13 years ago
Tue Dec 06 2011, 02:59PM
ITS AREA 52!!! NOT ZONE 25!!!
How does one open there presents?
Break Redstone Dust On Top of Wool (Any Colour).
Thank you Hotmage! We've been needing this
Its nice to have the x-mas mod back...
I hate christm-ass...
...also, nobody cares about me. : (
There's also dirt, obsidian and sponge.
Pack of creepers as well here, although ive had a lot of sponge! Nothing to do with sponge though....
There was a present were I got a wolf in! Aswell as other farm yard animals
Added recently, Slimes. You get a handful of the large type slimes, and if you care careful and kill them quickly, you get almost 2 stacks of slimeballs (which are very much in demand).
So, this could go under 'living things' or 'good things', either one fits. It could even be seen as a 'bad thing' if you don't move fast enough and get killed by the slimes.