I know how painful that is, but I vote for a map reset.. We just had too many little bugs and glitches that give lag and cause map instability already.. (we still have some of that smoke in old base that made us waste 3-4 full days fixing it)
In the long run it's always better to have an updated map and we'll probably be thankful later, but it hurts in the short run cause of all the stuff we acquired and built..
I would also suggest, could map be generated in Biomes 'o Plenty setting? BoP is already in game, but we get those biomes only in mystcraft ages since it's not generated in Overworld in default setting..
Note that this doesn't change the mod list, any config files or anything similar, just the way map was generated..
I would like to hear others thoughts on this?
ps Sorry for a small digression, but if there is still a possibility of mod pack change, changing Unleashed or something like that, I have been testing and watching vids for the Attack of The B-team mod pack and it is very fun and interesting.. It bring up a new and different multiplayer experience.. Mixing mods like Witchery, Galacticraft, Archimedes ships, Flan's planes and Mecha's etc etc
Does any one else have experience with this pack or any thoughts about it?