BRooNiE    11 Sep : 20:44
 None    Annoucement

As you are all already most likely to be aware, a 1.8 pre-release has been out a couple of days now.

As you are all already most likely to be aware, a 1.8 pre-release has been out a couple of days now. does host a pre-1.8 server, please connect using the details This will be availabile for as long no-one decides to crash the server exploiting/discovering/abusing/making a bug.

Tomorrow is one of the expected release dates for an official 1.8 release, even if not we will still have to wait till Bukkit does an official stable release before we can even consider upgrading.

One of the FAQ is how the map transfer will work, this will only apply for those who have already linked their accounts, if you have not linked your account; you will not have to do anything.

To switch to the new map:
  • Export your single chest of items, type /export and then click on the chest you wish to export to the new map.
  • Move to the new map by typing /transfer
  • Import your chest of items by typing /import and then placing a block.

Once you move to the new map, you will not be able to return to the old one, so make the most of it while you can!

Also, once 1.8 hits, the following commands will be changed:

/tp will become /goto
/tphere will become /here
/top will be re-enabled

Thats all for now - if you need anything else cleared up, please comment and I'll update this post with further details.

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