13 years ago
Sun Nov 27 2011, 10:40PM
I wonder what the server has planned for christmas, cause I know what Im doin
Do you want me to run SharpIndustries while your away, ill try and get all the things dine we had planned and ill open the HQ for christmas. Have fun with your R+R! Ill definitely miss ya!
thanks powelly, as I said I will come back on for sharp industries christams party as I think Im going to be gone for about 3 weeks
Well, sad to see u go m8.
Last year Broonie made some Christmas plugins exclusive to CF:UK some were great, and some were a nuisance (Christmas Trees). I don't know if Broonie is planning to make some new plugins or reuse the same ones from last year. Either way is fine with me.
Just to let everyone know, droid is taking 2 weeks off for R+R so i will be acting head of SharpIndustries.
Flight isn't that what popped up when you did that?
Yes, it popped up whenever someone tried to plant a tree on anything but grass / dirt.
So same things this year? I thought I recalled Broonie <3 saying he added a useless feature, an annoying feature, and a fun and/or useful feature... Perhaps just wishful thinking. Although the annoying feature sounds like something our 'benevolent' admin would add. *cough*mobspawnerexplosions*cough* ^_^