscription to any new players or ingame purchases. Also to use mods you will have to pay and dowload "expansions" on the original content"

I can see them saying to modders
"ok you can make it, but you'll have to buy a license and sell the mod through our moderated minecraft modding servers to which we'll gain 37% dividends from your sales"

Adding Minecraft to steam including the modding community abilities would be quite beneficial i think.
Re: Microcraft???
wjg999, Tue Sep 16 2014, 06:55PM

Good thing the EULA is in place as they will need to change it a lot to be able to do such things.
Re: Microcraft???
Soul_UK, Tue Sep 16 2014, 07:11PM

Now the news has hit the BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29204518

Now even though I'm not a big fan of the whole Microsoft takeover idea, it sounds like they are keeping the majority of the Mojang Employees - which is a good start as they are the people that know the community as it s now, and know what to do in order to develop the game further.

Now we know funding was never an issue, but sometimes expertise is. I'm not saying the Mojang crew are not experienced, just look at the game they created and how popular it has been and continues to be! Microsoft may be able to help in that. Just look at the Halo series!

Plus Microsoft do have some very clever coders, so as has been mentioned on several websites, they might just be able to knock up a decent API to help Dev's make their mods.

At the end of the day - companies like Microsoft do eventually focus on profits. What we don't know about the deal is how much of Mojang's assets and rights to code / media are included in the deal. However, with one of their other popular games on the PC - Freelancer - they made sure the game was able to be modded. This led to many mod packs, of which some merged to be "must have" mods.

So, it would make sense for Microsoft to keep Minecraft free for Dev's to modify, and possibly even help them in some way (A good API for a start, and some way to stop mods conflicting with each other). Let's face it, the more awesome mods there are for a game, the more likely someone will show their friends, and the more likely their friends will want to get the game to play online with their mates, using those mods. Thus more sales.

Don't forget Realms - ideal for those people who don't want to play on a public server, but just with a few mates. Realms in itself is a monthly earner, and is far cheaper than running your own game server for the user. Imagine if Microsoft can port Realms to multiple platforms (and I'm sure they are already planning on it) - we could see the start of players on consoles hosting large worlds with a few select mods, and playing with people on PC, Mac, handhelds, etc at the same time - it's a big earner ... but it also develops the game wink
Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Tue Sep 16 2014, 10:12PM

Soul, Halo series was created by Bungie. And they escaped Microsoft basement.
The thing is. Mojang can have as many artistic ideas as they want, but at the end of the day Microsoft executives will be the ones calling the shots.

Thought you do have some good points in regards to good things.
Microsoft does have enough money to throw at the games development.

Isn't private server like crazy-fools basically the same? Just host the server and tell only your friends about it.
Re: Microcraft???
draze, Wed Sep 17 2014, 07:26AM

Somewhat the same yeah except private servers usually run a whitelist where the joining member has to register and be approved before his/her account is allowed into the server.

We've thought about doing that but quickly dismissed as whitelisting is only an added security measure against griefers which we can handle with more ease than warm butter sliding off a knife.

At any rate. I'm happy about the Microsoft Buyout. "Why?!" i hear you ask. Well, let me explain by saying this very short statement.

"Microsoft has more money than most if not all software companies on the planet... At least EA can't afford to buy it now tongue"
Re: Microcraft???
kniznik, Wed Sep 17 2014, 10:38AM

If EA were to actually buy it then we might as well have packed our bags and left right that instance.
Re: Microcraft???
draze, Thu Sep 18 2014, 03:36PM

LOL exactly, it would have turned into an over simplified game with no challenge except that to a 2 year old and been so full of "this is how you do this" hand holding, you could go through the entire game without ever actually having to think.

Not to mention the fact that we'd be launching through origin which would probably see you encountering such errors as

"unable to login, user name and/or password incorrect"

12 times until it finally decides that

"oh... wait no you're right. Those are your correct details."
Re: Microcraft???
piggles, Thu Sep 18 2014, 07:01PM

pfft, thats hardly the worst problem, every single block would become DLC and u'd only start with dirt.
Re: Microcraft???
wjg999, Thu Sep 18 2014, 09:22PM

Nah even that would be DLC.
You would only start with an empty world devoid of even a sun of moon (as that would also be DLC) .
Some people might be happy that fall damage is a DLC too though..