12 years ago
Sat May 05 2012, 01:13PM
Im trying to make a song too CF|UK and when its a server that is all about what the members think i would like to ask what you want it to have in it:D
i know there is someone who dont like it but it will be dubstep... :/
Indie, for sure!
And why dubstep?
ahh come on mazzi...
We need a bit of heavy metal!
Im with Joe on this one ..
Actually Punk Rocks got my vote! ^_^
Its going to be elcctronic because i cant sing and i cant play any instrument :/ The only thing i can make myself is electronic.
indie might be the best way to go. well indie music as we know it.
its a fairly neutral type of music. Anyway we digress.
have a go naske see what you come up with. i know ive recently written something for the cfuk podcast (depending on how it comes out it may be utter carp)
Tis just trial and error
soooo, you make music too?
Hmm. Whatever the song is, needs more pistons. And dubstepped piston noises. Lots. I mean... Lots. And that Ssss sound that lava makes when it hits water. And... Uh... The chest open noise. And the door noise. And the SSP button/lever/pressureplate noise. And the flowing water noise. And.... All dubstepped. Everything O_O *headboom*
If anyone needs a band member, I could be the guy who plays the triangle.
ever seen a triangle solo live during a gig?
i have.
it was awsome...
joe we need you for that!
Hey Q, can you tell me the name of one of those bands?
Sad news guys. I don't have a triangle...
I have one! I'll lend it to you, Just tell me where you live... O.o