Game Room: Checkers

, Fri Feb 25 2011, 07:35AM

Current Board Location and Design

If you go outside of spawn into the big brick building with foliage on the roof and climb up a floor you'll find yourself facing a brick wall. If you turn around you'll then face a series of 8x8 tiles formed from cobble- and cleanstone with 12 pieces of sand and dirt in the middle of the tiles. Clap your hands you've made it to the checkerboard.

Gameplay Elements

The objective of checkers is to beat your opponent into submission by taking out all of their game pieces, game pieces can be ivory and black in colour or red and black in colour, in this case, ivory is sand and black is dirt.

How the Game Is Played:

In checkers you move your pieces in a diagonal motion forward towards your opponent's pieces, as you do such your opponent will do the same, pieces can be captured by jumping over them.

Generally game pieces can only move 1 square and only once per turn, however if you find that your piece is immediately near an opponent's piece and there's a blank slot past their piece going in the same direction then you capture their piece by jumping over their's into the empty tile and remove their game piece from play. A jump is not limited in any way shape or form, if after jumping one piece you note you can still jump another, you are allowed to jump all pieces until there is no piece near you capable of being jumped.

You may start thinking "But if both players can only move forward then how do you get the pieces that managed to slip past?". Well when and if your brave pieces manage to cross the board entirely they are "Kinged" and gain extra priviledges. A Kinged piece can still move only 1 tile per turn (except when jumping an opponent's piece) but are allowed to travel in any diagonal direction. Generally a Kinged piece is differentiated from a normal piece by one of two ways, the first involves flipping the gamepiece so that an etching of a Crown is shown, or secondly, a Kinged piece is designated by two normal pieces stacked onto each other, in this case, a King is a 1x2 tower of sand or dirt.

It is common practice to bait your opponent into creating an opening for single or multiple jumps however be wary that if a piece is lost in the process that is also one less piece for you to play later on.

MineCraft Gameplay

The same rules apply to the pieces as in real life, however the pieces are instead moved by breaking and replacing blocks on different tiles to signify moves, the game pieces are basic easy-to-break blocks so it requires little effort to move them barehanded but a shovel/spade will certainly speed up gameplay.

Generally gameplay of checkers is smoother and faster than chess, therefore the checkers board does not include a clock system denoting turn order as very rarely will real-life blindside you while playing checkers.

Donation Requests
To make the board design look as realistic as possible and have an overall cleaner look, 4 stacks of red and 4 stacks of black cloth are needed, any donations of such cloth will be very much appreciated.