So what's the deal with villagers

boriseng, Sat Jul 13 2019, 07:52AM

So I have a sort of "village" consisting of two buildings with rows of doors, and a field which appears to be exclusively carrots at present. There's a good population of villagers and at least two iron golems.

Currently I cannot get the villagers to trade, either the box appears and disappears or the villager just makes the "no" grunt and shakes its head.

Googling has come up with three or four possible explanations:

1: A bug that broke it completely
2: An incompatibility with a resource pack that means the villagers are really the non-trading one
3: The villager is too far from its village
4: Minecraft is somehow convinced a raid is taking place

Any ideas?
Re: So what's the deal with villagers
Timeno123, Sat Jul 13 2019, 11:27AM

Have you added the villagers profession items such as the cartography bench or barrels for fishermen.
You may want to invest in a trade for a bell as well as can send people into their homes if outside.
Usually those who grunt and shake their head are the ones in brown coats who don't have any trades as they have no profession.
Problem I get is I can't get the trades to refresh even if they are in a home
Re: So what's the deal with villagers
boriseng, Sun Jul 14 2019, 06:45AM

OK I guess villagers have been really really reworked then...
So far I know about the barrel. I found a recipe for a loom, which seems to unlock the shepherd. Don't know the others.
Re: So what's the deal with villagers
Timeno123, Sun Jul 14 2019, 07:23AM
This is the wiki page for villagers showing what block unlocks which profession.Havent read the article but may help to solve the issues with the village your trying to make
Re: So what's the deal with villagers
boriseng, Mon Jul 22 2019, 08:23AM

Great, mostly working out ...

I was having some trouble with villagers that had become separated from the village, sometimes pushing them works.

Also path finding problems as my "house" doesn't have room for enough beds yet, and if something is too close to the door the villager gets stuck between the door and obstruction.

Also I've now got iron golems attacking me, oops.
Re: So what's the deal with villagers
boriseng, Sat Aug 10 2019, 08:48AM

So I gather doors don't count any more. Also if a shepherd is selling beds it is a really quick way to "level" them.