BRooNiE    09 Mar : 01:24
 None    Annoucement

Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft.

Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft.

I'd like to point out, that when you play on our Minecraft Server, or take part in our website community, that we expect a matter of respect towards other members and staff.

Disrespecting the server and its members, undermining others, as well as insulting them has a zero tolerence policy here, and you will find yourself banned from both the server and the website without an appeal.

Its time we stomped out this issue for good.

This news item is from Crazy Fools UK