13 years ago
Wed Dec 14 2011, 08:54PM
Its Christmas Time everybody! To celebrate, Powelly's House Buildin Shop is having a 25% off on all purchases! To choose your purchase go into my shop and decide what you want, any extras and ill will start building! Simply place your order by either pm me or place your order in this thread! Or you could just tell me if im on!
The sale will start this Saturday at 00:00am GMT
Merry Christmas!
lol why have you made 2 threads about this xD
1 is just an announcement saying its open and this one is for taking the orders
Shop just been robbed closed temporarily, Nukeman consider yourself banned
Shop reopened once again takin orders
How does a house building shop get robbed?
Someone didn't lockette their stuff?
No some guy nicked all the signs in there and changed it so the shop had his name on it. The guy was nukeman
I would like a huge house with a huge balcony and a basement! Took about 8 hours to get all that stuff you know!
Ok how many floors, not happy about your new business
Cant now hes been banned, wonder whatll happen to his shop, bad for business and a waste of space now.
It could do i suppose, ill check with the mods, minecraft was partly my friend before his ban and its been decided that its a perma ban so mods if you are reading this, am i allowed to make minecrafts shop a branch of mine?