A bit of an explination about my spawn. The Reason why i chose this area to make my spawn in is, A: its a fantastic looking area, and many people have agree'd with it, and B: We havn't had a mountain spawn yet (i think) so i think it'll be a ncie change from having relativly flat spawn lands.
As You can see in the above pictures the actual main spawn area is in the middle of a canyon pretty much. Fantastic scenary all around, but i've made the spawn room stand out with a big CFUK sign above it, and the long staircase coming down.
All the pictures above show that all the paths are brightly lit at night.
The Free build zone showed in the above picture leads towards The Caves which are a natural cave area hopefully to help newer members with mining, and maybe if the odd person wants to make a dig out house.
In the future i hope to try and get roads leading up to the top of some of the mountains allowing a larger area for people to build in.
As some of the pictures show that there is building materials all around, and over towards the town hall area and behind it there is flatter land, hopefully tto cover all the basis needed for a good spawn.