I just got 10 Dota 2 copies on steam and i allready have the game, so now i want to give 7 of them to you guys.(I will maby give out the rest if my other friends dont want them)
First seven in comments gets a copy!
i also have a few copies of dota 2 left if someone wants em.
hey why not?
Alias is Theakman Flutterpony Crazyfool
username is Theakman1998
1 point steam should change...
once you click add friend it should actualy add the friend instead of going to the profile page and making you click it there:P
I already have a dota 2 copy (thanks wjg), but I am willing to play it with anyone! My actual Steam name is dubzien, but I think my nickname or whatever you call it is Dubien.
12 years ago
Tue Mar 05 2013, 02:00PM
I'm a complete no0b to games like this but if anyone is willing to give me a code my steam should be dowiefx.
Shure thing joe, what is your steam name?