Hi there,
Recently I created a post on the Minecraft forums saying that I was looking for a server, and then Broonie invited me to this one. I actually managed to get on the Teamspeak channel (which was kind of deserted) but I can't seem to get on the Minecraft server, probably because the server hasn't updated?
Anyway I'm new here, was just looking to find some people to share with.
C you around
Server will update when the plugins update, till then see you around. And welcome.
Hey man welcome, what time did you go on the teamspeak at? Cause last night there was about 15 of us on, and as Aconan said, we need to wait until the plugins have been updated, did you not back up your minecraft file before updating?
Hello and welcome! Nice to see despite the heavy backlog of tasks for CF, Broonie still has time to reel in those members!
You are right, the server hasn't been updated so if you are on 1.5, you won't be able to connect. If you cannot wait, however, you will need to 'acquire' the previous version so you can get on temporarily. We cannot offer that, however.
I look forward to seeing you around.
I feel your pain random, I forgot to backup my minecraft and haven't known what the heck to do in this type of situation.
Best bet is to wait it out if your lazy like me. Welcome to the server *High five*
On certain windows 7 versions you can rightclick, and select restore to previous versions.