In case a build plan is wanted: I want to build a stronghold within the hamlet, working with the land and trying to keep as much as possible of the enviroment in one piece. I plan to extend towards the forest to the south once the borders expand and build a town there. I dont want to extend the build quite as far back as the circle goes (im a bit sloppy) and intend for most to be underground, perhaps peeking out of the side of the mountain except for a few stylized bridges and perhaps a statue. That means most of the visible landscape changes wont be too obvious, with exception of the bridges and perhaps a tower.
From what I remember, that's a temple dedicated to somebody's Creeper God or something. Dunno who built it, but I imagine they wouldn't mind having him overlook a nice little town...
If you want to get back, use the command /warp oldspawn.
10 years ago
Mon Dec 29 2014, 02:38PM
I'd rather be sure the actual maker doesn't mind, since the last time I made something while others said it was ok, the creator.. well.. is part of the reason I didn't stick too long that time.
EDIT: I image a creeper god would probably be most likely to... come from Q...
At spawn is a similar creeper statue, most likely built by the same person. Don't know who and no signs at all, sadly.
As for your building project: scouting that area i did not find any signs of activity there, not even mining torches. A bit west are a few wood blocks in a line, but those look like a border marker to me and not any build (since they are directly at the border).
The 'this' hamlet is over 100 blocks away from both the creeper temple and that small digging site north so that would be perfectly safe to build.
Just not too sure about building on the mountain side since that would bring you closer to those other builds.
Could maybe a staff member go there (/warp a1 and a2) and check who built those?
Nan said he'll check it out once he's back, Was just hoping that maybe the owner of the build might answer sooner than Nan returned.
at the east spot you marked shrapnell already started a built at that one spike mountain near the snowy area (at 1090, -350), only visible when you zoom in.
Back then he said he only wanted that one mountain, the rest of the area should be completely free
10 years ago
Wed Dec 31 2014, 03:09PM
I think the spot I was looking at it slightly more south
EDIT: N/m it's not. North option it is?
Yeah, I'm building on the spike and the snowy mountain right near the bay. anything else is up for grabs.
can't seem to locate JohnnyBoy420's user profile for private messaging >.<