Last night. well it was an interesting moment on the server. All sat quite casually playing and chatting etc etc
About 10 players just randomly joined in quick succession and then just a repeated Hi! Hi! Hi! filled the chat
this went on for a few minutes before they all logged out, leaving us for the most part abit confused.
Now there were 2 more rounds of this mass joining probably trying to crash the server before Broonie upgraded blinky to Mod and banned the lot of them.
Throughout this whole attack the server didnt evan lag once. Broonie evan claimed that it didnt evan blink at the whole thing.
So i have to hand it to the server and give it a pat on the back for being made of very stern stuff
Good job!
wait... blinky is a mod now?
yay! congrats blinky. you deserve it ^^
btw... who is taking his helper place (if anyone)
its being discussed at the moment.
Great work server and, I know grammar nazi'ing is frowned upon but, Qotsa, it's spelt "even". It hurts my eyes when you spell it with an "a".
this topic has gone very off topic.
I'am klozing this topik nauw