Hey everyone
So, its that time again. Time for this months build contest on the server. As I have previously mentioned, this months build theme is....
It is similar to the airship contest but this time it will have to be in the sea. I have chosen a spot for the builds to be created and you will have to meet these specific criteria to get into the contest.
(WARP TO BUILD SITE - /warp April)- Your build must be a boat
-Your build must be a maximum of (Redacted) blocks long. Other sizes don't apply just not huge like a cruise liner ( UPDATED)
-Within the build space, stay away from old man Heck's base

(No seriously, don't build next to his home or I will break it down

-You must tell a story of sorts, so what I mean is a build in motion. For example, a kraken surrounding the ship or an underwater battle of fish people

The date of writing this is the 02/04/2021 and you have a month to complete this so 02/05/2021
Also one last thing, this month I am not judging the contest but instead we have droid225 due to his expertise on the subject of ships. Try and make your entries as interesting and unique as possible. Have fun and don't let old man Heck get you outside his door....
Oh, by the way, the prize this month is a full suit of netherite armour and tools from hecks shop and as always if anyone wants to add to the prize pool be my guest!