DW20 - Clay on demand, useful little TE recipes

boriseng, Sun Sep 06 2015, 06:52PM

The clay recipe:
Put two cobble and one sand in the induction smelter and you get one stone bricks (really) and one slag. The slag probability is 100% so you can set it as a recipe in ME. Actually that works better than I thought as AE2 allows you to set main and secondary outputs of a machine, but only if the secondary is always produced and not random.

Two slag, one dirt and one water makes FOUR CLAY!!

As long as you don't run out of dirt smile you have clay.
Re: DW20 - Clay on demand, useful little TE recipes
squaffle, Tue Sep 08 2015, 09:17PM

that sounds great for very early game boriseng, another option a little bit later is if you have some botania stuff set up a Clayconia flower makes dirt into clay when given mana smile
Re: DW20 - Clay on demand, useful little TE recipes
boriseng, Fri Sep 25 2015, 07:39AM

Incidentally it looks as if the secondary output augments work on this recipe as it appears to be possible to get more than one slag sometimes. By taking out the standard augments I could put in all three speed augments and all three output augments. Having fixed input/output sides is a minor inconvenience.