This is one which i may have a few words for other players also.
Danskr has had a threatening attitude since logging on. threatening with hacking if he didn't get food, being rude to other players. (screenshot of latest attached)
We have warned him over and over to no ends. This is one player who will not stop.
Onto my next part. I would kindly request all players during a grief moment to leave the area and stay quiet. We cannot get a good screencap if text is flying up the screen. Also if you are not getting directly attacked by the griefer DO NOT come to spawn just to get some action. Thank you for helping but it gets crowded and hard to deal with it without being able to freeze players.
Lastly, Efiso and Ohan we're helping to get players away from Danskr and out of spawn. We had to use the announce feature multiple times before we could get quiet enough to get a screencap.
So to summarise. If there's griefing going on and you're not directly linked to the problem. Leave the area so we can deal with it. Thank you for trying to help. But too many cooks spoil the broth... and in this case the broth is the ability to report the tard who's griefing.