Minecraft is fun, but it can get boring sometimes. If you could add anything to minecraft, what would it be? (this is not a server suggestion)
I would add animal farms to minecraft. It was said that in the near future animals would be more "persistent." A possible solution would be animal farms. Let's say to make a farm you would need a pasture. You would use fences to fence in a grassy area. Every 16 blocks (one chunk) could support X# animals. To get animals, you would need a sheperd's crook/staff to take the wild animals to the pasture. You would need at least two animals so they could breed and multiply until the pasture is at full capacity. This way animals won't despawn unless killed. Also, shears are probably coming in 1.7. Sheep will grow back their wool and you wouldn't need to kill them for more sheep to spawn in your farm.
Anyone like this idea? Have any other ideas?
I would add more rails-and-rails-related stuff.
Bacon butties that is all.
(And maybe cucumbers) does anyone get that?
Instagib Rifles.
Nah, I'm just after proper multithreading, then I'll be the happiest man in the world.
Still, rifles would be cool.
If I could add anything to minecraft...
I'd recode it to another programming language (C) and optimise it, plus multithreading...
Jiggy, what would the point of creeper spawners be when they just blow up their own spawner?
Working planes, grappling hooks / hook shots, gliders/parachutes.
hostile mobs that are more challenging would be nice
Mining helmet with light, and scuba gear.
Cars or bikes that walkin is boring
A television set that you can apply custom .wmv's too, so I can Rick Roll anyone that trys to sneak into my house.
13 years ago
Thu Jun 23 2011, 04:38PM
A hostile mob that spawns in deep water. So far, the water is a very safe place, seeing as how most mobs wont follow you very far into the water, and there is no danger at all once you are a certain distance from the shore. There should be a shark type mob in the water (but only in water bodies that are a certain depth/width), from which you are only safe if you are in a boat. Would make squid hunting and swimming more exciting. Also, they could drop fish or sharks teeth when killed. Use the sharks teeth to craft the upcoming "sticky block" that is slated to use flint in order to craft. If you use sharks teeth instead of flint, the sticky block only damages hostile mobs and not players.....or something.
Just Cause?
That's actually a pretty fun game. Played around on the Just cause 2 demo at one point.
I didn't play Just Cause, I have only played Just Cause 2. It's pretty much my favorite game. I just saw a gameplay trailer for Saint's Row 3...:Jaw Drops: Wow!