Hi guy's, girls and the rest of you Crazy Fools

When posting a guide, can you please ensure that the Subject starts with the server it's meant for.
Currently this will be:
Vanilla 1.8.0" for the vanilla server that is running Minecraft 1.8.0
DW20" for the FTB Direwolf 20 server that is running Server version 1.2.1, Direwolf version 1.6.1, and Minecraft version 1.7.10.
You may also see the following in the Subject bars:
OLD" for guides that are not applicable to the current servers (thus, "old" guides).
and "
UPDATE REQ." for guides that need updating (i.e. "Update requested / required").
This will help members spot the right guides for the server they are playing on, and see which guides are out-of-date and require updating.
If you have written a guide - firstly I'd like to say "Thank you", as you are providing useful information to the other Crazy Fools out there, that are a little new to all that MC and the CF:UK servers have to offer. If you could edit the title to include the appropriate title, that would be greatly appreciated ... and if you could make sure it's up-to -date - that would be just awesome!

If any guide requires editing and you suspect that the OP is no longer playing on CFUK, please contact myself or another Staff Member to get the appropriate post updated. You can also reply below for minor updates / changes, and I'll do my best to tweak things