For those of you unaware... there is a popular youtube channel called "Minecraft Mondays"... has tons of videos on the best (and sometimes worst) of all things Minecraft: guy behind the videos, Keith Steinbach (Bebop Vox) dropped by the server today, due to the comments left on one of his recent videos by Diablothe2nd (thanks D2!). Forum link for D2's original thread: joined us on TeamSpeak, and the mods showed him some of the more..... "interesting" builds on CF-UK. We couldn't get everywhere (that would take literally a solid day) but he did get a very good sample of the type of server CF-UK is.
Hopefully, he will be able to fit our server into one of his upcoming shows. He does not focus on a server the entire show, he just shows quick snips of things he thinks are cool... but we could potentially be one of those quick snips... stay tuned to his channel (and subscribe, dammit!).
My memory is a little foggy after that massive dinner I just ate, but if memory serves, some of the places he visited and got shots of are: Sgt_Blinky's beach/redstone museum, SampleName's airplane, Tetsuoken'sTokahashi Village, the Mothership (my build), Ft. Boyarde (Broonie's build), SafeStore (Diablothe2nd's build), the Spawn Ship (Flightsters build), Tetra City, the Yellow Submarine, various builds and pixel art in and around the new spawn area.
Keep an eye on his channel and let everyone know if you spot one of these builds on his show.