Was thinking that myself and as i cant log on to the vinilla becuase (logged on elsewhere) and the carto shows we are still on......CRAAAAAASH
This is terrible. What did we do to deserve this. Or did France get a blackout? (the server is hosted in France)
no vinilla is still up. Personally i blame umbrella there must still be some unstable material at the old test sight! I heard they made radioactive pigs?
Ah! Merde.... Super, la tour eiffel juste tombé du globalnet centre de données ..... * Soupir * viennent de tout le monde, permet de rester dehors et regarder le feu, prendre des photos et vendre dans le monde entier comme l'art moderne
Ah! Griefers .... Great, the Eiffel Tower just fell from Globalnet data center ..... * Sigh * from all over the world can stay outside and watch the fire, take pictures and sell worldwide
as modern art
Ok so it doesn't translate very well back to English lol
12 years ago
Sun Nov 04 2012, 10:23PM
*snrks* YAY auto censor lol
ahhhh Я тайно Россию шпион, который разбился сервера, так что я мог бы найти и убить draze без получения симптомы Minecraft вывода
Well that failed MWAHAHAHA still alive Mr russian spy.