13 years ago
Tue Nov 30 2010, 07:57PM
aha, no more remembering names and ips.
also, big update coming to CF | UK. Currently in final testing phase and need to iron out, one, last, bug.
Oops, forget this thread. The forums are run using a plugin for e107.
Yeah I really like the update as well. I didn't like having to type in the IP every time I wanted to get on.
It needs a "Clear IP" button. Quite annoying when you're hopping around multiple servers...
Or he could at least have made it so you can hold down backspace rather than having to hammer it repeatedly.
lol yeah, i found that annoying.. it's like.. WTF why doesn't the backspace buttion work when held down.... smash smash smash
"Hammer It Repeatedly" hahaha !! But i didn't go to other server after i started Frozen Peaks >:P
mty samn backspace broke so theres my poroblem... *danm **damn *there's *problem
Heh, try highlighting text and pressing delete, Nutter. Won't work in Minecraft, however...