RFTools Crafter

boriseng, Wed Aug 10 2016, 01:16PM

This is new to me: this machine is cheap to craft, can hold 8 recipes, it consumes 100RF/craft and seems to be crazy fast. I used one for the last 6 stages of a cobblestone compressor, powered by a basic photovoltaic cell.

One thing that puzzled me was that when setting it up you needed to click the recipe slot you want FIRST otherwise the buttons stay greyed out. The slots don't look like buttons. Googled it in vain before getting lucky...obvious once you know.

Given the multiple stored recipes it might be a viable alternative to an AE Molecular assembly chamber if you can afford the energy, you'd have to ensure the recipes were unambiguous and you'd be limited to 8 not 9 per interface but crafting appears to be instantaneous and there'd be less idle power drain.