Just launched my youtube channel

Chista, Sun May 24 2015, 09:19AM

The last couple of weeks i've been working on launching my youtube channel and here's the result:


I know the channel is about guild wars 2, and not minecraft (though i might do some MC vids at some point) but any feedback and views will help for now =)
Re: Just launched my youtube channel
TheBlueGenie, Mon May 25 2015, 07:51PM

Just watched, not really my type of game but a really well presented video along with a pleasing voice over.

Great work keep it up, let me know when the MC vids start and you will have my sub.
Re: Just launched my youtube channel
Freddyfrog, Tue May 26 2015, 03:49PM

Excellent video Chista, like above not particularly my type of game (as you know) but the video is very well presented so I enjoyed it, earnt a sub smile