This is starting to get pretty annoying actually. Great map with awesome people and excellent leadership, but the hardware/software just isn't working... I really hope this lag issue/server always down problem gets fixed soon as I don't want to migrate to another SMP cause I love this one so much.
Even though I don't have access from outside port 80 on this network, I'll see what I can do.
Seems servers up, must be your side, or you caught the server in its 3 minute downtime restart.
It was down quite a good while Broons. Also all day/night today we had the most amazing lag to ever exist >_> we had chatlag in the minutes. But yeah the server came back up a bit over an hour ago or so.
I see, if it was the same error as before [i] then it would be down to an error in bukkit. I'll see if I can update to a later build tonight.