BRooNiE    06 Oct : 18:25
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One of the upcoming features of CFUK 2.0 is..

One of the upcoming features of CFUK 2.0 is.. badges!

"But we had already had badges!"

Indeed, we did. However even though the old badges feature was launched, it never took off. Some users -already- do have badges, but down to recent events the added administration was a bad decision in being able to keep up with. Sorry!

This new badge solution improves over the original, and works along the same lines as Minecrafts achievements feature, except, it's tailored to CFUK!

"But what will happen to my old badges?!

You'll get to keep them, don't worry. Although they may be converted at some point to the new system, however they will still retain their original value!

Will it go down the pan like the last one?

No! It won't, actually it's never been easier than before. Wherever you can get a badge of not is up to you! It's fully automated!

So how can I get them?

They'll "officially" be released once or after 1.7 is out, whether a preview release it out before 1.7's release is unknown. As badges are announced clues how to get them are released here:

Some badges will stay secret forever though.

Any other questions? Post them in the comments for them to be answered next time1

This news item is from Crazy Fools UK