Hi TessaMoo, and welcome to CF:UK

As Draze said - the "busy times" are generally Friday and Saturday, but it does vary quite a lot on the server (it also depends on what time of day you join as well).
If you look at the website's starting page(click the Crazy Fools text in the top of any of the web pages to get there), on the right, below the list of servers you will see who is playing on what server. If you see a "failed to receive challenge" message, then that server is probably down due to a bug or for maintenance.
In any case, all of the members I've met on here are friendly and helpful, so don't be afraid to ask any questions, or even for a bit of help if needed

Most of all, make sure you have read and understand the rules (the link is in the menu at the top right of every webpage). Stick to the rules, and everyone is happy