Can we use a TNT explosion to reveal the goods? I'm a trusted* explosives expert.
That's actually a really good idea. If you'd set up a wall of TNT at a precise distance from the gravel, you'd vanish the gravel in a puff!
...except that stacked TNT tends to projectile each other, and the east road from spawn is about six blocks away from the wall.
Therefore, just bring shovels. ; )
Use the old torch trick for disposing of gravel.Here are some steps:1. dig a hole besides the wall.2.dig under the wall(remeber to have block between your tunnel and the gravel.3 place torches in the tunnel.4. When ready, destroy the blocks supporting the gravel, it should fall onto the torches and instantly destroy it.
Here's a crude diagram:
let T be the tunnel,O be a torch D a block of dirt and G gravel.
Yes, yes, but the whole idea of the deveiling ceremony is that we all dig at the bottom gravels at the same time, slowly deveiling the thing in all its glorious faboulousness. ; )
Gravel, piston, torch. Unveil the whole thing in one swift, beautiful motion!
I'm with Tan on this one.
12 years ago
Fri Nov 25 2011, 02:40PM
I believe in good old elbow grease. : )
And yes, Dubien, they're just pixels, after all. Just remember that I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for you. ; )
Only two hours left, guys!
Until PARTAYYYY!!!11½ : D
_o\ \o\ \o/ /o/ /o_