C2s4's Very-Mini-Mart!

, Sat Feb 19 2011, 11:23AM

Good day to you all!

Hope you're all enjoying the new server map and all that it has to offer.
Ive only been with the Crazy-Fools community a couple of weeks but i'm having a great time and love to see everything that you guys come up with.

I've opened up small store just a few squares north of the spawn point for trading with people. It heavily relies on the Lockette feature added on the 17th (good call Broonie)

Basically go to my store, take a sign from the chest and go downstairs. Select a free chest (theres only 4 as i don't have all the time in the world) and write what you want on the sign above. Next, place your payment in the chest. Now the cool part. Place a sign either to the left or the right of the FRONT of the chest. Write [Private] on line 1, leave line 2 blank, and write C2s4 on line 3. This means that only you and i have access to the items and creates a viable means of trading.

As for payment i might need to come up with some prices, any suggestions are welcome though smile

Re: C2s4's Very-Mini-Mart!
, Sat Feb 19 2011, 11:47AM

that's a really good idea! smile

so will this be like a SafeStore self storage type of thing, or a hub for which to trade with others not just yourself?
Re: C2s4's Very-Mini-Mart!
, Sat Feb 19 2011, 12:32PM

Glad you like it cheesey
At the moment its just for me to trade with people, i might make a SafeStore (Bank?) later on, unless a someone can make a fancier one than me lol.

Im also fairly sure that a trade hub is in the works so il give it a week or so and see what happens.

Right now im farming materials for a big project i thought id try out, it will be awesome when finished cheesey
Re: C2s4's Very-Mini-Mart!
, Sat Feb 19 2011, 02:31PM


when i get my village storecentre back to before the revert i'll invite you to take a look to see my method smile
Re: C2s4's Very-Mini-Mart!
, Tue Feb 22 2011, 08:51PM

Kay this post might aswell be locked.. i took 2 hits from the reverts then 2 days later i logged on and had been griefed by some uncouth lout... sigh

Il get onto that Giant Skeleton Project soon instead smile