So for those who saw minecraft live, we now have the new update name being... Caves and Cliffs !!!
So in this update we get a huge amount of stuff to play around with.
-Goats added to the game
-Deep snow on mountain tops
-Warden (Super Dangerous)
-Copper ore (Has oxidisation effect as well over play time)
-Lush caves
-Deep dark at bottom of world
-Geode Caves
-New cave generation
-Underwater caves
New items
-Copper blocks
-Brushes (For Archaeological Sites)
-Lightning Rod
Winner of Mob contest - Glow Squid
Looks like I'm going to have to extend the museum further

One suggestion though is perhaps resetting certain chunks on the map to allow people to explore more? May only be underground in certain areas that is in need of a reset?
Video Linked below